What's happening this week....
LUCKY NUMBER wasn't struck last night at $3000 so this Thursday it will be drawn in 10 x $300 and has to go! A friendly reminder that you need to purchase something and scan your card to go in the draws that will take place between 5-30 and 7pm.
TOTALLY 80's SHOW - Unfortunately cancelled due to an illness but hopefully they will reschedule for later on this year.
TAI CHI is still on every Tuesday at 10am followed by a cuppa and a bikkie. Come on down to improve your Strength and Flexibility.
OYSTER RAFFLES are happening this Thursday (all going well with the boats) and QUICKFIRE RAFFLES are back by popular demand on Thursday 27th of March.
MEMBER SUBS are due by 31/03/25 and can be paid at the Office from 11am Monday to Friday, or at the Bar anytime.
If you wish to pick up your new card, please do so by 4 pm tomorrow or you will have to wait until Friday as the Bar Staff will be very busy tomorrow night (plus Happy Hour from 6-30)
we are hoping to reschedule later in the year, those who purchased tickets have been notified.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please be aware the 31st of March is fast approaching, and all subs need to be paid before this date. For those out of town wishing to have their cards posted can do so by calling the office, there is an additional cost for this. Please make sure all your friends and family are aware of the renewals. Unfortunately, we do not have everyone's email addresses, and some have bounced back so please make sure we have your correct details. As with previous year's we are not posting these out.
LUCKY NUMBER: Tonight is a whopping $ 2900.00 be in the club to win - good luck to those who are coming tonight. Remember Raffles from 5.30 with some lining up from 5.15 - great prizes.
What's Happening at The Club...
SUPER PACIFIC RUGBY has started again. Watch the CRUSADERS vs HURRICANES at 7-05pm followed by the WARRATAHS vs HIGHLANDERS at 9.35pm tonight. Come on in to watch on the big screen LIVE, along with Cheeky Friday Happy Hour
TAI CHI has started up again. Tuesdays at 10am followed by a cuppa - $5
TOTALLY 80'S SHOW is on the 8th of March. Always a fantastic night - Get in early & buy your tickets from the bar
LUCKY NUMBER is up to $2600 for next Tuesday - be in to win
WOLFPACK MALE REVUE was sold out, but due to the size of our lovely Hall, they have released some more tickets. Buy online at www.eventfinda.co.nz
SUB PAYMENTS are due before the 31st of March so pop on in and pay at the bar or the office, or online. Always a good time of year to update your details with us too.
LUCKY NO: was not struck last night so it will jackpot to $2000.00 on Tuesday - remember be here to win.
1st FEBRUARY- John McCabe in the Lounge Bar 7.30pm
2nd FEBRUARY: The Club will be closing @ 6.00pm for a private function - sorry for the inconvenience
MEMBERSHIPS: These are due on or before 31st March, we are pleased to let you know we can take payments now for these. Renewals will be emailed out to those who have given their emails to us in the next couple of weeks. If you're out of town and wish to have these posted please let our staff know as there is an extra charge for postage, otherwise these need to be collected from the Bar.
Tai Chi: starts again February 4th - come along and have a go - no need to be a member for Tai Chi
GOLF Section - 9th Feb, 11am Tee off @ Ardleigh Golf Club - Palmerston, see you there.
We hope 2025 is treating you all well to date.
LUCKY NUMBER is up to $1700 for tomorrow night - Be in to win
RESTAURANT HOURS are back to normal now. Open for Lunch from 12-2 and Dinner from 5pm. The GOLD CARD SPECIAL is on every THURSDAY at lunchtime. Bookings are advised.
BURSARY GRANTS close on the 17th of January. Due to NZCA results only being available today we can hold your application until your acceptance letter arrives. Please call the office on 434 6163 Ext 3 for any enquiries. N.B. these grants are for children of current financial members only (not grandchildren etc.). The Club is always proud to help member's future generations with their tertiary education.
TOTALLY 80'S SHOW have asked to come back after their successful night with us last year. The date is Saturday 8th of March. Tickets can be purchased online at www.cosmicticketing.co.nz now, or behind the bar once the tickets arrive.
JOHN MCCABE is playing in the Lounge Bar Sat 1st of Feb
Welcome back to everyone, we have a few exciting things happening at the Club over the next few months and felt now a great time to share and get them in your diaries.
LUCKY NO; Tuesday 14 January is at $ 1600.00.
TAI CHI: starts back Tuesday 28 January 25 @ 10am in the lounge bar, we certainly love having Song our instructor and have great feed back from all those attending, so come on in and make some new friends, have a cuppa and enjoy.
1st Feb - John McCabe - Lounge Bar
8th March - Totally 80's show $ 30.00 per ticket, Hall
11th April - Wolfpack, ladies you don't want to miss this see link attached
Any questions please feel free to call 4346163 ext 3 or email office@oamaruclub.co.nz and we will be able to help you out.
Good Morning
A couple of important events to write in the diary from the Club. Please note the Bar will be CLOSED by 9pm tonight, Christmas Eve.
LUCKY No: Tonight, Christmas Eve is at $ 1000.00 for all financial members along with the raffles starting at 5.30 pm, last chance to win a Ham for Xmas Day.
NEW YEARS EVE: We are pleased to bring to you all, Sidewalk Sally from Dunedin in the Hall, doors open @ 7.30 pm
Restaurant closed - Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Boxing Day - Bar Meals ONLY from 12 - 2pm & 5-7pm
Dec 27th, 28th & 29th - normal hours
Our restaurant will be open New Years Eve, bookings are essential, please be aware this is filling up quickly so please make your booking to avoid disappointment.
Lastly Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all the Staff and Executive of the Oamaru Club
Restaurant Hours: Sorry you were unable to read yesterday's hours hoping this one will be better.
Tai Chi - last date for this year is Tuesday 17 December, 10am in the Hall, keep an eye out for the start date late Jan early Feb.
REMEMBER: Lucky Number tonight $700.00 be in to win.
We still have a lot of membership cards in the Bar for collection, please check you have picked your card up. These will be up for renewal as at the 31st March 2025, as with this year reminders will be advertised via email, billboard and facebook, please keep an eye out for these.
Have a great day and enjoy this fabulous weather.
With Xmas fast approaching, we have a few things to make you aware off.
LUCKY NO; Congratulations to our lucky winner last week, so this Thursday we are at $ 700.00, wouldn't this be great with Xmas in just 14 sleeps.
XMAS @ THE CLUB: we have the odd ticket available for sale but must be bought by tomorrow midday for catering purposes.
COURTESY COACH: Please be aware as our courtesy van is busy around this time of the year, so your patience will be greatly appreciated.
HOURS: Please see attached flyer for the hours for our Restaurant, bookings are essential over this time to avoid disappointment.
Bar hours are as normal with the exception of Xmas Day being Closed.
NEW YEARS EVE: We are ready to start the countdown into 2025 and would love for you to join us, we have the wonderful Sidewalk Sally crew to entertain you until the countdown.
The countdown is now on only 21 sleeps to go until Xmas Day
Lucky No: Thursday 5th @ $ 1500.00, be in to win
Bursary Grants:
The forms are now ready to be collected from either the Bar or Office. These are open to the children of current financial members of the Oamaru Club and available for 2024 school leavers only, to attend University, Polytech or Training College in 2025. Applications close 17 January 2025 @ 5pm.
Tai Chi - Tuesday 10th December will be the last get together for 2024, so come along and have a go, nice to see so many supporting this, $ 5.00 per session followed by a cuppa and goodies afterwards.
Xmas at the Club: Just a couple of tables left now, we can now sell individual tickets and make up tables for this evening, give the office a call 4346163 ext. 3
Raffles: Ham raffles are up to win at the moment, Christmas Day is sorted for all our lucky winners so far, so get in for your chance to win $ 3.00 per ticket.
The KID'S CHRISTMAS PARTY is on this Sunday in the Hall from 10am. All Member's are invited to bring their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren along for some fun and festivities
POP UP SHOP - ON THE PLUS SIDE is back in the Hall due to popular demand on the 28th and 29th of November
LUCKY NUMBER is up to $1100 for Thursday - Be in to win (wouldn't that be great at this time of year!)
HAM RAFFLES are now back on. Always a Xmas staple to have in the fridge.
There are still some tables left for CHRISTMAS AT THE CLUB on the 14th of December. It will be a great night!
RESTAURANT BOOKINGS - Please phone the Restaurant on 434 6163 ext 2 to make your booking in the Restaurant to avoid disappointment. The kitchen can only cook for so many people at one time, so bookings are essential at this time of year particularly. We cannot guarantee we can seat you straight away if you just wander on in. Thank you for assistance in this area.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Hope this finds you all well and you have had a great weekend.
QUICK FIRE RAFFLES are on this Thursday (14/11). Always a great night with awesome prizes and the bonus of being here for the Lucky Number too.
LUCKY NUMBER is $800 tomorrow night for financial members. Be here to win.
TAI CHI is on again in the Hall tomorrow (Tuesday) morning from 10 to 11 followed by a cuppa and a bikkie. $5 per person - ALL WELCOME
JOHN MCCABE is playing this Saturday night in the Bar kicking off at 7-30pm. Bring your dancing shoes!
XMAS AT THE CLUB on Saturday the 14th of December is filling up quickly. There are still a few tables left so please contact the Office to book a table.
Have a great week!
We hope you all had a lovely Labour Weekend! Lovely to see the sun again today after the rain. What's on in the upcoming week...
Andy Gilmour is playing in the Lounge Bar from 7-30PM
MELBOURNE CUP TUESDAY 5TH NOVEMBER - Always a great day at The Club. We have:
- PRIZES FOR BEST DRESSED (Male & Female - Judged by an Oamaru Personality)
Come on in and enjoy the great atmosphere and fun!
THE KIDS CHRISTMAS PARTY is on SUNDAY the 24th of NOVEMBER for financial member's children and grandchildren. Lots of fun things for the children to enjoy.
QUICK FIRE RAFFLES are coming again in November... Watch this space!
CHRISTMAS AT THE CLUB is on Saturday the 14th of December. There are still some tables left that have been selling fast. Contact the office for more info.
CONGRATULATIONS to our lucky number winners last night, was lovely to see so many people about. We start again on Thursday with $ 600.00 up for grabs.
CAR WASH: we are happy to advise for all our current financial members a free car wash this Saturday 19th October from 10am - 12 midday entrance of Severn St. You will need to show your current membership card to qualify, so come on down and have your car looking sparkling. Happy to sponsor Waitaki Boys High School sports team.
ENTERTAINMENT: John McCabe Saturday 19th October in the lounge bar from 7.30pm
TUESDAY 22nd October - Tai Chi in the Hall from 10am, $ 5.00, a great way to meet people and stay fit.
LIVE MUSIC this Saturday night - Andy Gilmour is playing in the Lounge Bar from 7-30pm
PHOENIX BOWLING CLUB - Have a Go Day this Sunday 13th of October at 1-30pm. Everyone Welcome
LUCKY NO: This coming Tuesday.... $ 3000.00 up for grabs in ten lots of $300 to our lucky financial members who scan their cards on their purchase on Tuesday. Reminder: If you need to collect your membership card from the bar, please do so before 4pm or after 8pm on
Tuesday as we are very busy at this time in the bar and will not have time to search for your card. Thanks for your co-operation and good luck on Tuesday!
XMAS AT THE CLUB - on Saturday 14th of December. Tables are selling quickly so contact us at the office if you wish to book a table to avoid disappointment.
RESTAURANT BOOKINGS - Just a friendly reminder to make a booking if you are coming to enjoy our Restaurant Meals so we can manage cooking and service times - Thank You.
What a beautiful morning, let's hope there are many more to come.
LUCKY No: tonight $ 3000.00 up for grabs to 1 of our lucky financial members.
Reminder: If you need to collect your membership card from the bar, please do so before 4pm today or after 8pm tonight as we are very busy at this time in the bar and will not have time to search for your card, thanks for your co-operation - see you tonight and good luck.
GOLD CARD SPECIAL from 12 midday today, take the hassle out of cooking or simply give your friends a call and pop in any time from 12 midday until 2pm, give Tammy a call and let her know you're on your way.
MUSIC: This Saturday we have Andy Gilmour back to entertain, come on down for a sing along and a boogie.
Have a great weekend from us all here at The Club
Hope you are all enjoying the brilliant sunshine this afternoon.
THURSDAY: Lucky Number $ 2600.00
The Oamaru Club had 3 teams competing in the S.I Clubs Table Tennis Tournament recently. B Grade team of Bob Wickenden, Brent Maxwell, Dave Skinner & Peter Simpson runners up to Dunedin. Round Robin competition Oamaru beat Hornby, Richmond, Kaiapoi, Invercargill, & Cromwell along the way.
The C Grade team defeated Hornby 9-3 in the final after having wins against Kaiapoi, Richmond, Hokitika & Hornby in round robin play. Team members were Peter Williams, Jian McMurtrie, Ken Lawson & Leah Milnes.
The C Grade team were also runners up to Alexandra losing on a countback. That team was Christine Rolton, Dave Finnie, Helen Flower and Tony Jenkins.
Congratulations to you all on a successful weekend.
TAI CHI; today @ 10am in our lounge bar, $ 5.00 pp, come along and give it a try, tea, coffee and a chat after
LUCKY No: tonight $ 2500.00 be here to win, imagine this wee nest egg with Xmas approaching, look forward to seeing you tonight.
XMAS AT THE CLUB: secure your table today
Saturday 14 December 24, Xmas meal and a band, doors open 6pm
give the office a call 4346163 ext. 3
CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Josie on her huge achievement at the weekend at the Special Olympics Swim meet in Gore. She has come away with 4 wins from 4 events. Josie is on placement in our Restaurant, we are all so very proud of you Josie.
Good afternoon Members
Please find attached the Poster for MEN AT WORK. We are proud to be supporting such an important cause. Please support this and bring your mates along.
The ALL BLACKS are playing this weekend in South Africa at 3-05am so we won't be showing this one live folks, but it should be a challenging game.
WELCOME to our 60+ NEW MEMBERS this month.
LUCKY NUMBER didn't go last night so we are up to $1900 on Tuesday. Be in to win!
HAVE A GO DAY AT PHOENIX BOWLING CLUB is on their opening day, Sunday 29th of September at 1.30 PM. BBQ available. Contact Prem on 0274 771 640 if you have any queries. It will be a GREAT DAY!
SNOOKER CRICKET is at The Club on THURSDAYS 1-30 to 4-30PM. Open to all Members and their invited guests.
The COMEDY HYPNOTIST SHOW is fast approaching on the 14th of September. Purchase your tickets in advance from the Bar at The Club.
Wishing you all a great weekend and take care.
Hello to you all.
A bit of a weather change since our last email to you - thankfully the Club is lovely and toasty inside!
LUCKY NUMBER tonight is $1400. Be in to win.
ALL BLACKS are playing live on the Big Screen at 7-05pm on Saturday night.
TAI CHI on Tuesday morning was very successful and we are having our next class at 10am in The Function Hall this coming Tuesday (20th of August).
JOHN MCABE is playing in the Lounge Bar on Saturday the 24th of August starting at 7-30pm.
Tickets to THE HYPONIST COMEDY SHOW on Saturday the 14th of September are starting to move. Thanks for your support for this event. Tickets are available at the Bar at The Club. Open to both Members and Non-Members and is bound to be a great night of humour. Just a reminder it is R18, and the bar in the Function Hall will be open.
Back by popular demand, is our CHRISTMAS AT THE CLUB on Saturday the 14th of December - take the hassle out of your Christmas Function. Contact the office.
Good afternoon Members
What a beautiful day out there today.
Just a reminder that the Hypnotist Comedy Show is on in the Hall on Saturday 14th of September (R18). The bar will be open as well.
Come and get your tickets at the bar (prior to the night) and support The Club so we can bring you more events.
Have a wonderful rest of your day!
Good afternoon Members
After expressions of interest from our Members, we are delighted to advise that TAI CHI classes will be starting in the Hall next Tuesday from 10am to 11am which is $5 including a cuppa upon completion. Great for flexibility, mobility and stability. Come along and have a try! If we get enough interest, we may be able to have a Tuesday night session too.
LUCKY NUMBER is now $1200 for tonight - Be in to win
ALL BLACKS are playing Argentina on the Big Screen on Saturday night at 7-05
JOHN MCABE is playing in the Lounge Bar on Saturday the 24th of August. Come along for what is always a great night's entertainment.
THE COMEDY HYPONOTIST SHOW is all booked in for Saturday the 14th of September. Starts at 7-30pm. Tickets are $25 and available from the Bar.
That's all from us at The Oamaru Club for now. Wishing you all a great weekend!
John McCabe - Saturday 24th August 7.30pm - Lounge Bar
Comedy Hypnosis - Saturday 14th September 7.30pm - Function Hall, Tickets $ 25.00 pp available at the Bar, R18
Caramel Groove - back by popular demand
Saturday 5th October @ 8.00 pm - Lounge Bar
Lucky Number tonight $ 900.00, dig out your welly's and come on down to our warm and friendly surroundings.
Raffles from 5.30 pm
Check out our updated website, which are now changing regularly. www.oamaruclub.co.nz
At our Annual General Meeting held yesterday we are pleased to announce 3 new Life Members.
Gerry Ford, Natalie Kinzett and Graham Meikle. We thank you for your tireless work over the years and congratulate you all on this achievement.
Just a reminder to those of you who have not paid your annual subscription which was due on 31st March 2024.
From August 1st 2024, members who have not paid their subs will be required to re-apply to the committee as a new membership. This applies to all standard and long-service members.
If you pay online this won't be processed until a new application has been received, application forms are available on our website: www.oamaruclub.co.nz
You will notice on the membership card an expiry date. As of next year this will be enforced.
LUCKY NUMBER: Tuesday 30th $ 900.00 for financial members - be into win.
Gold Card Specials - Thursday 12 - 2pm
QUICK FIRE RAFFLES from 5.30 Thursday 25th July
Lucky Number $ 800.00 Thursday 25th July
Annual General Meeting of the Oamaru Club will be held on Sunday 28th July 2024 @ 10am in the function hall, all financial members welcome.
Thursday 1st August 24, 11 - 2pm, then 4 pm - 7pm
Friday 2nd August 24, 11 - 2 pm, then 4pm - 7pm
Saturday 3rd August 24, 11 - 2pm, then 4pm - 7pm
At the conclusion of voting at 7pm Saturday the votes will then be counted and the result announced later that evening.
Due to the lack of ticket sales the promoter Madsen Promotions have decided to cancel that show on 19 July 2024.
Thank you to those who have supported this, a full refund is available from the Bar when you produce your ticket.
We hope to have them back in the future and look forward to your support.
Have a great weekend
Coming up over the next few weeks as follows;
Friday 19th July
tickets $30.00 from the Bar
Please come in and get your tickets this week so the show can proceed.
Nominations are open for Executive 2024, if you think you have the qualities to move the Club forward then please collect your nomination form from the office and have it returned to the office Friday 12th July by 4pm.
Current nominations are on the board at the front entrance, please stop! read and familiarize yourself with the applicants who are up for election 1st, 2nd & 3rd of August 2024.
Will be held on Sunday 28th July @ 10am in our Function Hall for financial members.
Thursday 25th July from 5.30, so come on in for lots of prizes.
Gold Card Specials Thursday 12midday - 2pm, Roast of the Day, Blue Cod & Mushrooms & Bacon $ 20.00 each on presentation of your Gold Card
$ 1000.00 be in to win
RAFFLES: starting at 5.30 pm loads of great prizes
Nomination forms for Executive are available at the Office for the upcoming elections, these close on Friday 12 July 2024 at 4 pm at the Office.
Friday 19 July 2024 @ 7.30 pm
Get your tickets and come along for a fun night with some great music, tickets available at the Bar.
Membership cards paid for are at the Bar for collection, please make sure you have picked yours up, and remember you need to swipe these when you make your purchase.
Stay warm and dry today that weather is awful.
See you all soon.
The room has been closed this week for maintenance, we are pleased to let you know that went well and the room is now open as usual.
As the AGM approaches, we are calling for nominations for office for 2024 - 2025, these will open 11am Friday 14th June 2024 and close 4 pm Friday 12th July 2024. Nomination forms are available from the office from 11am Monday - Friday or alternatively we can email these to you.
This Saturday 15th June 2024 in our hall, going to be a great night, so if you haven't already purchased your tickets get in quick as they are going like hotcakes.
Congratulations to our 10 members who won last week, so tonight we are at $ 700.00 be in to win.
RESTAURANT: Gold Card Specials $ 20.00, Thursday 12 -2 pm, get yourself into our monthly draw you could win Gold Card Meal.
This week's information for the members:
LUCKY NUMBER: tonight is at $ 2900.00, be in the Club to win and you must be a current financial member to take part.
MEMBERSHIP CARDS: If you have paid, please collect these from the Bar
BAND: we have the TOTALLY 80'S SHOW in the Hall on 15 June 2024, tickets can be purchased at the Bar $ 30.00 each, they are selling quick so get yours today - this will be epic night.
Specials are:
Thursday: Gold Card Special $20.00 per person
Friday: Free dessert
Hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
12midday - 2pm, 5.00pm - 9 pm
To avoid disappointment please make a booking
4346163 ext 2, we cannot always take walk-ins, we do try to fit you all in but sometimes it's just not possible.
The Snooker/Pool room will be CLOSED from Monday 10th June 11 am until Friday 14th June 5.00pm for room maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience.
1st time for the Oamaru Club "Te Band"playing in the lounge bar from 7.30pm - come on in and have a listen
Thanks to Lorraine who spotted the date error, it is this Saturday
Lucky No: Thursday 23rd May 2024 $ 2700.00 - be in to win
Raffles Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Courtesy Coach available for members for a safe ride home.
REMINDER: Membership cards are at the Bar to be collected please ask a staff member
Also, a heads up that on Sunday the 2nd of June (Kings Birthday weekend) we are providing bar meals only at night time, as we are catering for a large function. We are open for lunch as normal
Nearly the weekend
Hello Members
Just a friendly reminder to get your tickets for the Livewire/Neil Diamond Show at the bar for this Saturday night. We know that many people have talked about coming along, and were probably going to get a ticket at the door, however if we don't get more tickets sold by Friday morning, there is a chance the show won't go ahead. Come on in and get your tickets at the bar today - only $25.
Lucky number tonight is up to $2200
Raffles are on tonight from 5-30pm
Don't forget to book for Mother's Day - There is a lovely hamper to be won for Mums dining.
Have a great rest of your week.
LUCKY NO: Tonight Tuesday 23 April 2024 - $ 1800.00 for all financial members.
ANZAC DAY: Thursday 25th April 2024, we will be opening as usual at 11.00am with our Restaurant opening at midday until 2pm and then again from 5pm, if you are thinking about a meal out then please make a booking as we are not always able to take walk ins.
FRIDAY 26TH APRIL 24: New Entertainment for the Club, we have Francis Maxino starting at 7.30 in the lounge bar,
please come along and support new artists to town.
MEMBERSHIP: Renewal needs to be before Tuesday 30th April to avoid having to reapply.
Courtesy Coach Available Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday please phone 4346163 ext. 4 to contact our driver.
Thursday 18th April - Quick Fire Raffles starting at 5.30pm, lots of prizes
Friday 19th April 23 - AOK Clothing in the Hall, everyone welcome from 10am until 4 pm
Saturday 20th April from 7pm we have John McCabe in the Lounge Bar please note earlier start time.
MEMBERSHIPS: These expired 31 March 2024, however we gave a grace period until the 30 April 2024. If your membership has not been renewed by 30 April 24 you will need to reapply for membership again.
We thank those who have paid their membership and now financial for the next year, if you haven't already please collect your new membership card from the Bar.
Stay warm and look forward to seeing you all very soon.
We have entertainment coming up on May 11th
Livewire presents the Feel of Neil Diamond
Please see our facebook page for further details and ticket information.
Please remember memberships were due 31st March 2024
If your unfinancial your number won't be in our lucky number draw.
Just to make you aware of times and dates for the upcoming public holidays.
Otago Anniversary Monday 25th March
Bar Open 11 am
Easter Hours:
Good Friday - Open from 11am
Saturday - normal hours
Easter Sunday - Open from 11am
Easter Monday - Open from 11am
Just a reminder NO OFF SALES are permitted by law on Good Friday & Easter Sunday.
As usual membership cards will be required to be shown.
If have you already paid for your membership these cards are now available at the Bar, please collect these as soon as possible.
LUCKY NO: Thursday 21 March 24 $ 900.00
Raffles: Oysters tonight limited amount, these will go quick so get in early
Membership: Just a reminder these are due 31st March 2024, Standard $ 25.00, Long Service $10.00. After this date only financial members will be in the lucky no draw, so make sure you get in to renew.
If you are out of town and want your card sent, we do require a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
POP-UP SHOP today and tomorrow:
On the Plus Size, ladies' fashion from Christchurch, set up in the Function Hall Thursday from 4pm - 8pm, then again on Friday 8am - 3pm. Open to you all for a look.
PLEASE NOTE: All subs are due 31st March 2024, a reminder we are not sending the renewals or cards out this year due to increased costs, however if you do require your card sent to you, please send us a self-addressed and stamped envelope and we will pop this in the post for you.
LUCKY NO: Thursday 14th March $ 700.00
RAFFLES: Tonight from 5.30 pm
GOLD CARD SPECIAL: happening today, please show your gold card to receive the lunch special.
POP UP SHOP: On the Plus Side will be here from Christchurch in our function hall next week, Thursday 21st 4pm - 8pm, Friday 22nd 8am - 3pm
CARAMEL GROOVE: From the North Island 1st time in Oamaru, SATURDAY 2ND MARCH 8 -midnight. Come along and enjoy the music, have a dance or a sing along with these lovely ladies.
LUCKY NO: Tonight Feb 27th @ $ 1200.00
After months of sending emails, and phone calls made with no response, we no longer except and will not be honoring the Entertainement book vouchers at Severn Club Restaurant. Sorry for any inconvenience.
LONG SERVICE RENEWALS: As these have been emailed out, we would like to remind you all these will need to be collected from the Bar any time after 11am Monday - Sunday. If you are an out-of-town member, we are happy for you to send a self-addressed and stamped envelope and we will send your card to you.
STANDARD MEMBERS: These are set to be sent out via email by the end of the week.
Please note we will not be sending these via post.
MARCH 2ND, CARAMEL GROOVE, new band to play in Oamaru, we are lucky to be able to bring this dynamic duo for you all to come along and enjoy.
The reminders have been emailed out to those of you with email addresses this week. Cards can be collected from the Bar any time from 11am, or you can pop into the office and pay and get your card hot off the press from 11am - 4 pm daily. Please note we are not posting out cards, however, should you live out of town please feel free to send a self-addressed and stamped envelope and we will happily pop this into the post.
Are you ready for change?? Well, we have an opening for the above position. Must be able to work weekends, nights, lunchtimes, public holidays and cover annual leave.
Be energetic, honest, reliable and be able to think outside the square, if this sounds like you, please contact us by sending an email to: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Good afternoon Members
Just a quick reminder that the popular John McCabe is playing in the Bar this Saturday night - Starting at 7-30pm.
Lucky Number didn't go last night so we are up to $1000 for next Tuesday night along with our great raffles.
And also another reminder that the Club will be closing at 5-30pm this Sunday for a private function.
Wishing you all a great weekend!
Good afternoon to our Members
Just a quick reminder that The Club is closing at 5-30pm on this Sunday (the 18th of Feb) for a private function.
Lucky Number for tomorrow night is $800
John McCabe is playing this Saturday night in the Bar from 7-30pm
Our Restaurant is open THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT for VALENTINES DAY. Please phone to make a booking on 434 6163 Ext 2
Have a great rest of your day from the Team at The Oamaru Club!
LONG SERVICE this year will be emailed to those of you who have given your email addresses. There has been an increase from $5.00 to $ 10.00. This is to cover the increased costs of producing the membership cards and affiliation fees.
Due to the increased postage costs we won't be sending out any reminders to either Long Service OR Standard this year and all cards will need to be collected from the Bar. Please share this information with your family/friends and neighbours if you know they don't have an email address.
STANDARD MEMBERSHIP: Email renewals will follow the Long Service renewals in 2-3 weeks and remains at $ 25.00.
Please note ANY reprint of your card will now incur a $ 5.00 charge.
LUCKY NUMBER: $ 700.00 Thursday 8th Feb
RAFFLES: start at 5.30pm
Saturday 17th February 2024, we have John McCabe in the house starting at 7.30
We are currently looking for an additional staff member, if this sounds like you or someone you know please get in touch.
LUCKY NO: Wow we made it to the big one tonight
$ 3000.00 be here to win.
If it is not struck tonight, Thursday will be 10 draws of $300.00
VALENTINES DAY: have you made your booking in the restaurant yet? Bookings essential
WAITANGI DAY; Club open usual hours
We are super excited to announce playing @ the Club, in the Bar on March 2nd
More info to come soon.
Valentines Day is not far away now.
Our Restaurant will be open from 5pm for you to dine, bookings are essential, open now and recommended to avoid disappointment.
Make the date with your Valentine and come in for the perfect finish to your day - we would love to see you.
For all of those heading to Methven on Sunday the bus will be leaving the Oamaru Club @ 8.00am sharp.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to new NZTA regulations strictly NO ALCOHOL will be allowed on the bus.
Remember your sunhat and sunscreen!
Look forward to seeing you all for another fun filled Race Day
LUCKY NUMBER TUESDAY 23RD $2800.00 be here for a chance to win.
Raffles from 5.30 pm tonight
METHVEN RACES: Only 11 sleeps until our annual trip to the Methven Races, only $ 55.00 per seat. We have a few seats available so put your name down at the Bar and make your payment to secure your seat. If you have already put your name down please make your payment asap to avoid missing out.
RESTAURANT: Just a friendly reminder to make a booking when you want to dine in our restaurant. There are only so many meals the kitchen can cook at 1 time so to avoid disappointment of waiting or even being turned away we suggest you give the restaurant a call to make your booking. 03 4346163 ext 2. We thank you for your co-operation to make your dining experience pleasurable to everyone.
LUCKY NO: Thursday 18 January is $ 2700.00 so come on down and try your luck at winning this. Look forward to seeing you in the Club.
RAFFLES: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5.30pm, fantastic prizes for everyone
12 midday - 2pm THEN AGAIN FROM 5.00pm - 8.30pm
Morning and welcome to 2024, hope you all had a great New Year and managed to stay safe.
RESTAURANT HOURS: Thursday - Sunday 12 midday - 2pm then again 5 - 8.30 pm
Bookings are essential, so make a booking, come in and try are recently upgraded menu.
LUCKY NUMBER: Thursday 4th January 2024 $ 2300.00
be in the Club to win.
RAFFLES: from 5.30 awesome prizes
COURTSEY BUS: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 4pm call 034346163 ext. 4
BURSARY GRANTS: applications are available from the Bar and close on 19 January 2024
Sunday 24th Dec - Closing 8 pm
Monday 25th Dec - Closed
Tuesday 26th Dec - January 2nd, 2024 - opening from 11am each day - usual hours.
Sunday 24th Dec - last seating at 7.00pm, close 8 pm
Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th - Closed.
Thursday 28th - Sunday 31st Dec - usual hours
Monday 1st Jan 24 - Wednesday 3rd Jan 24 - Closed
Thursday 4th Jan - hours resume as usual.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday as usual.
LUCKY NUMBER: $ 1700.00
LUCKY NUMBER THURSDAY - $1300.00, now wouldn't this be handy just before Christmas.
Sunday 3rd December 2023 from 10am, face painting, Pippity Pop Balloonist - we are very lucky to have Pip visit this year, Noddy Train, candy floss, bouncy castles and a visit from Santa.
XMAS AT THE CLUB: still a few tables left, we can look at making tables up if you are struggling to make numbers up to 10. Please all enquires to the Office 4346163 ext. 3
We have noticed there are quite a few cards to be collected at the bar, please check you have collected yours, as we do not post these out, please collect from the bar ASAP.
$ 55.00 per person
$ 1000.00
Brush of the cobwebs and bring your dancing shoes for a night full of fun.
Xmas at the Club
Friday 15 December 2023, doors open 6.00pm
Get your work mates together OR a group of friends.
A table of 10 @ $ 600.00
Fantastic Buffet and Band.
There are number of changes as from the 1st December 2023, please make sure you read the signage at the club and if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask our friendly staff.
These requirements will be law from the 1st December 2023 so please do not be offended if our staff are doing their job and keeping you safe.
Thursday - Sunday 12 midday for lunch, 5.30 for dinner, please remember to book to avoid disappointment. Bookings can be made 03 4346163 ext 2.
Sunday 3rd December 2023 @ The Club starting 10 am
For Members Children/Grandchildren
Due to staff shortages from illness we regret to advise our restaurant will not be open Friday 10th, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th this week.
We however look forward to seeing you all again next Thursday 16th November 2023 onwards.
We will have bar snacks available.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused.
BOOKINGS ARE PER TABLE (10 PEOPLE) @ $ 600.00 i.e $ 60.00 per person.
CONTACT US ON 4346163 EXT 3 OR BY EMAIL office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Come into the Club for Melbourne Cup
BEST DRESSED - FEMALE & MALE this will be judged at the conclusion of the main race
TONIGHT $2600.00
Club Severn Restaurant is looking for an experienced wait person. Applicants must be well versed in A la carte waitering, be able to multi task, cash handling experience is essential, and must be able to organize staff in the absence of the Restaurant Manager. Hours will be rostered over Thursday to Sunday lunch and dinner services with extra hours available for functions. Contract and renumeration will be based on experience.
If this sounds like you and you have the above skills, then contact us via email with CV and references.
email address: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
We look forward to hearing from you.
Hi there to all our Members.
Just a quick reminder to you all that Flipside is playing in the Bar at the Club this Saturday night - Starting at 7-30pm
Lucky number for tonight's draw is up to $2200
Look forward to seeing you at The Club
COURTESY COACH: Just a reminder that we have changed the phone number for this service, if you require the coach please phone the Club 4346163 option 4, this will take you to the coach driver.
FACEBOOK: we have a new page, the link is below, pop over and like us
AOK Clothing will be in the Hall Friday 29th September from 10 am, come along and have for a browse.
12.00 - 2.00 pm
$ 20.00 LUNCH SPECIAL includes 1x non alcoholic soft drink
Please present your Gold Card to our staff to get the special
Look forward to seeing you all today
OFFICE HOURS: The Office is open from 11.00 am Monday - Friday
MEMBERSHIP CARDS: There are still a number of cards to be collected from the bar, please check at the bar if you have not received your card yet, we do not post these anymore.
LUCKY NUMBER: $ 1700.00 tonight, be here to win
As from 13 September 2023 the 0800 number has been disconnected.
To arrange the courtesy van please phone the Club number 4346163 option 4 for van, this will connect you straight to the van driver.
REMINDER: The Club will be closed on Thursday from 1.30 pm until 3.00 pm for our staff to attend a funeral - thanks for your understanding.
LUCKY NUMBER: is now up to $ 1500.00 for Thursday 14th September, good luck to you all.
JOHN McCABE will be in to entertain on Saturday 16th September from 7.30 pm.
Thursday 14 September we will only be able to offer the Gold Card Specials in our restaurant to be seated BEFORE 12.30pm, as we will be closing the Club from 1.30pm until 3.00pm due to a bereavement - many thanks for your understanding.
JOHN McCABE will be entertaining us on Saturday 16th September in the lounge bar - look forward to seeing you all for another fun night.
Raffles also Tuesday & Thursday
At the weekend Ian was recognized by the South Island R.S.A Snooker Association for his 44 years devotion to the tournaments, this was Ian's final time as Tournament Controller.
Winston Tonkin & Philip McKay won the South Island Snooker Pairs tournament - Congratulations to you all.
REMINDER: GOLD CARD SPECIALS starting this Thursday 31st 12 -2 pm only, at $ 20.00 pp on presentation of your Gold Card - Book to avoid disappointment.
Starting next Thursday 31st August 2023 at the Oamaru Club
Between 12 midday until 2pm
3 Main meal options to choose from
(includes a hot or cold non-alcoholic drink)
So come along and join us for your midday meal.
Give Tammy a call 03 4316163 ext 2 to make your bookings
Buffet available from 5 pm
Ham off the Bone, veges, salads & desserts
$ 40.00 pp
Bookings are advised
JOHN MCCABE will be playing at the Club in the lounge bar from 7.30 pm, come along with your dancing shoes.
LUCKY NUMBER THURSDAY NOW STANDS AT $900.00 be in the Club to win - Good Luck
Elections have now been completed, thank you to our helpers and of course the members who put their names up for election, results are as follows:
Felicity Butcher 57
David Ovens 130
Tama Loper 137
Prem Nath 143
Elected are David Ovens, Tama Loper & Prem Nath - congratulations.
REMINDER: The 80's Show this Saturday 12 August, doors open 7.00 pm, it's set to be an awesome show, so if you haven't already got your tickets, we suggest get them today to avoid disappointment.
RESTAURANT: due to a private function the restaurant will be closed for lunch Thursday 17th August and will reopen at 5pm for dinner.
MEMBERSHIP CARDS: please collect these from the bar.
Stay warm in these cool days.
It's the 80's Show, doors open @ 7pm, 2 Shows in One
Tickets $ 25.00 each, can be purchased at the bar.
Come along for a great night of entertainment you don't want to miss this night, be in and get your tickets to avoid disappointment.
Voting this week for Club Executive members, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11am - 2pm, 4pm - 7pm, profiles of the candidates are in the bar for you all to read.
REMINDER: there are a lot of member cards at the bar for collection, if you have paid, please check you have your current card.
The Annual Balance Sheet Booklet is now available at the Club bar or office. Please make sure you bring your current membership card with you.
Annual General Meeting is to be held on Sunday 30th July 2023 @ 10.00am in the Club Hall.
Voting for office will start Thursday 3rd August until Saturday 5th August in the Main Bar, times will be
11.00 am - 2.00 pm then 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm daily.
Quick Fire Raffles : Thursday 27th July 2023 starting at 5.30 pm
The annual booklet won't be available until Thursday 27th July 2023, sorry for the inconvenience,
Special votes are being taken on the grounds of ill health, bereavement or unavoidable travel commitments, from Monday 24th July 2023 until 6 pm Saturday 29th July 2023, we will need to view your current financial membership card. These can be one at the office.
Office hours Monday Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 11 am - 3 pm.
Voting will start Thursday 3rd August 23 until Saturday 5th August 2023 11 am - 2 pm then again 4 pm until 7 pm.
Please note Quick Fire Raffles are on Thursday 27th July starting at 5.30 pm
The Oamaru Club AGM will be held Sunday 30th July 2023 @ 10am in the Hall.
Elections for Executive will be Thursday 3rd - Saturday 5th August 2023 between 11 -2pm, then again 4pm - 7pm for the 3 days. Candidate's profiles are up in the Club for you to read.
We are experiencing some issues with Facebook at the moment, we are working.
Matariki, this Friday 14th July, the Club is open usual Friday trading hours, Severn Restaurant open for Lunch from12 noon and Dinner from 5pm, bookings as usual recommended.
Nominations for Office 2023 Nominations for Office are open now and Close on Friday 14th July. Nominations are open for the positions of; President, Executive x 3, Forms are available for the office during the day, please contact the Office if you wish to have these emailed office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Looking for casual work, or know someone looking ? Casual chef currently wanted for our Severn Restaurant, pop in for a chat or call the Club on 03 4346163
AGM 2023, Sunday 30 July, the attached remit will be presented for members consideration.
Nominations for Office 2023
Nominations for Office open today and Close on Friday 14th July. Nominations are open for the positions of;
Executive x 3
Forms are available for the office during the day, please contact the Office if you wish to have these emailed office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Tickets available soon at the Club, lock it in........
Tickets available at the Club
The Oamaru Club is looking for a Courtesy Coach Driver to collect our members and get them home again. This important role is from Tuesday to Saturday, 4pm to whenever the bar closes. Applicants must have a clean, current driver's license (no passenger license required for our van), be very reliable, punctual and have the ability to keep a smile on their dial. Please send a current CV to office@oamaruclub.co.nz or drop it into the office.
We look forward to hearing from you.
ALSO please note our Restaurant will be closed Sunday 4th June 2023 due to a private function.
A full-time bar/ duty manager position has opened here at the Oamaru Club.
Be a part of an amazing team of hospitality professionals
Stable, supportive, fun and a great working culture
Great employee benefits
This position will be available in 2 weeks time but ideally we are wanting someone to start asap.
Please send CV and a cover letter to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Tell ya friends
Totally 80's, the countdown is on 7.5 hours until kick-off, limited tickets remain, available at the Bar, doors open 7pm
Limited tickets remain, don't leave it till the last day, this Show sold out last time.
Thursday 27th April, Doors open 6.30 for a 7pm start.
Tickets available from Paper Plus Oamaru
New Zealand's BIGGEST Metal Band smashes into Oamaru Saturday May 6th, tickets available online at eventfinda or at the Club.
ANZAC DAY, Tuesday 25th April.
The Club will be open from 11am, Severn Restaurant will be open for Lunch from 12 noon.
Members and their Guests, Affiliates and all Veterans welcome.
Bookings highly recommended.
Quick Fire Raffles kick off this afternoon from 5.30pm, hundreds of prizes up for grabs, 100 tickets (per raffle) $1 per ticket, with 9 draws.
Happy Hour from 6.30pm, plus LUCKY number hits $2100.00, you must be here to claim the CASH
A reminder for those who have renewed their Club memberships online, your cards have been printed and are at the Bar for you to collect.
Live Entertainment Saturday with "Flipside", taking the stage from 7.30pm so first in best seats.
Totally 80's Show tickets still available, either at the Bar or online at cosmicticketing.co.nz Saturday 29th April, this is a tribute show not to be missed.
NRL Action this week with the Warriors hosting the Cowboys at Mt Smart, kick off at 5pm
Severn Restaurant open Thursday thru Sunday for both Lunch and Dinner
Please take advantage of the FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm for both pick ups and drop offs 0800999011
A reminder to all members that we are OPEN everyday thru Easter Weekend, INCLUDING GOOD FRIDAY, Severn Restaurant open Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday for both Lunch and Dinner, we do recommend booking your table to avoid delays this weekend.
How about those Mighty Warriors !!!
Super Rugby Action Friday night with Moana Pacifica hosting the Highlanders in Auckland from 7.05pm followed by the mighty Crusaders taking on the Reds across the ditch.
Melbourne Grand Prix this Sunday from 5pm and the Warriors travel to take on the Sharks kicking off at 6.05pm Sunday.
Live Entertainment this Saturday night as John McCabe takes center stage in the lounge from 7.30pm, not to be missed.
Lucky Number today hits $1700.00 yes seventeen hundred dollars, you gotta be here to claim the cash.
Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hours each and every Thursday, 6.30-8.30pm
Severn Restaurant, open to all Thursday till Sunday, Lunch from 12 noon and dinner from 5pm, bookings recommended to avoid delays, Smashing new Menu kicks off next week.
Totally 80's Show on Saturday 29th April, this amazing Show from Christchurch sold out 3 years ago, don't delay, get your tickets today.
Please take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach Tues, Thurs Fri and Sat from 4pm
Lovely Rainy Day, great day to be inside in the warmth enjoying a beverage and the chance to win $1400.00 in our Members Cash Draw, you gotta be here to claim the cash, good luck
Oamaru Club is excited to be associated with the Oamaru Jazz and Blues Festival 2023.
Friday 17th and Saturday 18th March The Ellesmere Big Band takes the stage from 8pm in our recently renovated Sports Hall, Swingtown Rebels from Christchurch will hold a Lindy Hop dance Taster Class between 7pm and 8pm, then the Big band kicks off.
Sunday 19th "Don's Boyz" perform in the Lounge from 12 midday.
Severn Restaurant now open for lunch and dinner, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun
Flipside return this Saturday Night
Cancer Society Fundraiser Quiz Night
Saturday 22 April here at the Oamaru Club.
Teams of 6 @ $10 per person
$1000's in prizes up for grabs
Contact Billy Mitchell for more info on 027 387 5207
Super Rugby returns to the BIG screen this week, Friday night Crusaders v Chiefs, Saturday night Highlanders v Blues, both games kicking off from 7.05pm
Test Match Cricket, New Zealand v England, Friday 24th - Tuesday 28th March kicking off daily from 11am
Live Entertainment next Saturday 4th March, Flipside return to the Stage from 7.30pm
Ellesmere Big Band perform as part of the Jazz and Blues Festival, entertaining in the Sports Hall on both Friday 17th and Saturday 18th March
Two Huge Shows coming up in the Sports Hall, Saturday 29th April "Totally 80's", and the following week "Devilskin" hit the stage on Saturday 6th May, two very different Shows that both sold out when they were here a couple of years ago. Tickets for both events are now available at the Club
Lucky Number today sits at $700, well done to last weeks Lucky Member who picked up a fantastic $2600.00, remember you must be here to claim the prize.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Oamaru Club is excited to be associated with the Oamaru Jazz and Blues Festival 2023.
Friday 17th and Saturday 18th March The Ellesmere Big Band takes the stage from 8pm in our recently renovated Sports Hall, Swingtown Rebels from Christchurch will hold a Lindy Hop dance Taster Class between 7pm and 8pm, then the Big band kicks off.
Sunday 19th "Don's Boyz" perform in the Lounge from 12 midday.
Lucky member Draw hits $2600.00 today, you gotta be here to claim the CASH
Happy Hour today, 6.30-8.30pm
Totally 80's returning to the Club, Saturday 29th April, tickets now on sale at the Club or visit, COSMICTICKETING.CO.NZ
Our Severn Restaurant is quickly filling up for tonight's Valentines Dinner
Don't delay, call 434 6163 now to reserve your table
Lucky Number Valentines draw is $2500.00
Severn Restaurant is open today from 5pm, with a very special Valentines menu, a la carte menu options also available.
Lucky Number Valentines draw is $2500.00
Severn restaurant open this Valentines Day, Tuesday 14 February from 5pm
Bookings highly recommended to avoid delays
Members Lucky Number $2500.00 on Valentines Day
Devilskin Live at the Club Saturday 6th May 2023
Tickets from eventfinda
Lucky Number hits $2300.00 today
Don't delay, make your booking today
Methven Bus Trip this Sunday, Fully booked
Bus now departing the Oamaru Club at 8am
Looking for casual work ??????
Weekend bar shifts available, experience preferred but not essential as full training will be given
Please send expressions of interest to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Tell ya friends
A Kitchenhand position will be available in the coming 3-4 weeks
Thursday-Sunday evening with some lunch shifts periodically
Please forward any expressions of interest to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Methven Races 2023, Sunday January 29th
Limited to 40 only $50 including return bus, continuous beverages and food at the race track and more........
Reserve your seat at the bar with your payment of only $50.00
The Oamaru Club will be CLOSED on Christmas Day ONLY
Severn Restaurant Hours are as follows;
• Sunday 25th Dec CLOSED
• Thursday 29th Dec Dinner only
• Friday 30th Dec Lunch and Dinner
• Saturday 31st Dec Lunch and Dinner
• Sunday 1st Jan CLOSED
• Thursday 5th Jan Dinner only
• Friday 6th Jan Lunch and Dinner
• Saturday 7th Jan Dinner only
• Sunday 8th Jan Dinner only
Have a Safe and merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year
Xmas Buffet this Saturday 17th December from 5pm
Xmas Ham and Turkey with all the trimmings, new potatoes, honey and garlic carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, 4 x salads, and for dessert Xmas pudding with brandy custard, Pavlova with cream, Fruit salad and cheesecake.
All for only $40, please book early to avoid delays as the Xmas Show is on the same night, limited tickets still available from the bar
Club Xmas Shout tomorrow, Friday 16th, HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY, Xmas Ham raffles continue...........
Big thanks to our friends at Watties, be in to Win a HUGE Samsung Prize Pack worth $4000.00, plus Prezzy Cards worth $4400.00
Simply purchase a Quality Burger from our range, scan the code to go into daily draws
Open to all members
Not long to go now, don't leave it till the last minute as this Show will sell out
Tickets available from the Club
An Invitation to all Members Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids etc
Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 4th December 10am
Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Noddy Train, Candy Floss, Fire Engines, Pippity Pop Balloonologist, lollies and ice cream, and a visit from Santa
Xmas Roast Special on offer at the Severn Restaurant, Roast Turkey or Ham with seasonal vegetables and all the trimmings plus Xmas pudding with brandy sauce and cream, just $40 per person.
Please note: Bookings essential, available Thursday- Sunday
Closed Christmas Day
Casual Bar Person required here at the Oamaru Club, periodic shifts initially then permanent shifts will be available from January.
Experience preferred but not essential as full training will be given
Please forward expressions of interest to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 4th December 10am
Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Noddy Train, Candy Floss, Fire Engines, Pippity Pop Balloonologist, lollies and ice cream, and a visit from Santa
All members Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids and Great Great Grandkids welcome
Xmas Roast Special on offer at the Severn Restaurant, Roast Turkey or Ham with seasonal vegetables and all the trimmings plus Xmas pudding with brandy sauce and cream, just $40 per person, bookings highly recommended to avoid delays.
Lucky Number was STRUCK last Thursday, congratulations to Denise who collected a cool $2500.00 and will have an extra special festive season on the Club, so we reset today and kick off with a $600.00 draw tonight.
Xmas Ham Raffles continue, available at the Bar 7 days and also with our weekly Meat Raffles, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Black Caps v India T20 Crickets tonight, Live on the BIG screen from 7.30pm, plus the first ODI this coming Friday starting at 2.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday night with "Deluxe", on stage from 7.30pm in the lounge bar, featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more…
See you at the Club...........
Live Entertainment this Saturday with "Deluxe" featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more…
Lucky Number not Struck last night, Jackpots to $2500.00 Thursday Night
YES Lucky Number hits $2400.00 tonight
XMAS Ham Raffles continue
The Sensational John McCabe, on stage Saturday Night
Lucky Number hits $2300.00 today, you gotta be here to claim the CASH
Xmas Ham Raffles kick off today, Meat and West Coast Whitebait raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm each and every Thursday
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with the "Sensational John McCabe"
Live coverage of both the Semi and Final from the Woman's Rugby World Cup
Bronze Final - Canada v France
Nov 12, 2022 from 4:00 pm
Eden Park, Auckland
Final - England v New Zealand
Nov 12, 2022 from 6:45 pm
Eden Park, Auckland
With the Sports Hall renovations well underway we are looking at rebranding our awesome facility, and wanting members input into this. If you have a suggestion for a new name for the Sports Hall please flick us an email or drop you ideas into the suggestion box at the Bar.
Kids Xmas Party is locked in this year on Sunday 4th December here at the Club, lots of activities and treats for all members kids and grandkids, even great grandkids, more details soon
Xmas Ham raffles kick off tomorrow, Thursday 10 November
Situation Vacant - Cleaner
4 mornings per week, early starts
Approximately 20 hours per week
Experience preferred but not essential as full training will be given
Please apply with cover letter and CV to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Tell ya friends
Melbourne Cup Today, Happy Hour 2-6pm, Strawberries and Bubbles, Free nibbles, unlucky ticket draws, Sausage Sizzle, reward yourself and knock off early
Tickets now available at the bar
Join us at the Club next Tuesday 1st November for the 2022 running of the Melbourne Cup, get in well before the big race jumping at 5pm. Happy Hour from 2-6pm, Free nibbles, Bubbles and Strawberries, Sweepstakes, Unlucky tickets draws and prizes for the best dressed Lady and Gentleman
Lucky Number tonight hits $1900.00, be in the draw simply by being present at the Club
All Blacks v Japan live on the Big screen this Saturday coverage from 6.30pm, first in gets the best seats, Plus live entertainment with "Deluxe" straight after the final whistle
Tickets now on sale for the best Rockin Xmas Party in town, Saturday 17th December presented by DND Showband, classic hits from the 70's and 80's, get your workmates together and make a great night of it, groups of 10 or more are able to reserve a table
Please take advantage of the Clubs FREE courtesy coach for both pick ups and drop offs safely to your door, operating Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Live Entertainment this Saturday with "Deluxe" featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more…
Tonight Lucky Number hits $1700.00 yes One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars, you must be here to claim the CASH
West Coast Whitebait plus meat raffles from 5.30pm, Tues Thurs, Fri and Sat
The longest Happy Hour in town kicks off every Thursday from 6.30pm
Saturday Night Rugby action live on the BIG screen, NPC Final, Canterbury host Wellington kicking off from 7.05pm
A warm welcome to all the Ladies attending the Clubs NZ South Island Ladies Golf Tournament being hosted here over the weekend, we look forward to hosting you and wish you the best for the Tournament
The countdown to the Melbourne Cup is on , Tuesday 1st November with the BIG race starting at 5pm. Knock off early for the build up here at the Club, drink specials, nibbles, sweepstakes and unlucky ticket draws, plus the return of the sausage sizzle.
Please take advantage of the FREE COURTESY COACH for pick ups and drop offs every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Tickets available soon
Join us at the Club this Sunday from Midday for the Bathurst 1000, Live and LOUD on the BIG screen.
Lucky Number today hits $1300.00, unlucky for some it could be your lucky day, you just gotta be here for the draw to claim the cash
Happy Hour today from 6.30pm - 8.30pm, its the longest Happy Hour in town
Severn Restaurant hours;
Thursday dinner from 5pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday lunch from 12 noon and dinner from 5pm
Fantastic Friday draw, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm, one lucky member picks up $150.00 credit on their card each and every Friday
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm, for pick ups and drop offs 0800 999 011
Lucky Number Draw hits $1100.00 today
Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night
Severn Restaurant closed tonight due to staff illness. Bar meals will be available from 5.pm
Our apologies in advance ??
Quick Fire Raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hour from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Lucky Number Today $700.00
All Blacks v Australia coverage from 9.30pm
Huge week coming up here at the Club
Thursday Quick Fire Raffles, kicking off from 5.30pm, 100 tickets per raffle, $1 per ticket with 9 draws and great prizes
Happy Hour kicks in from 6.30pm, its the longest happy Hour in Town, the All Blacks v Australia Live on the BIG screen from 9.30pm, the first of the Bledisloe fixtures.
Friday Night Concert "Bloom", featuring hits from Stevie Nicks, Linda Ronstadt and Carole King, direct from Australia this is a Show not to be missed, tickets from Eventfinda
Severn Restaurant will be running a Buffet Special on Friday Night prior to the concert, $35.00 per person including 2 meats, hot vegetables and a salad selection PLUS a choice of desserts, bookings highly recommended
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "Deluxe", featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more…
FREE COURTESY COACH Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999011
Check Bloom out on YouTube
Luck Number Draw today hits $2400.00
This Sunday 4th September, Fathers Day Lunch Special, all dads dining with the family receive a FREE DESSERT, bookings highly recommended to avoid delays.
Lunch only, the Club is closing early on this day for a private function from 6pm, our apologies in advance for any inconvenience
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night as the All Blacks take on Argentina, kicking off at the later time of 7.45pm, first in gets the best seats
Lucky Member Draw today hits $2000.00, YES TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, you must be present to claim the CASH
Bluff Oyster raffles continue every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Happy Hour Thursdays from 6.30pm, the Longest Happy Hour in town.
Fantastic Friday draw every Friday, register at the Bar prior to 6.15pm, one lucky members gets $150.00 credit on their member card to spend at their leisure
Upcoming Show, Friday 16th September "Bloom", featuring hits from Stevie Nicks Linda Ronstadt and Carole King Songbook. An International Show direct from Australia, not to be missed, tickets from eventfinda
FREE courtesy coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm, we will pick you up from home and deliver you home safely 0800 999 011
Heartland Rugby action this coming Sunday as North Otago travel to play Wairarapa Bush, coverage from 6.30pm, Live on the BIG screen.
Following 2 Saturday Nights All Blacks v Argentina
Members Lucky Number sits at $1900.00 for todays draw, you must be here to claim the prize, longest Happy Hour in town kicks off from 6.30pm, Bluff Oyster and meat raffles from 5.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "FlipSide", playing all your favorites from 7.30pm, a reminder for those dining this night to reserve your table in advance
Upcoming Show, Friday 16th September "Bloom", featuring hits from Stevie Nicks Linda Ronstadt and Carole King Songbook. An International Show direct from Australia, not to be missed, tickets from eventfinda
Severn Restaurant is open Thursday for Dinner, Friday thru Sunday for Lunch and Dinner
New Years Eve, i know is a few months away, but we have locked an an amazing 80's cover band, more details to follow
Rarely do we have the opportunity to host an International Artist of the calibre, this is a Show not to be missed
Join us at the Club this coming Saturday
Door sales available tonight
Oamaru Club Euchre Section
We are looking for new members to play Wednesday afternoons 1.15-3.30pm, we have a lot of fun playing 14 games, at a cost of just $2, then those that wish can enjoy a drink and a chat afterwards, great way to meet new friends.
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to be won, new members very welcome
Coaching, if required, by section members also available
Pam Anderson 027 205 6840
Heather Robb 021 119 2232
This Friday 12th August
Tickets available at the Bar, Door sales also available on the Night
Unlucky for some, Lucky Number hits $1300.00 at the Club Tonight, you gotta be here to claim the CASH
Happy Hours each and every Thursday from 6.30pm, its the longest Happy Hour in Oamaru
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register at the bar before 6.15pm, one Lucky member picks up $150.00 credit on their card to spend at their leisure
AGM this Sunday 31st July, 10am in the Sports Hall, ALL members warmly invited
Club Elections will be held next Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th August, voting open 11am-2pm and 4pm-7th on these days, make your vote count !
Karaoke returns to the Club on Saturday 13th August, always a great night out
Two Big Shows coming up;
Brendan Dugan and Dennis Marsh take the Stage on Friday 12th August, tickets selling at the Bar
Bloom Songbook featuring hits from Stevie Nicks, Linda Ronstadt and Carole King, Friday 16th September, tickets from eventfinda, International act from Australia
Free Courtesy Coach Tues Thurs Fri and Sat
An Ordinary, Long-service or Life Member who is unable to attend a ballot on Club premises may apply, on grounds of ill-health, bereavement, or unavoidable travel commitments, in writing to the Club Manager to be issued with a Special Voting Paper or Online Voting Rights. Special Voting Papers must be correctly completed and deposited in the ballot box provided for that purpose, or an Online Vote correctly transacted, by 6pm on the day prior to the Annual General Meeting.
EMAIL : office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Elections 2022
Thu 4th, Fri 5th, Sat 6th August 2022
11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm
Vice President G Meikle elected unopposed
3 x Executive Officers required
Nominations received from;
Kerry Daniel
Wayne Forbes
Natalie Kinzett
Allan Prakash
"The Feelers" LIVE tonight
Buffet Dinner this Friday and Saturday evening from 5pm
Bookings recommended
Feelers Concert this Friday Night
Not long to wait now Oamaru, The Feelers take the stage this Friday night at the Oamaru Club, limited tickets still available from eventfinda, this is a show not to be missed.
All Blacks v Ireland second Test Match this Saturday kicking off from 7.05pm, simply the best place to watch the game on the BIG screen here at the Club
Lucky Member Draw retriggers to $600 today, well done Matthew, last weeks winner who picked up a cool $2500.00 cash on Thursday Night.
Nominations for Executive are now open, the position of Vice President and 3 Executive members are up for election this year, forms are available from the office and the bar during opening hours, nominations close on Sunday 17th July.
The Annual General Meeting will be held here at the Club on Sunday 31st July at 10am.
Severn Club Restaurant hours are Thursday Dinner from 5pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Lunch from midday and Dinner from 5pm, bookings are recommended to avoid delays
See you at the Club
Oamaru Club Inc AGM, Sunday 31st July, 10am
Nominations for Office
Vice President
Executive Members x 3 required
Open Friday 1st July
Close Sunday 17th July
(Forms available from the Office)
Thu 4th, Fri 5th, Sat 6th August
11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm
Saturday 7.05pm kick off
Live and LOUD on the BIG Screen
Hey Facebook friends and family
Technical issues have forced us to relaunch the Oamaru Club Facebook page, please share with your friends and we will draw a lucky winner of "Dinner for 2" in the Severn Restaurant
Thursdays Dinner from 5pm
Fridays Lunch from 12 noon Dinner from 5pm
Saturdays Lunch from 12 noon Dinner from 5pm
Sundays Lunch from 12 noon Dinner from 5pm
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night for a huge night of entertainment
Saturday kicks off with the Super Rugby Grand Final, Auckland Blues hosting the Canterbury Crusaders at Eden Park, kicking off from 7.05pm the Super Powers of Super Rugby go to battle, Live and LOUD on the BIG Screen, Happy Hour specials during the BIG game.
Straight after the final whistle "DELUXE" kick off live on stage in the lounge, featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more…
Members Lucky Number cracks $2100.00 today, you MUST be here to claim the CASH
Raffles today from 5.30pm, Meat plus Bluff Oyster on offer, awesome prizes up for grabs.
Happy Hour each and every Thursday from 6.30pm
The Feelers - Communicate - 21st Anniversary Tour, Friday 8th July, just 3 weeks to go, tickets available from eventfinda
Oamaru Club AGM date has been set on Sunday 31st July 2022
See you at the Club....
Its starting to get a lil cooler out there, but always comfy and warm here at the Club, apart from your cold beverages of course.
Lucky Number todays hits $1900.00, yes nineteen hundred dollars, you gotta be here to claim the CASH
Happy Hour each and every Thursday from 6.30pm
Bluff Oyster + meat raffles from 5.30pm
Super Rugby semi finals on the BIG Screen, Friday Crusaders v Chiefs, Saturday Blues v Brumbies, both kicking off 7.05pm
Live Entertainment next Saturday 18th June with "DELUXE", featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot more.......
Severn Restaurant Open Thursday till Sunday from 5pm for dinner, Friday and Sunday from 12 noon for lunch
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011, for both pick ups and getting you home safely
Lucky Number today hits $1400.00
This coming Thursday 26th May from 5.30pm
Flip Side on stage from 8pm Saturday 21st May
First in gets the Best seats
Are you feeling Lucky ? Members Lucky Number hits $1300.00 tomorrow, you must be here to claim the CASH
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, one lucky members must win $150.00 club credit every week, register at the bar before 6.15pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday night with "Flip Side", Live on stage in the lounge from 8pm
Quick Fire Raffles return next Thursday 26th May, Hundreds of great prizes on offer, tickets only $1 on sale from 5.30pm
"The Feelers", Friday 8th July, was an epic show last time and will certainly be sold out again this time, tickets from eventfinda
Severn Restaurant currently opening on Thursday Dinner, Friday Lunch and Dinner, Saturday Dinner, Sunday Lunch and Dinner, bookings highly recommended, check out the daily specials
Bluff Oyster + Meat raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm for pick ups and drop offs, 0800 999 011
Lucky Number hits $1000.00 today
Bluff Oyster Raffles from 5.30pm
Casual Bar Person Required
Sunday afternoon shift plus other shifts as required
Managers Licence and Gaming Experience preferred
If interested please email office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Live at the Club this Saturday 7th May from 7.30pm
Bluff Oyster Raffles today from 5.30pm
Lucky Number hits $800.00 you must be here to claim the CASH
Courtesy Coach from 4pm 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club this Saturday to the sounds of "Flip Side", back on stage finally, 7.30pm in the lounge bar.
Saturday 7th May, "John McCabe"
Huge Media release this morning, "The Feelers", Communicate 21st Anniversary Tour, Friday 8th July 2022
Tickets on sale from eventfinda, don't delay as this concert sold out last time
Lucky Member Draw today sits at $700, well done Davey who picked up last Thursdays jackpot of $1500.00, you must be present to collect the CASH
Happy Hour every Thursday from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm
Super Rugby Action this Saturday afternoon and the Highlanders take on Fijian Drua, kicking off from 4.35pm, live on the BIG screen
NRL Action also this Saturday as the Warriors look to bounce back from last weeks shocker, taking on the Raiders from 5pm
FREE COURTESY COACH for your friendly pick ups and drop offs, from 4pm Tues Thurs Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
Friday 8th July 2022
Tickets from eventfinda
Todays Lucky Number draw hits $1500.00
Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hour kicks in from 6.30pm every Thursday
Fantastic Friday Draw, register at the bar before 6.15pm
Sunday Super Rugby action this week with the Highlanders travelling to take on the Brumbies, kicking off at 4pm
Live Entertainment returns to the Oamaru Club with "Flipside" taking the stage in the lounge bar next Saturday 30th April from 7.30pm
Good turnout for the first Punters Club gathering last Saturday, unfortunately the returns weren't huge this time but I'm sure we will do better next month.
Such a beautiful day out there today, reward yourself with a well earned cold beverage after you knock off, you know you want to.
Please take advantage of our FREE Courtesy Coach, pick ups and delivery safely home, operating from 4pm, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Saturday 0800 999 011
Live Entertainment Returns
Saturday 30th April, its been a few months between dances, more details soon
PLUS one of New Zealand's BIGGEST pop rock Bands touring NZ and playing here early July, watch this space
We can operate without capacity limits;
The seated and separated rules are no longer in play;
Customers are encouraged to wear a mask, except when eating or drinking;
Sports, Adjuncts, and other activities can operate at the Orange Setting without restriction.
Return of LIVE entertainment
YES we are open Tomorrow GOOD FRIDAY, from 11am, Good Friday Buffet from 5pm
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, resister at the Bar before 6.15pm, one lucky members picks up $150.00 credit on their membership card
Members Lucky Number hits $1300.00 today, unlucky for some, you must be here to claim the CASH
Longest Happy Hour in Town kicks off from 6.30pm
Punters Club first get together this Saturday from 11.30am, $20 syndicate and a $50 syndicate, join the professionals and get a punt on
A warm Oamaru welcome to all lawn bowlers joining us for Easter Tournament, please make our Club "Your Club" for the long weekend
Oamaru Jockey Club Punters Club
Kicks off this Saturday 16 April from 11.30am in the Main bar
All welcome, $20 syndicate and a $50 syndicate, 2 names drawn from each syndicate to do the betting at 12.15pm
Severn Restaurant Easter Buffet
Good Friday Dinner from 5pm
Easter Saturday Dinner from 5pm
Easter Sunday lunch from 12 noon, Dinner from 5pm
Closed for lunch Friday and Saturday
Bar Open from 11am Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Have a Safe and Happy Easter
Bus leaving the Club at 9am
Limited tickets remain
Available at the Bar
Restaurant Closed this week Thurs-Sunday
Due to staff illness, the Severn Restaurant will not be operating this week, re opening next week Thursday 14th April till Sunday
Chris "Magic" Johnson signed Posters 840 x 595 quality
Limited Edition, only $30. all proceeds to Oamaru Jockey Club, available at the Bar,
$800.00 TONIGHT
There is some light at the end of the tunnel finally
As of this Saturday, the 100 persons restriction will be in creased to 200 persons in the Club
As of Tuesday 5th April the Vaccine Mandate will no longer apply to the Oamaru Club, scanning in will also no longer be a requirement
I would like to thank all members for their understanding and co operation over the past few months whilst these restrictions have been in place
Sooooooooo Good News is that Lucky member Draw Returns this coming Tuesday after a 2 month absence, currently sitting at $800.00
More Good News, Live Entertainment is set to return in the very near future
Not so good news is that from Friday 1st April there will be some minor price increases across our range of beverages, first increase in 18 months but necessary due to rising costs being imposed upon the Club
Bluff Oyster Raffles are back tonight from 5.30pm, also the longest happy hour kicks in from 6.30pm
Methven Races are GO
Very limited tickets priced at $50 per member
Includes but not limited to;
Return Bus Trip
Entry to the Track
Race Book
Continuous Food
Liquid Refreshments
Punters Club
Live Entertainment
Hawaiian Shirts encouraged
Tickets at the Bar
Live and LOUD on the BIG screen tonight, Highlanders v Crusaders, kick off 7.05pm
Severn Restaurant Open for Lunch from midday and Dinner from 5pm
Fantastic Friday draw continues, enter at the bar, one lucky members picks up $150 credit on their card
New membership cards are now being processed, those who have paid online can pick their cards up from the bar
A reminder that face masks must be worn in the Club unless you are at your table/ leaners and eating or drinking.
Stay safe out there
Face Masks compulsory from today at the Club
Masks must been worn at all times unless seated at your table/ leaner whilst you are eating or drinking
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
The New Face Mask Mandate comes into effect Thursday 3rd February at 11.59pm, so this will be implemented at he Club from Friday morning
A face covering will need to be an actual mask and attached to the head by loops around the ears or head. This means scarves, bandannas, or t-shirts are no longer acceptable.
A Face Mask will be required to enter the Club, this needs to be worn until you are seated at your table/ leaner and are eating or drinking. At all other times members are required to wear a Face Mask
Face Masks are also required whilst travelling in the Courtesy Coach
Severn Restaurant Hours this week
Thursday Dinner from 5pm
Friday Lunch from Midday
Dinner from 5pm
Saturday Dinner from 5pm
Sunday Lunch from Midday
Dinner from 5pm
Red Setting Update
Methven Race Trip Cancelled
Lucky Number Suspended
Entertainment Suspended
Usual Club Hours with 100 members maximum
The Oamaru Club may open with up to 100 people or based on 1 metre distancing (whichever is the lesser) per defined space.
Customers must be seated and separated. This means that dancefloors, pool, darts and other recreational activities cannot operate.
Face coverings are required for customer-facing workers and are encouraged for customers while not eating.
We thank you in advance for your consideration
Methven Races Bus Trip, Sunday 30th January Limited seats remain, $50 includes return transport to Methven, entry to the track, race book, continuous food and liquid refreshments for the race meeting, tickets at the Bar
Friday + Saturday Evening
$25.00 Main + Dessert
Lucky member Number hits $2500.00
You Must be here to claim the CASH
Severn Restaurant Hours this week;
Thursday Dinner from 5pm
Friday Lunch from Midday
Dinner from 5pm
Saturday Dinner from 5pm
Sunday Lunch from Midday
Dinner from 5pm
Join us at the Oamaru Club for a night of fun and great entertainment on New Years Eve
Central Otago's Finest Duo
Andy and Shirley Gilmour as "Maiden England"
On Stage from 8.30pm
Vaccine Passports required
Christmas Hours 2021
Xmas Eve Club closes 10pm
Xmas Day Closed
Boxing Day Open early close
Restaurant Dinner only;
Thurs 30 Dec
Fri 31st Dec NYE
Sat 1st Jan
Sun 2nd Jan
Club Xmas Shout, Happy Hour ALL DAY
Lucky Member Draw hits $2000.00, perfect timing for the Xmas break
Xmas Ham Raffles continue today and tomorrow
DB Ham Promotion drawn tonight, get your entries in by 6.30pm
Lucky Number hits $1800.00 tonight, just in time for the xmas shopping, you must be present to claim the cash
Club Xmas Shout is next Thursday 23rd December, Happy Hour ALL Day
Christmas Hours next week, Club is closed Xmas Day and Boxing Day, the Club will be closing at 10pm on Xmas Eve.
Restaurant will be open for Dinner only on 30 Dec, 31 Dec(NYE), 1st and 2nd January
We do have a Band for New Years Eve in the Sports Hall, more details next week
Clubs NZ Methven Race Day returns Sunday 30th January 2022, all going well tickets will be on sale first week on January 2022, Vaccination Passport will be required, Hawaiian Dress Code this time.
Please make use of the FREE courtesy coach every Tues Thurs Fri and Sat 0800 999011
Vaccine Passport Requirement from Friday 3 December 2021
All members, Guests and Visitors will be required to produce their Vaccine Passport as a condition of entry to the Oamaru Club and Phoenix Bowling Club, under 12's are exempt under current health orders.
Door checks will be made during busy periods initially and at other times you will be asked to verify your passport status by the staff in the bar, restaurant or office.
Your Passport information can be linked to your membership card and we ask members (happy to do so) to pass this information on to the office by presenting your Passport or emailing a copy to office@oamaruclub.co.nz , thus moving forward swiping your membership card will verify your status.
We ask for your understanding in advance as we implement this new system and apologise for any inconvenience caused
Xmas Ham Raffles kick off this week
Just hit 29 degrees
Cold beers on tap, call in for a refresher
We are looking for a part time Chef/ Cook to join our Team at the Severn Restaurant
Initially part time hours, Thurs, Fri and Sat nights, approx 20 hours, lunch shifts and Sunday shifts periodically
The ideal candidate will have;
At least one years’ work experience in a commercial kitchen
Be reliable and punctual
Have the ability to work in a fast-paced kitchen environment
Have a genuine passion for excellent quality food
Flexibility to work nights and weekends
A keen attitude to grow with the business with strong work ethic and communication skills.
Please forward expressions of interest to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
0800 999 011
NZ Trotting Cup Today
Drink Specials
Lucky Number $700.00
Raffles from 5.30pm
Quick Fire Raffles
This Thursday 11th November from 5.30pm
Technical Issues have been resolved
$3000.00 draw of 10 x $300 will take place tomorrow, based on all members who swiped their cards yesterday (Tuesday)
Members do not have to be present to claim the cash
Thanks again for your understanding
TUESDAY 2nd November 2021
10 DRAWS OF $300.00
2 @ 6.30PM
2 @ 6.45PM
2 @ 7.00PM
2 @ 7.15PM
2 @ 7.30PM
Bar Meals Available from 5.00pm
Melbourne Cup Tuesday
The Race that stops 2 Nations 5pm, Sweepstakes plus more
Members Lucky Number, $3000.00 MUST GO, 10 x $300 draws
Bar Meals available from 5pm
Members are reminded of social distancing
Lucky Members Draw today hits $2700.00
Whitebait Raffles from 5.30pm
Monthly Wine Special
Severn Restaurant, Thursday till Sunday, New Summer Menu
Lucky Number hits $2600.00 today
West Coast Whitebait Raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Please practice safe social distancing whilst in the Club
A reminder to practise safe distancing
Level 2 continues here in Oamaru, the 100 members maximum restriction has now been lifted, social distancing and QR code registering remain.
Lucky Member Draw is still suspended this week but will be reassessed after the weekend
Stay Safe
West Coast Whitebait Raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Thursday
Every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Thursday till Sunday
Lunch and Dinner
Every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat
Starting again this Thursday
Great news today, Level 2 with 100 members permitted in the Club
So as from Thursday’s this week the Severn Restaurant will be open for business as usual
Bookings recommended
Level 2 arrives tomorrow, the Club will be open with restrictions
The Bar and Gaming operation will be open from 11am, restricted number of members is 50 in total
Every second gaming machine will be turned off due to social distancing
The Severn Restaurant will remain closed until we are allowed 100 members in the Club
Pool, Snooker and Darts will be closed
No section activities this week
No Entertainment
No Raffles this week
No Lucky Number until Level 1
Courtesy Coach will operate normal service
Closing times may vary
Fingers crossed for a change in restrictions next week
Stay safe out there
Hey Members, trust you all are safe and well in your bubbles.
Thinking a lot of you, like me, have been pottering about in your garage/ man cave/ garden shed etc Sorting all those treasures you have had for years and will probably never use.
How about (once we hit Level 1) we hold a Car Boot Sale here at the Club, members can register for a spot FREE, i'm sure we will get some good numbers.
Until then, think about what you could sell and free up all that storage space at home
More details, (hopefully in the near future)
Stay safe and look after each other
Due to the current covid restrictions we have had to postpone the Queen + Bee Gees Tribute Show, originally scheduled for this Saturday 21st August
We will keep you updated in regards to the revised date when covid restrictions are lifted
Stay safe and healthy
Lucky Number Draw hits $2400.00 tonight, members must be present to collect the CASH
This Saturday Night from 5pm
$30 per person including Dessert
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night as the All Blacks take on the Wallabies in the second Bledisloe, kicking off from 7.05pm on the BIG screen
LIVE entertainment right after the final whistle with Flip-Side playing thru till late, get in early for the best seats
Sunday Rugby League action with the Warriors taking on the Bulldogs, can they make it 3 wins on the trot, kick off 3.50pm Sunday
Lucky Members Number hits &2300.00 tonight, you must be here to claim the prize
Queen and Bee Gees Tribute Show, here at the Club on Saturday 21st August, tickets at the bar or on Eventfinda
Unfortunately due to Travel restrictions the "Stevie Nicks, Carole Kind and Linda Ronstadt" Songbook Show, originally Friday 15 September, has been postponed until next year
A reminder to members who have paid their subs online, your membership cards are at the bar to be collected
Please take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
All Blacks v Wallabies
Live and LOUD on the Big Screen 7.05pm
The Club will be closing at 6pm this Sunday as we are holding the annual Executive/ Staff function The Severn restaurant will be open as usual for lunch on this day but closed for dinner Our apologies for any inconvenience caused
Quick Fires this Thursday from 5.30pm
Sunday 25th July 10am
2021 Annual Finance Reports are now available for members to pick up from the Office,
The booklets will be at the Bar later this afternoon
Limited Tickets remain, cut off is 5pm today, maybe 5.30pm.
Doors Open 6pm tomorrow, Saturday Evening, 3 course meal plus the Show of the Year all for only $40
Saturday Dinner + Sunday Lunch
Tuatara Hazy Pale Ale coming soon on Tap, maybe even as soon as TONIGHT
Lucky Member Draw tonight hits $1300.00, unlucky for some but it could be your LUCKY night, remember HAPPY HOUR every Thursday 6.30-8.30pm
All Black rugby action this Saturday night as we host Fiji, live from Dunedin, on the BIG screen from 7.05pm
UFC 264 this Sunday, main card from 2pm with the Main Event, Conor McGregor v Dustin Poirier, live and LOUD on the BIG screen, no cover charge
Dinner & Dance and More............ As part of the Clubs 60th Jubilee celebrations this month we have put together a fantastic evening of live entertainment and a sumptuous 3 course meal plus more.... Saturday 17th July in the Sports Hall, very limited tickets available now, members price of $40.00, tables of 10 may be reserved, smaller groups will be allocated a table on the night
From the Producer of Faulty Towers and the Other Mrs Browns Boys, this Show will sell out, don't delay, tickets available at the Bar
Live Rugby Action on the BIG Screen Saturday as the All Blacks host Tonga at Mt Smart Stadium, kicking off at 7.05pm, curtain raiser is the Maori All Blacks v Samoa, kicking off at 4.30pm, get the crew together and park up for a great afternoon/ evening of live rugby action
NRL Action tonight as the Mighty Warriors take on the Dragons across the ditch, kicking off at 8pm
UFC 264 McGregor v Poirier 3 next Sunday 11th July, lock it in.
Nominations for Office are now Open and Close on Sunday 11th July. Nominations are open for the positions of; President and Executive x 3 Forms are available for the office during the day, please contact the Office if you wish to have these emailed office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Lucky Member Number was not struck last night so Jackpots to $1200.00 next Tuesday
Remember the fantastic Friday Draw tonight, register prior to 6.15pm to be in the chance to pick up $150.00 Club Credit
Please take advantage of the FREE Courtesy Coach 0800 999011
Dinner & Dance and More..............
As part of the Clubs 60th Jubilee celebrations next month we have put together a fantastic evening of live entertainment and a sumptuous 3 course meal plus more....
Saturday 17th July in the Sports Hall
Strickly limited tickets available from Thursday 17th June, members price of $40.00, tables of 10 may be reserved, smaller groups will be allocated a table on the night
From the Producer of Faulty Towers and the Other Mrs Browns Boys, this Show will sell out, don't delay, tickets available from the Club now
Nominations for Office open today , Monday 28th June and Close on Sunday 11th July 2021.
Nominations are open for the positions of;
Executive x 3
Forms are available for the office during the day, please contact the Office if you wish to have these emailed office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Live and LOUD on the BIG Screen
Saturday Evening Buffet special this week, dinner from 5pm, please reserve your table to avoid delays
Super Rugby Grand Final this Saturday Night, the Mighty Highlanders travel into enemy territory at Eden Park, 7.05pm kick off live and LOUD on the big screen
Lucky Number today sits at $700.00 cash, big congratulations to Trevor, last Thursdays winner who picked up a cool $1400.00
Raffles from 5.30pm, including Bluff Oysters, Happy Hour each and every Thursday from 6.30-8.30pm
Coming soon, Tuatara Hazy Pale Ale on tap, a fantastic addition to our craft beer range.
DB promotion this month, Win a Swandri Prize Pack, includes a Ranger Bush Shirt, Gloves and a Beanie, to enter simply purchase DB products at the bar, get your card stamped and get your completed entries into the entry box
Live entertainment next Saturday 26th June with Flipside, back by popular demand, kicking off from 7.30pm
UFC 264, a few weeks away on Sunday 11 July, Dustin Poirier V Conor McGregor
As part of the Clubs 60th Jubilee celebrations next month we have put together a fantastic evening of live entertainment and a sumptuous 3 course meal plus more....
Saturday 17th July in the Sports Hall
Strickly limited tickets available from Thursday 17th June, members price of $40.00, tables of 10 may be reserved, smaller groups will be allocated a table on the night
From the Producer of Faulty Towers and the Other Mrs Browns Boys, this Show will sell out, don't delay, tickets available from the Club tomorrow
Tickets at the Bar
Welcome to June and the first day of winter, the Sun is out and the beers are cold
Lucky Member Draw tonight hits $1100.00, you must be here to claim the CASH
Kenny Roger and Dolly Parton Tribute Show, next Friday 11th June, tickets available at the Bar, if you are wishing to dine before this fantastic show please reserve your table in advance
Totally 80's Tribute Band has been booked in again this year, details to follow, looking at the last week prior to Xmas, those who attended last year will all agree, its a Super Show
Super Rugby action this Saturday Night with the Highlanders hosting the Waratahs in Dunedin, kicking off at 7.05pm
As part of the Clubs 60th Jubilee celebrations next month we are putting on a Dinner/ Show/ Dance evening on Saturday 17th July
The Evening includes a 3 course dinner, Hypnotic Show with members involvement, finishing off with a Dance Show, only $40 for members, limited tickets on sale soon.
See you at the Club
Join us this Saturday Night with Live Entertainment from "The Drama Queens", kicking off in the lounge from 7.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw today and every Friday $150.00 credit on your membership card to be won, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm
Lucky Number was not so lucky for Anthony last night, $1100.00 jackpots thru to next Tuesday
NRL Rugby League action tonight as the Warriors take on the Cowboys from 8pm, Live on the BIG Screen
Super Rugby action this Sunday as the Highlanders will now travel to Sydney to take on the Rebels, kicking off at 5pm Sunday
Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers Tribute Show, Friday 11th June, special guest Johnny Cash, ticket sales are picking up, get yours at the Bar today to avoid missing out
A reminder to all members who have paid there membership renewals online, your cards have been processed and may be picked up at the bar
Please take advantage of the FREE club courtesy coach 0800 999 011
Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm
Live and LOUD this Sunday 16th May
Mothers Day this Sunday 9th May
Severn Restaurant Special Mothers Day Buffet $25.00
Restaurant open for Lunch from 12 noon and Dinner from 5pm
Bookings highly recommended
Mothers Day this Sunday 9th May
Severn Restaurant Special Mothers Day Buffet $25.00
Restaurant open for Lunch from 12 noon and Dinner from 5pm
Bookings highly recommended
Members Lucky Number hits $2700.00 today
ANZAC Day this Sunday 25 April the Club will be open from 9am. Special ANZAC breakfast will be available from 9am, bookings recommended to avoid any delays, the bar will also be open to all members and affiliated RSA members.
Lucky Member Draw hits $2500.00 today, Bluff Oyster Raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw at 6.15pm, $2 to register at the Bar, one Lucky member picks up $150.00 credit on their card EVERY Friday
UFC 261 this Sunday from 2pm, Three Title Fights, Live and LOUD on the BIG screen
Severn Restaurant open Thursday till Sunday for lunch and dinner, New Winter Menu out soon
A reminder to all members who have renewed their memberships, your cards will be at the Bar for you to collect on your next visit.
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton Show, with Special Guest Johnny Cash, Friday 11th June, tickets available from the Bar
Sous Chef position, Severn Restaurant, 20-25 hours per week, email office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Join us at the Club tonight for the Lucky Membership Draw
You MUST be here to claim the CASH
Doors Open 7.30pm
Door sales available
The Sensational John McCabe this Saturday Night from 7.30pm
ANZAC Day 25 April, the Club will be open from 9am for refreshments to all members and RSA affiliated members. A warm welcome is extended to you all
Quick Fires are back today by popular demand, 100's of great prizes to be won, $1 per ticket with 9 draws, kicking off from 5.30pm
HAPPY HOUR today 6.30-8.30pm
LUCKY member number today hits $2200.00 you must be here to claim the CASH, drawn as per club rules between 5.30-7.30pm
Friday Night Rugby League, the Warriors take on Manly from 8pm, live on the BIG screen
Super Rugby Saturday as the Highlanders host the Chiefs in Dunedin, live and LOUD on the BIG screen from 7.05pm
Oamaru Club Jubilee will be celebrated in July this year, we are looking at a dinner and dance on the Saturday incorporating some 1960's music etc. Members with any photo's, newspaper articles and memorabilia from this era of the Club are asked to please contact the manager so we may have some copies to display for the week.
"The Chills" Scatterbrain Album Release Tour kicks off here next Friday 16th April, tickets available from Banished Music
Thursday 8th April from 5.30pm
Easter Buffet Specials
Good Friday Dinner from 5pm
Saturday Dinner from 5pm
Easter Sunday Lunch from 12, Dinner from 5pm
Club Bar is open from 11am Fri, Sat and Sunday
Lucky Member Draw today hits $2000.00, YES Two Thousand Dollars, you must be here to claim the prize
Bluff Oyster Raffles today from 5.30pm
Happy Hour each and every Thursday from 6.30-8.30pm
Super Rugby Action Good Friday from 7pm as the Mighty Crusaders host the Highlanders, live and LOUD on the BIG Screen
Live Entertainment Saturday Night to the sounds of local musician "ReTrio", in the lounge bar from 7.30pm
A reminder to all members that have paid online or outside office hours, your member cards will be at the bar for collection. Also those non financial today will not be included in the Lucky Member Draw
Quick Fire Raffles return next Thursday 8th April, kicking off from 5.30pm
FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Happy Easter
Chef/ Cook Wanted
We have a position available for an experienced Chef/ Cook
Thursday till Sunday with a mix of lunch and dinner shifts, around 20 hours per week. Minimum 2 years recent experience preferred
Please email details to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Special Good Friday Buffet Dinner (closed for lunch) from 5pm
Bluff Oyster Raffles from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw register by 6.15pm
Super Rugby Crusaders are hosting the Highlanders 7.05pm
Friday 16th April 2021
Tickets from Banished Music
Put your dancing shoes on or sit back and enjoy.Dance for Relay for life.
Oamaru Club, Sports Hall
Gold coin donation and raffle with all proceeds in support of Relay for Life.
Please help us raise funds for the 2021 Relay for Life, Cash bar and club meals available from restaurant.
Contact Heather on 021 132 1441 for more info.
Save the date and join us on
Saturday 27th March 2021, 7:30 – 11:30pm
Next Friday 26th March, Tickets online or at the Bar
Join us at the Club this Sunday for UFC 259 Live
Jan Blachowicz vs. Israel Adesanya
Amanda Nunes vs. Megan Anderson
Bantamweight Petr Yan vs. Aljamain Sterling
Preliminary fights from 2pm, Main card from 4pm
Super Rugby Action Tonight from 7.05pm, as the Chiefs host the Highlanders Live on the BIG Screen
Bluff Oyster Raffles continue today, tickets on sale from 5.30pm, also remember to get in the Fantastic Friday Draw, every Friday one lucky member picks up $150.00 credit on their membership card, enter at the Bar
Unfortunately due to Covid Level 2 restrictions the Band has been cancelled this Saturday Night, fingers crossed we return to Level 1 soon.
2 BIG Shows coming to the Club soon, ELEMENO P performing on Friday 26th March and "The Chills", kick off their New Zealand Tour right here at the Oamaru Club on Friday 16th April.
The Lucky Membership number draw will also kick back in once Level 1 returns
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
UFC 259 | Blachowicz vs Adesanya |
This Sunday 7th March, preliminary bouts from 2pm, Main card from 4pm
The Oamaru Club is open under Level 2 restrictions
Please sign in on arrival using the QR Code or signing the book
Please use the hand sanitizer provided on arrival and departure
The capacity under Level 2 is 100 members maximum
No Live Entertainment this week
Raffles will continue as usual
Lucky Number has been suspended until Level 1 returns
If you are feeling unwell please stay at home
Stay safe out there
Live Entertainment This Friday Night "Kevin Greaves" Nashville Recording Artist and Highway of Legends Star. Winner of the coveted Benny Award.
Come and enjoy some great Music, Comedy and Dancing with New Zealand’s hot Country Act.
Lucky Number hits $1200.00 today, Raffles from 5.30pm, HAPPY HOUR 6.30-8.30pm
Live Entertainment This Friday Night "Kevin Greaves"
Nashville Recording Artist and Highway of Legends Star. Winner of the coveted Benny Award.
Come and enjoy some great Music, Comedy and Dancing with New Zealand’s hot Country Act.
Severn Restaurant Buffet this Saturday Night
Bookings recommended
Welcome Back to Level 1
Lucky Member Draw hits $1000.00
Raffles from 5.30pm
HAPPY HOUR 6.30-8.30pm
"The Chills" kick off their National Tour right here at the Oamaru Club on Friday 16th April 2021
The Oamaru Club is open under Level 2 restrictions
Please sign in on arrival using the QR Code or signing the book
Please use the hand sanitizer provided on arrival and departure
The capacity under Level 2 is 100 members maximum
The Courtesy Coach will operate as usual
Raffles will continue as usual
Lucky Number has been suspended until Level 1 returns
If you are feeling unwell please stay at home
Stay safe out there
Heads Up boys, Valentines Day this Sunday 14th, reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant for lunch or dinner, do it now to avoid missing out.
Super Rugby pre season kicks off tonight, Highlanders v Crusaders live from the Temuka Rugby Club, coverage on the BIG screen from 5.25pm
Live entertainment this Saturday with "The Sensational John McCabe", performing in the Lounge from 7.30pm
ELEMENO P High Fidelity Vinyl Release Tour, Friday 26th March, tickets available at the bar or online at eventfinda
Lucky number not struck last night, jackpots to $1000.00 next Tuesday
Congratulations to Augi who picked up the Weber BBQ from the DB promotion over the past few weeks, now that summer has arrived im sure you will get plenty of use from this lil beauty
Please take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach running Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Back by popular demand, Quick Fire raffles this Thursday from 5.30pm, only $1 per ticket and 9 draws per raffle, hundreds of great prizes
Happy Hour each and every Thursday, 6.30-8.30pm
Live Entertainment returns this Saturday Night with "The Dramas Queens", in the lounge from 7.30pm
John McCabe returns next week on Saturday 13th Feb
Get your cards stamped and in the entry box for the Weber portable BBQ promotion, thanks to our friends at DB Breweries, drawn next Thursday
Long Service membership renewals have been mailed out this week, these may be paid at the office during the day or at the bar during the evenings and weekends, cards will be printed during the day during office hours while you wait. Memberships paid at the bar can be collected from the bar typically the following day
Please take advantage of our FREE courtesy Coach which is running every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
0800 999 011
This Sunday 31 January, the Bus is departing the Club at 9am sharp, eg not 9.05am............don't be late
6 tickets remain
Methven Races Bus Trip, Sunday 31st January
Limited seats remain, $50 includes return transport to Methven, entry to the track, race book, continuous food and liquid refreshments for the race meeting, tickets at the Bar
Live UFC action on the BIG screen this Sunday with Poirier v McGregor as the Main Event, preliminary fights from 2pm, with the Main card kicking off from 4pm, be in early for the best seats
Live Entertainment in the Sports Hall this Friday Night with the legendary "Dennis Marsh" and "Brendan Dugan"
Tickets available from the bar and door sales from 7pm Friday, a reminder to reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant if you wish to dine before the Show
T20 Black Clash this Friday Night from 6.30pm, Rugby v Cricket live from Hagley Oval in Christchurch,
Bus Trip to Methven Races on Sunday 31st January, very limited seats remain, get your name and payment into the bar before its too late
Weber BBQ promotion, thanks to our friends at DB Breweries, get your card stamped with every purchase of their products and go into the draw, will be drawn after the lucky number draw on Thursday 11th February
Please take advantage of our FREE courtesy coach 0800 999 011
Tickets available at the Bar
Today from 5pm
Severn Restaurant open Today, New Years Eve, Saturday and Sunday from 5pm
Special New Years Eve Buffet tomorrow from 5pm
Great Xmas Presents, tickets to ELEMENO P
Concert Friday 26th March 2021
Tickets available at the Bar $50.00
Limited supply of Chris "Magic Man" Johnson caps available for $30.00, the Perfect Xmas Gift
New Zealand Champion and New Record holder for most wins, first in first served at the Bar
Oamaru Club Severn Restaurant Hours
Thurs 24th Dinner from 5pm
Christmas Day Closed
Sat 26th Dinner from 5pm
Sun 27th Dinner from 5pm
Mon 28th Dinner from 5pm
Tues 29th Dinner from 5pm
Wed 30th Dinner from 5pm
Thurs 31st Dinner NYE Buffet from 5pm
Fri 1st Dinner from 5pm
Sat 2nd Dinner from 5pm
Sun 3rd Dinner from 5pm
Merry Christmas from our Executive and Staff
Tonight hits $2400.00
Thirsty Thursday is here, lots going on at the Club today.
The Masport "Black Viper" promotion will be drawn today after the Members lucky number draw, which currently sits at $2300.00. A reminder you MUST be here to claim the CASH, but you do not have to be present for the masport lawn mower.
Xmas Ham, Turkey, Meat, Xmas Hamper raffles from 5.30pm, a fantastic range of prizes up for grabs today.
Happy Hour today runs form 6.30pm until 8.30pm
Xmas Shout tomorrow here at the Club, Happy Hour ALL DAY, sausage sizzle, Fantastic Friday Draw at 6.15pm, where one lucky member will pick up $150.00 credit on their membership card
Saturday Night Show, "Totally 80's", very limited tickets remain, less than 10 to be exact, which are available at the bar
Please make use of the FREE courtesy coach, 0800 999 011, this will be running each Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 4pm, checkpoints will be popping up around town from today.
Limited Tickets this Saturday Night for the Totally 80's Show, don't leave it till the night, you will probably miss out
Members Lucky Number Cash Draw hits $ 2200.00 tomorrow night, you must be here to claim the CASH
Xmas Ham and Turkey Raffles PLUS the HUGE Xmas Hamper raffle continues, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat.
The Black Viper Masport Mower draw is this Thursday, thanks to DB Breweries for putting this great prize up for our members, this will be drawn after the Lucky Number on Thursday17th
Xmas Club Shout is this coming Friday, Happy Hour prices ALL DAY
Xmas Buffet in the Severn Restaurant this coming Saturday Night, please reserve a table to avoid missing out, especially if you are coming to the Show
Please take advantage of the FREE courtesy Coach this festive season, check points will be starting to appear this week, rumour has it.
Xmas Buffet Lunch $25.00 inc Dessert
Tickets on Sale at the Bar
The Sensational John McCabe
Get your card stamped with every DB product purchase to go into the draw to WIN this Masport Lawnmower, will be drawn after the Lucky Number Draw on Thursday 17 December
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with Oamaru's own "DEE MAY and the SAINTS", always drawing a big crowd, get down early for the best seats.
Kids Christmas Party this Sunday 6th December here at the Club from 10am, FREE to all MEMBERS kids, grandkids and great grandkids, maybe even great great grandkids, lots of fun for all the young ones, Noddy Train, Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, Magic Show, a visit from Santa, Candy Floss, Ice Creams, Juice and more....... Lock it in
Xmas Ham Raffles, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Lucky Number tonight hits $1900.00, you MUST be here to claim the CASH, Happy Hour today from 6.30-8.30pm
Club Xmas Shout will be held on Friday 18th December, Happy Hour all day plus more
FREE courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us this Saturday to the sounds of "ReTrio", playing in the lounge from 7.30pm
Live BIG Screen action this week, starting tomorrow as the Black Caps host the West Indies at Eden Park in the first T20, kicks off from 7pm
All Blacks v Argentina, Saturday Night from 9.45pm, a MUST win game for the All Blacks, Quarts Special during the game
Xmas Ham raffles continue every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat, these are available at the Bar during the day or from the raffle counter from 5.30pm
Kids Xmas party is next Sunday 6th December, great offerings for members kids and grandkids, and absolutely FREE
Totally 80's Show, Saturday 19th December, limited tickets still available, BUT, this Show will sell out in the near future.
Don't leave it until its too late to book your end of year work dinner with the Severn Restaurant, Delicious Ham/ Turkey Roasts with Xmas Dessert, reserve your table now to avoid disappointment.
Please take advantage of our FREE Courtesy Coach 0800 999011
Oamaru Club Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 6th December here at the Club from 10am and absolutely FREE to all members and their families.
Bouncy Castles, Noddy Train rides, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, Magic Show, a visit from Samta, Candy Floss, Ice Creams, Juice and more....... Lock it in
Experienced bar manager required, people with a great work ethic, personality plus and an ability to lead by example need only apply.
Predominantly Thursday thru to Sunday this position would offer a regular 40 hour week.
The ideal candidate will have a current managers license, experience in gaming machines and TAB, a passion for great customer service and an ability to lead by example.
Letters if interest and a current CV may be sent to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Dennis Marsh and Brendan Dugan
New Zealand Legends and International artists Dennis Marsh and Brendan Dugan appearing at the Oamaru Club on Friday 22nd January 2021
New Zealands No.1 Stage, TV and Recording Stars and Benny Awardees
Tickets on sale from the Club soon......
Rud Stewart, Direct from Las Vegas
Touring new Zealand and appearing at the Oamaru Club February 2021
More details to follow................
Xmas Ham Raffles
Every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Monkey Hare
Acoustic duo featuring
F r a n k R a m i r e z a n d J a y M o r r i s s
Great music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s including:
Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, The Everly Brothers, David Bowie, Supertramp, The Beatles, Van Morrison, America, The Who, Crowded House, Tom Petty, The Kinks, Bread, The Rolling Stones and more…
Playing here on Saturday 14th November after the All Blacks v Argentina
Our most popular cookbook author, Annabel Langbein, has written about her remarkable life and how food has shaped it.
Listen to Annabel speak about her new memoir, "Bella: My Life in Food", which will be followed by a book signing. 7.00pm TONIGHT Oamaru Club, 32 Severn St Tickets $15 in association with Oamaru Lions Club Available from Paper Plus Oamaru, 181 Thames St 434 7498, oamaru@paperplus.co.nz, or Oamaru Lions Club Members
Books available on the night
All Proceeds to Otago Rescue Helicopter
Tuesday 10th November, New Zealand Trotting Cup, join us at the Club to watch the big race, Happy Hour from 2-6pm, free nibbles, sweepstakes and more......
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with Marky Mark and the Saggy Britches, fantastic local entertainment kicking off from 8pm
DB Lawnmower promotion kicks off this week, Masport rotary mower will be won by one lucky member when drawn mid December, get your card stamped at the bar with any DB product purchase.
Xmas Ham raffles are not too far away, raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Totally 80's Show presented by Tombstone Entertainment, Saturday 19th December, tickets selling quickly for this event and this will sell out, tickets at the bar or online at cosmicticketing.co.nz
An evening with Annabel Langbein, this coming Tuesday 10th November, limited tickets still available from Paper Plus or from Oamaru Lions Club members
FREE Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Melbourne Cup 2020
Happy Hour 2pm-6pm
FREE nibbles
Bubbles and Strawberries
Unlucky Ticket Draws
Tuesday 3rd November, join us at the Club for an afternoon of great racing action
Happy Hour 2pm-6pm, FREE nibbles, Bubbles and Strawberries, Sweepstakes, Unlucky Ticket Draws
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "Marion's Outlaws", performing in the lounge from 7.30pm
All Blacks v Australia this Saturday Night, live, from Sydney, on the BIG screen from the later time of 9.45pm
Quick Fire Raffles tonight from 5.30pm, an awesome selection of prizes to be won
Happy Hour today and every Thursday 6.30-8.30pm
Mitre 10 Rugby action with the local derby tomorrow night, Canterbury host Otago kicking off from 7.05pm
Tickets selling fast for the Totally 80's Show to be held here on Saturday 19th December, a great night out with the workmates to celebrate break up day
Masport Lawnmower promotion starts next week thanks to our friends at DB, get your card stamped with any DB purchases and you are in the draw for a stunning new Masport
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
This Thursday 29th October
Kicking off from 5.30pm
The waiting is over, DEVILSKIN, tonight RED NZ Tour
Very Limited door sales remain
This Friday 23rd October
Limited tickets still available
This coming SUNDAY 25th October
Tickets from undertheradar.co.nz
Our most popular cookbook author, Annabel Langbein, has written about her remarkable life and how food has shaped it. Listen to Annabel speak about her new memoir, "Bella: My Life in Food", which will be followed by a book signing.
7.00pm Tuesday 10th November 2020
Oamaru Club, 32 Severn St
Tickets $15 in association with Oamaru Lions Club
Available from Paper Plus Oamaru, 181 Thames St
434 7498, oamaru@paperplus.co.nz, or Oamaru Lions Club Members
Books available on the night
All Proceeds to Otago Rescue Helicopter
Super Sport Sunday
Bathurst 1000 coverage from 12.30pm
All Blacks v Wallabies 4pm
Darts in the Sports Hall from 10am
$7 Quarts 3.30-6.30pm
Severn Restaurant is open tonight for a sumptuous dinner from 5pm
West Coast whitebait raffles from 5.30pm
Member Cash Draw today will be between 5.30-7.30pm
Live Entertainment in the Club this Saturday Night with " Th' Art of Cheese", here for your listening/ dancing pleasure from 7.30pm
Mitre 10 Rugby with Wellington v Otago on the BIG screen kicking off at 4.35pm Saturday afternoon
Bledisloe Cup Test Rugby, All Blacks v Australia this Sunday afternoon from 4pm, Quart beers special thanks to our friends at DB, only $7.00 from 3.30pm until 6.30pm
West Coast whitebait season is well underway, Whitebait Raffles here every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat
For those wanting to get online tickets for the Jordan Luck Band for Saturday 25th October the correct website is undertheradar.co.nz
Next Sunday 18th October has action packed sports on all day with the Bathurst 1000 with coverage from 12.30pm. The second Bledisloe Cup Test will kick off on the 18th at 4pm, live from Eden Park
Check out our super Friday Lunch Specials each week in the Severn Restaurant, reserve your table to avoid missing out
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Bledisloe Cup 2020
Sunday 11th and 18th kicking off at 4pm
$7 Quarts during the game thanks to our friends at DB
Live and LOUD on the BIG screen
Staff Wanted
Casual/ On Call bar person required
Experience prefered but not essential
Please forward your details to office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Jordan Luck Band
Sunday 25 October
Tickets at undertheradar.com
West Coast Whitebait with salad and fries only $16.00 Lunch Special
Espresso, Kahlua, Vodka, Maple Syrup
Why wouldn't ya
Todays Members Lucky Number hits $2600.00, yes Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars, you gotta be here to collect.
West Coast whitebait raffles from 5.30pm Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat
Freezing cold out there today, call in and try our awesome range of coffee's, special price of only $3.00
Live Entertainment this coming Saturday Night with "Sha-Low", kicking off from 7.30pm in the lounge.
Severn Restaurant open for lunch and dinner Thursday till Sunday, please reserve your table to avoid disappointment
Mitre 10 Cup rugby action this Sunday as Ranfurly Shield holders Otago host Hawkes Bay from 4.35pm
Cancer Society Quiz Night hosted by the one and only "Billy Mitchell", now being held on Friday 30th October
Upcoming All Black v Australia Tests will be held on Sunday 11th and Sunday 18th October, Live and LOUD on the BIG screen, 4pm kick off, drink specials
Please make use of our FREE Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800999011
See you at the Club
Tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd September we return to Alert Level One "whahoo"
Members Lucky Number returns tomorrow, $2400.00 yes Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars is here for the taking.
Live Entertainment returns this Saturday Night with Dee May and the Saints, Live and Loud from 7.30pm
Live Entertainment will continue during Level 1
Two Huge Shows coming up;
Devilskin will be painting Oamaru RED here at the Club on Friday 23rd October
Jordan Luck Band returns to Oamaru on Sunday 25th October, a HUGE double header over one HUGE weekend
UFC 253 returns to the Big Screen this Sunday Afternoon, Israel Adesanya vs Paulo Costa Sunday 27 September from 3pm, preliminary fights from 12 noon
Cancer Society Fundraiser being host by Billy Mitchell, originally was to take place on Friday 11th September, will now be held on Friday 30th October.
FREE Courtesy Coach Tues Thurs Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Israel Adesanya vs Paulo Costa
Sunday 27 September from 3pm
Lock it in now
Heads up all, Fathers day this Sunday 6th September, so spoil your dad with lunch or dinner (or both ) in the Severn Restaurant
All Dads receive a FREE BEER and FREE DESSERT with their Main Meal
Strictly limited seats due to Level 2 restrictions
Book NOW
Due to Level 2 restrictions the following Events are postponed
Methven Race Day Bus Trip, originally to take place on Sunday 13th September, has now been moved until Sunday 31st January 2021, we will keep you posted on tickets etc closer to the day
Cancer Society Fundraiser being host by Billy Mitchell, originally was to take place on Friday 11th September, will now be held on Friday 13th November 2020
Under level 2 we are restricted to 100 members in the Club at any one time, we thank you all for your understanding.
Ranfurly Shield Rugby, North Otago v Canterbury today at 2.05pm, Live and LOUD on the BIG screen, HAPPY HOUR during the game
Attention All Members
A reminder of the Clubs AGM this Sunday 30th August at 10am
This will be held at the Club under Level 2 restrictions
The Oamaru Club Annual Report and Financial Statements are now available for all financial members, this report may be uplifted from the Bar
We wish to announce the re-election of;
Graham Meikle ( Vice President )
Natalie Kinzett ( Executive )
Leanne McClea ( Executive )
Allan Prakash ( Executive )
These members were all nominated to stand in this years elections and return unopposed.
There is therefore, no need for elections this year.
As i'm sure you are all fully aware, as of midday today we find ourselves back in Level 2
As far as the Club operation is concerned we are trading under level 2 restrictions.
We are limited to 100 members at the Club at any one time, this will be monitored by our staff and we ask in advance for your understanding in this matter.
The Bar and restaurant will operate under our normal trading hours in level 2, Club raffles will also be available on the usual days.
The Clubs Lucky Member Draw, currently $2400.00 , will be suspended during Level 2.
We are also required to keep track of our patronage at the Club, so we ask that you register with the tracer Q-Code or fill in the manual register at the entrance. Hand sanitizers have also been strategically placed around the Club and we encourage to use these regularly.
We are seeking advise from both Clubs NZ and the Ministry of Health as we move forward The well being of our staff and members is paramount during this time.
The clash of the south, 3.35pm Sunday afternoon, Crusaders host the Highlanders, live and LOUD on the BIG screen, Happy Hour during the big game.
Lucky Member Draw was not struck last night, jackpotting to a massive $2300.00 on Tuesday, you must be here to claim the CASH
Live Entertainment this Saturday with "Th' Art of Cheese", kicking off at 7.30pm in the lounge
Fantastic Friday Draw today and every Friday, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm to be in to win $150 credit on your membership card, must go every Friday.
Devilskin Concert here at the Club Friday 4th September, limited tickets still available at the Bar, 300+ tickets already gone, this show will sell out, don't miss out
A reminder that this years AGM has been postponed until Sunday 30th August 2020, nominations for Executive opening on Monday 3rd August and closing on Sunday 16th August. Voting will take place on Saturday 29th August and Sunday 30th August 2020
Remit for AGM 2020 (2)
Rule Change 13.6 (b)
Original Rule
Rule 13.6 a) must be satisfied in full or the nomination is void. The election shall be by a secret ballot on the Club's premises between 11.00am and 6pm on the day prior to the Club’s Annual General Meeting and between 9.00am and 11.00am on the day of the Annual General Meeting, or by postal vote on, or within ten (10) days, after the Annual General Meeting. Such postal vote may be conducted electronically in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002
Proposed Rule
Rule 13.6 a) must be satisfied in full or the nomination is void. The election shall be by a secret ballot on the Club’s premises. The voting will be open on the Thursday to Saturday immediately post the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The voting hours on those three (3) days will be 11.00am until 2pm and 4pm until 7pm.
The Oamaru Club AGM will be held on Sunday 30th August 2020
Remit for AGM 2020
Rule change 9.4 Long Service Membership
Original Rule :
Long-service Membership: An Ordinary Member of the Club is entitled to become a Long-service Member on completion of 30 years’ continuous membership, and as a Long-service Member shall pay a reduced subscription equivalent to no more than twenty percent (20%) of the subscription for Ordinary membership.
Proposed Rule
Long-Service Membership: An Ordinary Member of the Club is entitled to become a Long-service Member on completion of 30 years’ continuous membership, and as a Long-service Member shall pay a reduced subscription of $10.00 ( ten dollars )
Oamaru Club AGM will be held Sunday 30th August 2020
Lucky member Number today hits $2000.00, yes Two Thousand Dollars cash up for grabs, you must be here to claim the prize
Live Entertainment continues this week with the Sensational John McCabe, live in the lounge from 7.30pm
Bluff oyster raffles today from 5.30pm followed by happy hour (2 hours) from 6.30pm
A reminder that this years AGM has been postponed until Sunday 30th August 2020, nominations for Executive opening on Monday 3rd August and closing on Sunday 16th August. Voting will take place on Saturday 29th August and Sunday 30th August 2020
Audited annual finance reports will be available for members early next week, please ask at the office or email office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Please take advantage of our FREE Courtesy Coach which runs Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm for Pick Ups and Drop Offs 0800 9990 111
Live Entertainment returns this week with local band Machete Betty this Saturday Night from 7.30pm, playing all your favourites, bring your dancing shoes
Next week, The Sensational John McCabe
Lucky Member Number was not struck last night, jackpots to $1900.00 on Tuesday
Severn restaurants new kitchen is looking fantastic, fingers crossed we will be open for business next week
Methven Races Bus Trip is now confirmed for Sunday 13th September, tickets will be $50 per person which includes, return bus trip, liquid refreshments all day at the track and continuous food offerings, tickets on sale next week, strictly limited to 40 members.
2020 AGM will be held on Sunday 30th August this year, Audited annual finance reports will be available to members on Tuesday 4th August
The mighty Warriors take on the Roosters tomorrow kicking off from 5pm
Devilskin Concert, Live here at the Club Friday 4th September, get your tickets online, or a limited supply at the Bar
Fresh out of isolation with a clean bill of health, Machete Betty have the songs and attitude to rock any trace of Covid-19 right out of your system.
The road to recovery is simple.....
1.Grab you friends and come down to the club
2. Buckle yourself in for a great night
See you there, this Saturday 25th July
Lucky Member Number today hits $1600.00, yes sixteen hundred dollars up for grabs, you must be here for the draw.
Bluff Oyster and meat raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Super Rugby Action this weekend, Saturday the Hurricanes host the Blues from 7.05pm, Sunday afternoon see's the Chief take on the Highlanders at 3.35pm, Happy Hour on for the Highlanders game.
A reminder for those who have paid their subs but not yet picked up their new card, these have all been printed and are at the bar for collection.
Those of you that forgot to renew during the lockdown or didn't receive a reminder can also renew your subscription at the bar
We are excited to announce that the Methven Race Trip will be on again this year, details to follow but at this stage pencil in Sunday 13th September
Severn Restaurant is making great progress, will keep you updated on developments
FREE courtesy coach 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club this Saturday from 7.30pm as Karaoke returns, its where you are the star, always a night of great entertainment
Quick Fire raffles return today from 5.30pm, fantastic prizes and tickets only $1, which gets you in 9 draws per raffle
Lucky Member Number hits $1400.00 today, you must be here to claim the CASH
Happy Hour every Thursday 6.30-8.30pm
Devilskin (R18) performing here at the Oamaru Club on Friday 4th September, tickets from eventfinda, BUT we do have limited tickets at the Club for $55.00, enquire at the bar
Severn Restaurant redevelopment is well underway, our brand new kitchen is hopefully only a couple of weeks from reopening, new menu will also be released for the opening, more details to follow.
Super Rugby this weekend, Saturday night see's the Crusaders hosting the Blues in a top of the table clash, Sunday afternoon 3.35pm, see's the Highlanders travel to Wellington to take on the Hurricanes, HAPPY HOUR during the Highlanders game
Quick Fires from 5.30pm Thursday 9th July
Notice is hereby given that this years AGM has been postponed until Sunday 30th August 2020
This is necessitated due to delays with our annual audit and no possibility in having the annual finance report available for the members in a timely manner prior to the AGM. We are hopeful that audited reports will be signed off by the end of July 2020
Election and nominations dates have also been postponed with nominations for Executive opening on Monday 3rd August and closing on Sunday 16th August.
Voting will take place on Saturday 29th August and Sunday 30th August 2020
Restaurant meals are available Thursday - Sunday evening and Friday and Sunday lunch during the kitchen redevelopment, please order from the bar.
Beer Battered Blue Cod, Burgers, Schnitzel, Lambs Fry, Nachos and lots more including our famous Seafood Chowder
Lucky members draw tonight hits $1200.00, Bluff oyster and meat raffles from 5.30pm plus happy hour from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register at the Bar prior to 6.15pm
Super Rugby Action this Saturday Night from 7.05pm as the Highlanders host the Crusaders in Dunedin, live and LOUD on the BIG screen PLUS Happy Hour prior to and during this southern derby, be in early for the best seats.
Two HUGE Shows coming up at the Club, Devilskin on Saturday 4th September and the Jordan Luck Band here on Sunday 25th October, tickets available online
FREE Courtesy Coach for pick ups and drop offs from 4pm Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Highlanders v Crusaders this Saturday Night kicking off at 7.05pm, live and loud on the BIG screen
Happy hour from 6.30pm and throughout the entire game, get in earlier for the best Seats
Sunday 25th October 2020
( Labour Weekend )
Tickets at undertheradar.co.nz
Lucky Member Number hits $1000.00 today, every financial member is in the draw, you just have to be here to claim the prize
Happy Hour each and every Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, the longest in town
NRL Action Friday night as the Warriors take on the Storm from 8pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday night with "Marion's Outlaws", dance floor is open from 7.30pm
Super Rugby action this Saturday as the Highlanders travel to enemy territory to tackle the Blues, live on the big screen from 7.05pm, Sunday afternoon action as the Crusaders host the Chiefs in Christchurch from 3.35pm
Quickfire raffles return in 2 weeks, Thursday 9th July from 5.30pm, lock it in the diary now
"Corona Stubbie Specials", whilst stocks last for only $5
FREE Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011 for pick ups and drop offs
Saturday Night from 7.30pm we welcome back "Th' Art of Cheese", will be a great night of musical entertainment and the dance floor is ready and waiting
Fantastic Friday Draw today. enter at the Bar prior to 6.15pm, one Lucky member MUST win $150.00 credit on their membership card
Bluff Oyster raffles today and tomorrow from 5.30, also an awesome selection of meat trays $2 per ticket
NRL action tonight as the Warriors take on South Sydney, kick off at 8pm, live on the Big Screen
Super Rugby Sunday, Wellington host mighty Canterbury kicking off at 3.35pm
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Wed, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Super Rugby (Aotearoa) returns this Saturday, first up Highlanders v Chiefs, Saturday Night 7.05pm, live and loud on the BIG Screen
Live Entertainment returns next week Saturday 20th June with "Th' Art of Cheese", first band since lockdown, get in early for the best seats
Lucky Number resets tonight at $600.00, well done Tuesdays lucky member who picked up a cool $1700.00, you must be here to collect the cash
Due to the Kitchen Redevelopment we have a simplified food offering for dinner Thursday till Sunday and lunch on Friday and Sunday, these meals may be ordered in the main bar
Oyster and meat raffles continue Tues, Thurs Fri and Sat from 5.30pm, great selection of prizes from $2 per ticket
Membership card renewals are all up to date and my be collected from the main bar
FREE Courtesy Coach running from 4pm every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Lucky Member hits $1700.00 today
You must be here to claim the prize
Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
FREE courtesy coach from 4om 0800 999 011
Lucky number returns Tomorrow (Tuesday) $1700.00
Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Maybe even a LIVE band on Saturday
Tell ya friends
Sumptuous meals now available Thursday until Sunday from 5pm, PLUS Lunch on Friday and Sunday including, Seafood Chowder, Delicious Pizza's, Awesome Nachos and more
Raffles continue every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat, including Fresh Bluff Oysters
Courtesy Coach also operating Tues Thurs Fri and Sat
0800 999 011
Thank you all for your understanding with the new operational restrictions currently in place at this time
We do have some guidelines in place for us to open at Level 2, so please be patient as we adjust to the new normal, follow the arrows on the floor and enjoy your long awaited drink.
If you have paid your membership over the lockdown period they are ready to be collected. Look forward to seeing in less than 24 hours.
Attention members, we are exciting to announce the Club will be open from next Thursday 21st May
There will be restrictions in place in regards to numbers and social distancing which we are working on now and will have systems sorted prior to opening
Until then stay safe and healthy, its been a while between drinks, we are all looking forward to catching up
Welcome to Level 3 members and friends, and what a beautiful day it is out there
Nothing to report as far as the Club goes really, we will be preparing to open for when we hit Level 2 (with restrictions)
We will update you all at this time, until then, keep up the fantastic work you are all doing, a great time to be a Kiwi and even better being an Oamaruvian
Stay safe out there
As per the lock down imposed by the Government, the Oamaru Club is now closed.
Wishing you all good health, stay safe and strong during this time.
We will update you all as news comes in
At this stage its business as usual at the Oamaru Club
We will assess this on a daily basis and keep in touch with our members
In the short term, large sporting and social gatherings have had to be postponed, the Clubs NZ AGM and Conference has also been postponed
We ask that if you are feeling unwell or have flu like symptoms or have been in contact with someone with symptoms that you don't come to the Club
We are seeking advise from both Clubs NZ and the Ministry of Health as we move forward
The well being of our staff and members is paramount during this time
Stay safe, look after each other and we thank you all for your assistance in this matter
Dear Member
Yes its that time of year again, renewal of your subscription is now due 31 March 2020
Standard Membership $25.00
Long Service Membership (30 Years) $5.00
Memberships may be paid;
At the Bar-Cash Eftpos or Cheque
At the Office- Cash or Cheque (Mon-Fri 11am-4pm)
Online 03-0937-0112837-00
If your personal details have changed please notify us or your new details when you renew your subscription
Please note, your new cards will need to be COLLECTED FROM THE BAR, these will not be sent out unless you live out of town
Join us for a great night of local entertainment with "ReTrio", from 7.30pm Saturday
Lucky Member number tomorrow, Thursday, hits $1400.00, you must be here to claim the prize.
Bluff Oyster Raffles are back, every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ( subject to supply ) Happy Hour Thursday 6.30-8.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm, $150 club credit must be won every Friday
Saturday Rugby League action as the season kicks off, The Warriors travel to take on the Knights, kicking off at 5pm
Super Rugby Sunday as the Highlanders take on the Jaguares, early kick off time of 10.40am Sunday
Subscription Renewals are being sent out this week, we thought we would wait till after our crazy week with the darts tournament.
Those with emails, that's you if you are reading this, will receive a generic notice with details of how to pay etc
All those without email will receive a reminder in the mail
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Today we welcome all competitors to the Clubs NZ Sth Island Darts Tournament
Tuesday 3rd March
Open Drawn Pairs 7pm (Barrel Draw)
Wednesday 4th March
9.45am Official Opening
Mixed Pairs (final check in 9.30am)
Thursday 5th March
Men's Pairs to completion (final check in 9am)
Ladies pairs to completion (final check in 10.30am)
Friday 6th March
Ladies singles to completion (final check in 9.30am
Youth and Junior to completion (final check in 4.30pm)
Saturday 7th March
Men's singles to completion (final check in 9.30am)
All Members and Guests are invited to view this amazing tournament
Next Tuesday 3rd March we welcome 298 dart players from 25 Sth Island Clubs, as we host the 2020 Clubs NZ Sth Island Darts Tournament
A warm Oamaru welcome to all competitors and an invitation to all members to come along to watch this spectacular event.
Join us at the Club this Saturday as Karaoke returns, great response last time, will be another entertaining evening, if you wish to dine prior, please reserve your table.
Lucky Number Thursday Night hits $1000, all financial members have a chance to pick this up, you just have to be here to claim the prize
Happy Hour each and every Thursday 6.30-8.30pm
Quick Fire Raffles return this Thursday, hundreds of prizes to be won from 5.30pm
Friday Night Super Rugby action as the Highlanders host the Rebels in Dunedin, live on the BIG screen from 7.05pm
Sunday Boxing Action from 2pm with our very own Joesph Parker taking on Shawndell Winters, please note this is an undercard fight for the Mikey Garcia vs Jessie Vargas Welterweight blockbuster.
Next week we welcome 298 Dart players from 25 Clubs for the ClubsNZ Sth Island Darts Tournament, i'm sure you will join me in giving them a big Oamaru Club welcome
UFC 248 next Sunday 8th March lock it in
This Sunday 1st March 2pm
Parker v Winters
Live and LOUD
Live Entertainment this Saturday with local Oamaru band ReTrio, kicking off in the lounge from 7.30pm
Lucky Member Draw tonight sits at $800, Happy Hour from 6.30pm, raffles from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, register at the Bar prior to 6.15pm, Fantastic Super Rugby this Friday as the Highlanders travel to Crusader territory, kicking off at 7.05pm, live and Loud on the Big Screen
Next Thursday 27th February, QUICK FIRE raffles from 5.30pm, lock it in your diary, hundreds of prizes to be won
Sunday Poker League every Sunday from 2pm, all members welcome to participate, get along prior to 2pm and talk to Dean for all details
UFC 248, Sunday 8th March, Israel Adesanya v Yoel Romero for the Middleweight Title
FREE courtesy coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Live and LOUD Sunday 8th March
Severn Restaurant will be open from 5pm tonight
Oh and we are giving away $3000.00, just saying
10 DRAWS OF $300.00
2 @ 6.30PM
2 @ 6.45PM
2 @ 7.00PM
2 @ 7.15PM
2 @ 7.30PM
TIME: 7.00PM
$120.00 PER TEAM
COURTESY COACH 0800 999 011
SUNDAY 31st MAY 2020
More details to follow
Two Great Shows on the One Night
ABBA plus Legends of Rock n Roll
Tickets available at the Club, doors open 7pm for an 8pm Showtime
Lucky Number tonight rockets to $2700.00 yes TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH, you must be here to claim the prize.
Super Rugby 2020 kicks off this Friday, betting competition registrations are at the Bar, $25 to enter, all monies returned as prize money, PLUS weekly sponsors giveaways.
Sunday Poker League at the Club each Sunday from 2pm, open to all members and guests
Its another lovely day here in paradise, remember to keep hydrated, remember our 13 COLD beers on tap, just saying.
Courtesy Coach from 4pm 0800 999 011
Summer is just around the corner and YES Super Rugby 2020 kicks of next Friday 31st January
This year again we are running the Super Rugby Competition, $25 to enter per person, all monies returned in prize money, get your name and money to the Bar prior to kick off
Todays Lucky Member Draw hits $2500.00
You gotta be here to claim the CASH
I Want You
Bar person/ Duty Manager required, 40+ hour position, predominantly late shifts with some flexibility.
Great working environment, excellent remuneration for the right candidate. Experience, minimum 2 years in a similar role preferred, involves bar service, gaming machines, TAB etc
Energetic, happy people need only apply.
Tell ya friends
Poker League starting this Sunday in the lounge, 2pm
Christmas Day - Closed
Thurs 26th Lunch and Dinner
Fri 27th Lunch and Dinner
Sat 28th Lunch and Dinner
Sun 29th Lunch and Dinner
Mon 30th Dinner only
Tues 31st Dinner only (Buffet) New Years Special
Wed 1st Dinner only
Thurs 2nd Dinner only
Fri 3rd Lunch and Dinner
Sat 4th Lunch and Dinner
Sun 5th Lunch and Dinner
Normal trading hours from then on
Join us at the Club this Friday for the annual Club Shout, Happy Hour ALL day, Xmas ham raffles, Fantastic Friday Draw, one member MUST win $150 credit, the best way to sort break up day in town.
Thursday Lucky Member Draw hits $1600.00 this week, you must be here to claim the prize, a nice little bonus to help out for the Xmas shopping
DB Ham promotion drawn Thursday night, ensure you get your stamp cards into the entry box before 6.30pm, 4 hams to be won
Saturday Night entertainment this week with "Flip Side", kicking off from 7.30pm in the Lounge
The Club will be closed on Christmas day only, usual operating hours continue through the festive season.
New Years Eve celebrations with DND Showband direct from Christchurch, No Cover Charge, get in early for the best seats as the Hall will fill up pretty quickly, be prepared for an awesome show
Coming attraction, Sunday Poker
Please take advantage of our FREE courtesy coach over the festive season 0800 999 011
CLUB CAR PARK 10am until1pm
This Sunday 15th December, FREE to all Club members, 10am until 1pm in the Club Car Park, Merry Xmas
Free to all Club Members, Sunday 15th December 10am until 1pm, FREE car wash in the Club car park, many thanks to the WBHS cricket team.
This Sunday, 8th December, Kids Xmas Party at the Club from 10am, FREE to all members and their families, bring the young ones down to enjoy Noddy Train rides, bouncy castles, Fire Engine, face painting, balloon creations, candy floss, ice creams, and more including a visit from Santa himself
Live entertainment this Saturday Night with the return of John McCabe, kicking off his show from 7.30pm in the lounge.
New Years Eve entertainment, DND Showband, direct from Christchurch, all the classics including a set from Fleetwood Mac and ABBA, simply the best entertainment to see in the New Year
A reminder of our Xmas hours, the Club will be closed only on Christmas Day, usual operating hours from then on.
Xmas Ham Raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Saturday
See you at the Club
Oamaru Club Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 8th December here at the Club from 10am and absolutely FREE to all members and their families.
Bouncy Castles, Noddy Train rides, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, a visit from Santa, Candy Floss, Ice Creams, Juice and more.....
Quick Fires from 5.30pm today
Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm
Lucky Member Draw $1000
Meads Cup and the North Otago Rugby boys at the Club today
10 tickets are now available due to a late cancellation, first in first served, this Saturday 6.30pm, tickets $70 includes 3 course meal plus the Show
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show
Doors open 6.30pm
Show Starts 7pm
Lucky Number Today $900.00
Oamaru Club Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 8th December here at the Club from 10am and absolutely FREE to all members and their families.
Bouncy Castles, Noddy Train rides, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, a visit from Samta, Candy Floss, Ice Creams, Juice and more.......
Lock it in
Join us at the Club this Saturday night to the sounds of "Live Wire", performing for your listening and dancing pleasure from 7.30pm. Make a night of it and enjoy the Severn Restaurant Buffet, dinner from 5pm reservations highly recommended.
Members lucky number Thursday night $800, Xmas ham raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm each and every Thursday
NEXT Thursday 28th November, QUICK FIRE Raffles return, fantastic prizes, get in early for the best seats, will be a busy night as we host the North Otago Rugby boys and the Meads Cup, great opportunity for those wanting a photo with the Cup.
Talking of Xmas, book early for your Xmas functions, limited spaces left, don't leave it till the last minute.
A reminder for those coming to the Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show, doors open at 6.30pm, this show is now officially SOLD OUT
Remember the FREE courtesy coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Altrusa Christmas Extravaganza 2019.
We have over 25 stalls which include: Rawleighs products, jewellery, crystals, books, Christmas cards, a paper plus stall, a trade aide stall, Christmas cakes, jams and preserves, crafted pottery, Raffles, candles, revamped furniture, patch work and embroidery supplies, art work, a simply food stall, and much more.
You will get a complimentary wine with your entry ticket.
Some of the proceeds of this go to the Ruby Marris Trust.
Band playing is: The Saggy Britches Band.
Entry fee is $15.
Tickets available from Paper plus and Brackens Print.
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show
Saturday 30th November
$70 per person includes 3 course meal plus show
Only 10 tickets left
The Race that stops 2 Nations
Melbourne Cup 2019, join us at the Club for a day of racing action
Happy Hour 2-6pm, FREE nibbles, FREE sausage sizzle, drink specials, sweepstakes and more
Severn Restaurant open for dinner from 5pm
Lucky Member Draw, $2200.00
Happy Halloween Hour 6.30-8.30pm
Lucky Number hits $2100.00
Boo's on Tap
Summer arrives to the nation this week, and so does the cricket, Black Caps v England, kicking off with T20's this coming Friday and Sunday from 2pm
Friday night World Cup Rugby, Bronze medal game, All Blacks v Wales, live on the big screen kicking off at 10pm
Saturday Sports Day kicks off with the Kiwi's v Great Britain in the first test, kick off 5pm
Rugby World Cup Final, but not as we wanted it, England v Sth Africa, Saturday Night from 10pm
PLUS, Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "The Drama Queens", get in early for the best seats, a reminder to reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant if you wish to dine.
Melbourne Cup, Tuesday 5th November, lock it in, Free nibbles, Free Sausage Sizzle, drink specials, sweepstakes, unlucky ticket draws plus more
Faulty Towers Show, Saturday 30 Nov, $70 per head, includes 3 course meal plus the Show, phone the office on 434 6163 or email office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Live and Loud, Saturday Night kicking off from 9pm, All Blacks v England as we get to the serious end of the World Cup, first in best seats.
Friday Night Rugby League action as the Kangaroo's host the Kiwi's from WIN Stadium, live coverage from 9.40pm, curtain raiser from 7.30pm Jillaroo's v Kiwi Ferns.
Lucky Number draw tonight sits at $1800.00, you must be here to claim the cash, Raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour, the longest in town from 6.30pm, Raffles from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw, $2 to register at the Bar, one Lucky member MUST win the $150 credit every Friday.
Live Entertainment Saturday Night with "Flipside", starting at the earlier time of 7pm, pausing for the All Blacks v England game, then finishing off the night with their great line up of Rock n Roll, wear pink to win a prize :)
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show, Saturday 30 November, tickets selling well (more than half gone) don't leave it too late.
See you at the Club
Sha-Low, live from 7pm
World Cup Rugby
England v Australia 8.15pm
All Blacks v Ireland 11.15pm
Saturday Night sorted
Reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant if you wish to dine prior to the Rugby
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us from midday this Sunday 13th October for full coverage of the Race that stops 2 Nations, the Bathurst 1000, live and LOUD for your motor racing pleasure.
Todays Lucky Member Draw hits a massive $1500.00, you have to be here to claim the CASH
West Coast Whitebait Raffles from 5.30pm today, PLUS Oamaru's Longest Happy Hour kicking off from 6.30pm
World Cup Rugby action Saturday 5.45pm, All Blacks v Italy as pool play winds up, first in gets the best seats.
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "Th' Art of Cheese", back by popular demand, kicking off a night of dancing from 7.30pm
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre, Saturday 30th November, sales for this fantastic function are open now, please phone the Club Office on 434 6163 or email office @oamaruclub.co.nz $70 per person which includes the :Show" and a 3 course meal, limited seating, don't delay
A reminder to take advantage of the FREE Courtesy Coach, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Lucky member draw hits $1400.00 today
Plus, West Coast Whitebait Raffles from 5.30pm
PLUS, Severn Restaurant open from 5pm today
Join us at the Club on Sunday for UFC 243, Live and Loud on the Big Screen, Preliminary fights from 1pm, Main Card from 3pm, first in best seats
Bookings for this hilariously funny Dinner and Theatre Show on Saturday 30th November are now available, $70 per person which includes a 3 course meal and the Show, Tables of 10 also available, to book, please call the office on 434 6163, or email office@oamaruclub.co.nz
UFC 243, this Sunday, Preliminary fights from 1pm, Main Card from 3pm, Live and Loud on the Big Screen, join us to support the Kiwi boys.
Lucky Number today hits $1300.00, Lucky for some, you must be here to claim the CASH
Thursday Happy Hour from 6.30pm, West Coast Whitebait raffles from 5.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night from 7.30pm with "Marion's Outlaws", a lil bit country and a lil bit rock n roll, please reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant if you a wishing to dine.
Sunday evening Buffet this Week, as we welcome all participants of the Clubs NZ Sth Island Ladies outdoor bowls tournament, its our pleasure to host you over the coming week.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Lock it in, UFC World Middleweight Championship featuring our very own Israel Adesanya taking on Robert Whittaker in the Main Event, preliminary fights from 1pm main card from 3pm, Sunday 6th October.
Join us at the Club this afternoon, West Coast Whitebait raffles from 5.30pm, the Longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm, Lucky Member Draw hits $1100.00, you gotta be here to claim the cash.
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "Live Wire", debut show at the Oamaru Club, kicking off from 7.30pm, a show not to be missed.
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show, Saturday 30th November, tickets on sale from next week, fantastic end of year show, The most hilarious show you will eat this year!
West Coast Whitebait specials in the Severn Restaurant for both Lunch and Dinner, bookings recommended.
World Cup Rugby screening at the Club, try Heineken, the sponsors beer, now on tap.
Take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
"Live Wire", Oamaru Club debut this Saturday Night, be prepared fro a great nights entertainment
Lucky Number today hits $1000.00, West Coast whitebait raffles from 5.30pm
Watch it here on the Big Screen
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night with "Sha Low" performing from 7.30pm, first in get the best seats, please reserve your table if you are wishing to dine in the Severn Restaurant
A reminder for all the punters heading to Methven for the races on Sunday, the Bus is leaving the Club carpark at 8.00am sharp, please get here early.
Fantastic Friday Draw tonight at 6.15pm, register at the Bar prior to this, $150 club credit must go every Friday.
The Club is now World Cup Rugby ready, enjoy the games live on the Big Screen, All Blacks v Sth Africa, Saturday 21st Sept, 9.45pm, join us with the Heineken Representative to enjoy the Beer of the Rugby World Cup, spot prizes and giveaways on the night too
Tickets available soon for the Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show, Saturday 30th November, a great end of year event for your business function, more details soon
Remember the FREE Courtesy Coach, every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
See you at the Club
Bus leaving the Oamaru Club this Sunday 15th September at 8.00am sharp, don't be late.
Join us at the Club tonight and meet the North Otago Rugby Team. Visiting the Club from 7.15pm. Bring the kids down for photos etc, there will be a quiz for a $200 bar tab, will choose 3 lucky members to take on the Team
Lucky number Draw tonight as well as Happy Hour from 6.30-8.30pm
Retiro entertaining Saturday night from 7.30pm, live local talent back by popular demand
Our old Courtesy Coach is up for sale, can be viewed at the Club, needs a little tlc but would be great for social sports teams or the like, see Don at the Club for more info
All Blacks v Tonga this Saturday kicking off from 2.35pm
Join us this Saturday to the sound of local band ReTrio, kicking off the night from 7.30pm
Member cash Draw tonight hits $1200, you must be here to claim the prize, Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, $150 credit must be struck each and every Friday, register at the bar
Methven Races, Sunday 15 September, just a few remaining tickets, $50 gets you return bus ride, continuous food and beverage at the Track, tickets at the bar.
Fathers Day Buffet, this Sunday 1st September, Lunch and Dinner, $25 for adults, bookings highly recommended.
Just confirmed today, Christchurch's biggest and best "Showband" for New Years Eve, details to follow.
Heads Up, Fathers Day this Sunday 1st September, Buffet Lunch and Dinner, Plus all dads get a FREE beer, bookings recommended
All Blacks v Wallabies, live from Perth, Saturday 10th (tomorrow) Live and Loud on the BIG Screen from 9.45pm, first in best seats
Live Entertainment tomorrow Night with John McCabe, kicking off from 7.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tonight, register at the bar prior to the draw at 6.15pm.
QUICKFIRE Raffles tonight, great prizes up for grabs, usual meat raffles from 5.30pm, then straight into the QUICKFIRES
Still a few tickets left for the Methven Races Bus Trip, Sunday 15th September, $50 per person includes All liquid refreshments and Food at the Track, return bus and entry to the track, sign up at the bar.
Next Saturday Night, 17th August, Severn Restaurant will be doing a Buffet Dinner, please book your table well in advance, limited seats.
Heads up for Fathers Day, Sunday 1st September this year, Buffet Lunch and Dinner, PLUS all dads get a complimentary beer, book today
Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Those Quickfire raffles we were talking about yesterday, are actually taking place now on Friday 9th August, tell ya friends
Lucky Number retriggers tonight back to $600.00, well done to all the winners who on Tuesday picked up $300.00 each
Happy Hour Tonight from 6.30pm
NRL Action Friday night with the Warriors hosting the Raiders at Mt Smart, kick off 8.00pm
Live Entertainment this week with "Th' Art of Cheese", back by popular demand, for your listening and dancing pleasure from 7.30pm
The Rugby Championship continues with the All Blacks travelling into enemy territory to take on the Wallabies Saturday night from 9.45pm
A reminder to reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant, Friday lunch specials each week, plus Bluff Oysters when available.
Methven Races Bus Trip is quickly selling out, tickets only $50 per person for your entire days fun and entertainment, enquire at the bar today.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 0114
The Club will be closing at 6pm this Sunday as we are holding the annual Executive/ Staff function
The Severn restaurant will be open as usual for lunch on this day but closed for dinner
Our apologies for any inconvenience caused
The BIG day has arrived, YES $3000.00 will go tonight
10 Draws of $300.00
2 Draws @ 6.30pm
2 Draws @ 6.45pm
2 Draws @ 7.00pm
2 Draws @ 7.15pm
2 Draws @ 7.30pm
Tonight’s draw is only based on those members who have swiped their card today
It will be busy and it will be rowdy so keep your eyes on the screens during the draws, you have 30 seconds to claim your CASH
Good luck to you all
Join us after the match, to celebrate an epic win (maybe) Happy Hour 4.30-5.30pm today
One Lucky member could win $3000.00 in the cash draw today, All financial members are in the draw, But you must be here to claim the cash, it doesn't get any bigger.
Make a Night of it and enjoy the Longest happy Hour in town, 6.30-8.30pm
Bluff Oyster and Meat raffles from 5.30pm
Friday Ranfurly Shield Rugby as Mighty North Otago host Otago here in Oamaru, Live on the Big Screen from 2.05pm, Presidents Happy Hour after the game
Fantastic Friday Draw, one lucky member MUST win $150.00 credit on their card, register prior to 6.15pm
International Rugby on Saturday as the All Blacks host Sth Africa in windy Wellington, Live and Loud on the Big Screen from 7.35pm, then, Live Entertainment with "Marion's Outlaws", performing classic country and western with a little rock n roll, kicking off right after the rugby
Club AGM, this Sunday 28th at 10am, voting is Sat 11am - 6pm, Sun 9am-11am
The waiting is over LIVE TONIGHT, the PINK FLOYD TRIBUTE SHOW, limited tickets remain, door sales are not guaranteed, get your tickets at the bar.
Lucky Number was not struck last night, now jackpots to $2900.00 on Tuesday, remember you MUDT be here to claim the cash
The Severn Restaurant will be doing a Buffet service tomorrow, Saturday, and also next Saturday, two course meal for only $25.00, book your table today.
Live Entertainment tomorrow night with the return of the "Heavy Feathers", fantastic local performers kicking off at 7.30pm
Methven Races Bus Trip, Sunday 15th September, leaving the Club at 8.00am. Same deal as last year, $50 per person which includes, return bus trip, entry to the races, complimentary beer and wine for the entire day at the track, continuous lunch including make you own burger, bbq meats and salads, limited tickets will be on sale at the bar from Monday.
Nominations for the Board are on display in the Club foyer, voting next week.
Lucky Number TONIGHT hits $2700.00, you must be here to claim the CASH
Pink Floyd Tribute Show, Friday 19th July, tickets nearly at the 100 mark, so pretty sure this will sell out, don't leave it to the last minute, call into the Club and purchase your tickets today.
Methven Races Bus Trip coming up in mid September, a huge success last year so i'm sure we will fill the bus, details soon.
Club Shirts on sale now from the bar, limited first edition release only $30
A reminder of the Club AGM coming up on Sunday 28th July at 10am, audited annual financial reports will be available for all members from Wednesday 17th July
Nominations for Executive closed on Sunday
Pick up your nomination form from the Office or at the Bar
Nominations required
Vice President
3 x Executive
Pink Floyd Tribute Show
Friday 19th July
11 Sleeps to go
Limited Tickets
Don't leave it till the Friday
A copy of the proposed rule changes, up for discussion at the AGM, have been posted in the Club foyer
A copy may also be uplifted from the Club Office or the Bar during opening hours
If you wish to have a copy emailed please contact the manager at don@oamaruclub.co.nz
Nomination for office Open Monday 1st July and Close Sunday 14th July
Positions for nomination are;
Vice President
Executive members x 3
(forms available from the office)
Elections (if required)
Saturday 27th July 11am-6pm
Sunday 28th July 9am-11am
Sunday 28th July 10am
Special Members price of $30.00
On sale from today
Thirsty Thursday is upon us, bit chilly out there but a very cosy 23c here inside the Club
Lucky Members Number today Hits $2200.00, you must be here to claim the prize, all financial members are in the draw
The longest Happy Hour in town kicks off at 6.30-8.30pm every Thursday Night
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday at 6.15pm, register at the Bar, $150.00 credit MUST go every Friday
Saturday Super Rugby Finals, first up at 11.05am the Jaguares take on the Brumbies whilst at 7.35pm the mighty Crusaders battle the Hurricanes, both games sudden death to find the finalists for next week
Saturday Live Entertainment presents "ReTrio", back by popular demand, for your listening and dancing pleasure from 7.30pm
NRL action Sunday afternoon with the Warriors hosting the Panthers at Mt Smart from 4pm
Club Shirts on sale from this afternoon, limited edition first release will be on display in the bar, special club members price of $30.00, wear ya colours :)
Super Rugby play offs this week starts with a super clash as the Highlanders travel to Canterbury to take on the Crusaders, Fright Night 7.35pm kick off, FREE sausage sizzle prior to kick off, first in gets the best seats, remember the Fantastic Friday Draw, register by 6.15pm
Kiwi Rugby League action from 5pm Saturday afternoon as we face Tonga live from Mt Smart Stadium, Live and LOUD on the BIG screen
Then, for your listening pleasure we are proud to present "Machete Betty", live at the Club from 7.30pm until late, good old rock that we all love,
Creamy garlic mussels proving very popular in the Bar, available Thurs till Sundays, the perfect snack to share.
Talking of food, Bluff Oyster Special in the Severn restaurant, $28.00 for one dozen bluff oysters + fries + salad, limited offer and all depending on supply
Please take advantage of the FREE club courtesy coach, running every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
Join us tomorrow, Friday Night, as the Highlanders tackle the Waratahs live from the deep south, kicking off from 7.35pm, live and loud on the BIG Screen, a big win here could still see the Highlanders sneak into the top 8
Lucky Members Draw today hits $1800.00, you must be here to claim the prize, HAPPY HOUR today 6.30-8.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday and Every Saturday for the remainder of the year, "Flip Side" kicking off from 7.30pm, playing all your favourites.
Pink Floyd Show,(Auckland based) Friday 19th July, Tickets available from the bar or eventfinda.co.nz
Creamy garlic Mussels with ciabatta bread, bar meal special of the month, available Thursday till Sunday each week, simply the best in town
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Hosted by the Oamaru Club snooker section and North Otago Billiards and Snooker Assn
To be held on the 29th and 30th June 2019.
Entry Fee $10, which must be paid by the 25th June 2019
Players must reside in North Otago
Contact Russell Tait 4348218 or 0275304333
For a limited time, available Thursdays - Sundays, fantastic creamy garlic mussels with ciabatta bread, tastes extremely good with a cold Heineken or Pinot Gris, treat yourself today.
Lucky Member Draw tonight hits $1600.00, you gotta be here to claim the cash
Then enjoy the longest Happy Hour in town, 6.30-8.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register by 6.15pm, $150 credit MUST go each Friday
Super Rugby Action this Friday Night with the Highlanders hosting the Bulls, Live on the BIG Screen from 7.35pm
Live entertainment this Saturday, unfortunately the Heavy Feathers have had to cancel do to unforeseen circumstances, so...... we are happy to announce "Ghost Notes with Eddy Denim", hot off their national tour, Live and Loud here at the Oamaru Club this Saturday Night, no cover charge, kicking off at 7.30pm
Pink Floyd Tribute Show, Friday 19th July, tickets on;y$25 and selling steadily, snooze ya lose
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
This Saturday Night 8th June at 7.30pm
Live entertainment this week with the return of Sha-Low, back by popular demand, show starts 7.30pm
Pink Floyd Tribute Show, Friday 19th July, limited tickets now available at the bar or visit www.eventfinda.co.nz, don't delay and be disappointed
The Rugby Bus trip to the Highlanders game was a great success and sold out, next Bus Trip will be the Methven Races in mid September, details to follow but after the success of last year im sure we will sell this trip out also.
NRL action this Saturday with the Warriors hosting the Broncos at Mt Smart, this will be a great test of how the Warriors can handle an "in form" team, kick off 7.30pm
Coming soon to the Oamaru Club, "Heineken on Tap", proud sponsors of the Rugby World Cup, a Premium Beer for a Premium Club.
Please make use of our Courtesy Coach, FREE for all members, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
Tickets on Sale Now
Limited Numbers
Friday 19th July
Only $25.00 per head
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night to be well and truly entertainment by Flipside, show starts at 7.30pm
Lucky Member Draw tomorrow hits $1000, Meat plus Bluff Oyster (fingers crossed) Raffles from 5.30pm, then the longest Happy Hour in Town from 6.30pm-8.30pm
NRL Action this Friday, Warriors travel to Panthers Stadium to take on Penrith, kicking off at 8pm
Remember the Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, register at the bar, Must be claim every week.
Severn Restaurant, NEW Menu out soon, a reminder to reserve your table, especially larger group please.
See you at the Club........
Book your table today for Mothers Day Buffet Lunch and Dinner, PLUS all Mums dining will be offered a complimentary glass of Bubbles, book now don't delay.
Live Entertainment this Saturday with John McCabe, get in early for the best seats.
Super Rugby action this Saturday afternoon as the Highlanders host the Jaguares in Dunedin, kicking off at 5.15pm, Live and Loud on the Big Screen
The Bus Trip to this game is leaving the Club at 1pm, those travelling south please be at the Club for roll call at 12.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw today at 6.15pm, register at the Bar to be in to win $150 credit onto your membership card, MUST be won every FANTASTIC Friday
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Heads Up, Mothers Day this Sunday 12th May, Buffet Lunch and Dinner in the Severn Restaurant, reserve your table today....
Join us for a great nights entertainment where YOU are the Star, judging from last months turnout please be in early for the best seats. Those wishing to dine before the entertainment please book in early to avoid disappointment.
Super Rugby on Saturday this week as the Highlanders host the Chiefs in Dunedin, kicking off 7.35pm
Next Saturday 11th May, Bus Trip to the Highlanders v Jaguares is SOLD OUT, a reminder we are leaving the Club on this day at 1pm, no later.
Please make use of the FREE courtesy coach , running from 4pm every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, phone Merv on 0800 999 011, even the call is FREE
Hall Development Update, the contractors are currently pricing for this project, we are hopeful of a start early June, very exciting times as we strive to create the best facility in town.
Reward yourself today and call in after work to relax with friends and get into the Fantastic Friday Draw, someone must win the $150 every Friday
See you at the Club
A very Happy Easter to all Members and their families. Please book early to take advantage of our Easter Super Buffet, Dinner on GOOD FRIDAY (yes we are open Friday) Saturday and Lunch and Dinner on Easter Sunday. Regular restaurant menu available for lunch on Friday and Saturday.
Members Lucky Number Draw was STRUCK last night, a big well done to Georgia, the best reaction I have seen from one of our lucky winners. So yes we retrigger to $600 up for grabs tomorrow, Thursday, along with meat and Bluff Oyster Raffles from 5.30pm
Two Great Bands over Easter for your entertainment, celebrate GOOD FRIDAY in style with "Mitchell & Crane", kicking off from 8pm, Acoustic music at its best.
Easter Saturday see's the return of Club favourites "Flip-Side" returning with all the classic dance tracks from 8pm
Super Rugby Action this Saturday with the Highlanders hosting the Blues in Dunedin, kicking off at 7.35pm, live on the BIG Screen
Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat.
Book in now to take advantage of the Easter Super Buffet, Dinner on Good Friday, Saturday and Lunch and Dinner on Sunday, filling up fast don't delay.
Usual lunch menu Friday and Saturday
Join us this Saturday Night to the sounds of the Heavy Feathers, great local talent, Live and LOUD from 8pm.
Lucky Member Draw tonight rains down $2300.00 for one lucky member, get in early for the raffles, Bluff Oysters and more from 5.30pm, remember you must be here to claim the CASH
Happy Hour TONIGHT 6.30-8.30pm
Super Rugby Action, tomorrow, FRIDAY, the Highlanders travel north to take on the mighty Crusaders, kicking off at 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle at kick off, LIVE on the BIG Screen
Tickets selling out for the Bus Trip to the Highlanders V Jaguares on Saturday 11th May, don't delay.
Heads up for Easter Weekend, YES we are OPEN on Good Friday, SUPER EASTER BUFFET for Dinner on Friday, Saturday plus Lunch and Dinner on Sunday, usual lunch menu Friday and Saturday. Please reserve your table now to avoid disappointment PLUS Live Entertainment on GOOD FRIDAY from 8pm, All Members and their Guests Welcome
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club tomorrow (Saturday) night to be entertained by the masses, Karaoke where YOU are the star, kicking off at 7.30pm
Fantastic Friday draw today and every Friday where one lucky member MUST win $150 credit on their membership card, please register at the bar by 6.15pm
Talking of membership cards, please check at the bar for your new card as we are up to date and all renewals have been processed.
Super Rugby action on the BIG SCREEN tonight with the Highlanders hosting the Hurricanes in Dunedin, kick off at 7.35pm
Kicking off at 8pm from Mt Smart the Warriors take on the Titans, keep the faith.
Some tickets still remain for the Super Rugby Bus Trip on Saturday 11th May, register and pay at the bar.
Members Cash Draw was unclaimed last night, now Jackpots to $2200.00 next Tuesday night
Easter is not too far away now, Just a reminder that the Club will be open as usual on Good Friday, Restaurant will be open for dinner only with a special Easter Buffet
Calling all Sub Trades who may be interested in being part of this project
Plumbers, Electricians, Suspended Ceilings, Gibstoppers, Doors and Hardware, Tiler, Acoustic Panels, Toilet Partitions, Security Grills, Floor Coverings, Painters Joiners............
For more information please contact;
jodie@rmdesigns.co.nz &
Expressions of interest for sub trades close Thursday 13th April at 5pm
Faulty Towers Dinner Theatre Show
Oamaru Club, Saturday 30th November
Christmas Staff function sorted
Limited tickets, details out soon
Quick Fire raffles this Friday (tomorrow) following the regular Friday raffles, lots of prizes to be won, don't be late.
A reminder that Annual Membership Subscriptions are due 31 March 2019, any members not renewed by this date will not be eligible to win the Cash Draws.
Also a reminder for those members whom have paid, your card will be sitting at the bar for you to collect, many thanks.
Todays Cash Draw has reached $1900.00, you do have to be present for the draw to claim the CASH
Bluff Oyster Raffles from 5.30pm today plus the Thursday Happy Hour (2 hours) from 6.30pm
Manly Sea Eagles v Warriors live from Christchurch this Saturday, live from 5pm on the Big Screen
Live Entertainment here at the Club EVERY Saturday Night, this weeks band "Flipside", kicking off from 7.30pm, please reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant if you wish to dine in the evenings.
Rugby Bus Trip, Highlanders v Jaguares, Sat 11th May, tickets at the Bar
This years Rugby Bus trip is Highlanders v Jaguares, Saturday 11th May, leaving the Club at 1pm sharp for a 5.15pm kick off, limited to 45 tickets, which will go quickly.
Tickets only $40 and include, return bus trip, ticket to the match, refreshments on the bus, visit to a local rugby club prior to the game, Celebrity guest and more..........
Live entertainment this week in the lounge with "C-Bay", back by popular demand, kicking off at 7.30pm.
Members Lucky Number Draw this Thursday hits $1700.00, you MUST be here to claim the prize, Happy Hour from 6.30-8.30pm each and every Thursday.
Severn Restaurant Bluff Oyster Specials, one dozen cooked oysters with salad and fries only $30 or go for the smaller option of half dozen oysters with salad and fries for just $18.00, available subject to supply and please remember to reserve your table.
Highlanders v Blues this Friday, live from Eden Park kicking off from 7.35pm, Warriors v Tigers Sunday kicking off from 8.10pm
Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm today, Members Cash Draw hits $1600
Band this Saturday Night "C-Bay"
Join us this Saturday Night with the Heavy Feathers performing from 7.30pm, first in gets the best seats
Super Rugby Action with the Highlanders hosting the Crusaders on Saturday, 7.35pm kick off for the southern derby
A reminder to book your table in the Severn Restaurant for your evening meals, check out the Bluff Oyster specials and other great deals
Taking Shape Pop Up Shop in the Sports Hall Saturday 16th March, open from 10am-4pm.
Super Rugby Bus Trip to the Highlanders v Jaguares Saturday 11th May, Bus leaving the Club at 1pm for a 5.15pm kick off, tickets available at the bar from next week. After the success of last years trip, this will sell out quickly so don't leave it too late.
Remember the FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and sat from 4pm, 0800 999 011
Waiter/ Waitress required for 2 shifts in our busy "Severn" Restaurant
Experience in food and alcohol service preferred
Please forward a current CV to;
Please have your Bucket at the Club by 12 noon this Sunday, Judging, Prizes, Sausage Sizzle and more......
Performing live at the Club this Saturday Night, Jody Direen and her band, tickets available and the bar, door sales on the night, only $20, a fantastic show not to be missed, doors open at 7pm for an 8pm start, tables may be reserved for larger groups.
Join us at the Club today as the Members Lucky Number Draw hits $1100.00, drawn between 5.30-7.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour, 6.30-8.30pm, raffles from 5.30pm
Super Rugby action with the Highlanders travelling over the ditch to tackle the Rebels, Friday night kicking off at 9.45pm, live on the big screen
Bluff Oyster season opens tomorrow, 1st March, as stocks become available, keep an eye out for our raffles and restaurant specials.
We are looking at updating our archives and putting together a collect of old Club photo's on display. If you, or your parents have any photo's of the Club over the years we would love to "borrow" these please. Ask your friends and neighbours, the older the better, all photo;'s will be returned.
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night for a great night of Entertainment where YOU are the Star, Sylviane kicks off the nights show from 7.30pm.
Todays Lucky member Number hits $900 cash, drawn between 5.30-7.30pm you must be here to claim the prize.
Happy Hour (2 HOURS) from 6.30pm each and every Thursday
Super Rugby Action this week with the Highlanders hosting the Reds tomorrow night (Friday) kicking off at 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle prior to kick off, get the gang together and take advantage of the Beer Bucket Specials.
Jody Direen Show just a few days away now, Saturday 2nd March in the Sports Hall, tickets only $20 and available from the bar.
Pink Floyd Tribute Show, for the first time in Oamaru, presented by C & R Entertainment, Friday 19th July, Full Scale Pink Floyd Experience, more details soon.
Annual Club trip to a Highlanders home game this year, we are looking at Saturday 11th May, versus the Jaguares leaving Oamaru at 1pm for a 5.15pm kick off
Back by popular demand this Saturday Night, John McCabe entertains from 7.30pm, playing all his latest and greatest.
Jody Direen Show, Saturday 2nd March, check out our Facebook page to see how to win a double pass, dinner for 2 and more.
Super Rugby kicks off tomorrow with the Highlanders travelling to Hamilton to take on the Chiefs, kick off 7.35pm, make sure you sign up for the Pick the Winner Competition prior to kick off, only $25 to enter, all monies returned in prizes, plus a Super Rugby Jersey for the winner.
Lucky Number tonight sits at $700, we have given away the CASH the last 2 weeks now, could it be 3 in a row, you must be here to claim the CASH
A reminder its Valentines Day, nothing says "I love you" more than a 2 Hour HAPPY HOUR 6.30-8.30pm
Remember our Friday Lunch Specials in the Severn Restaurant, $16 main meal options each Friday Lunch.
Pink Floyd Tribute Show for the first time here at the Club in July, details to follow.
Super Rugby is kicking off next Friday 15th February, $25 to enter the competition, all monies returned in prizes, weekly refreshment prizes up for grabs, join at the Bar today.
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night and be entertained by "Th Art of Cheese", back by popular demand, music from the 50's onwards, be prepared to be impressed. A reminder to reserve your table if wishing to dine in the Severn Restaurant on a Saturday Night.
Tonight's Members Lucky Number Draw hits $2400.00, WOW the best way to start the weekend, the only condition is that you MUST be here to claim the cash.
Black Caps v India, One Day Cricket today from 3pm, get the team together and take advantage of our BEER BUCKET specials, Heineken, Steinlager or Corona, 6 ICE Cold beers in a bucket of ice for only $30.
Meat and money raffles from 5.30pm today, Happy Hour for two hours from 6.30pm
Jody Direen Show, Saturday 2nd March, tickets on sale now, available from the bar for only $20, don't leave it too late, this show will sell out.
A reminder members, Bursary Grant Applications close on Friday 8th February, forms available from the office or the bar
Stay Hydrated
Jody Direen and her band performing here at the Oamaru Club Saturday 2nd March, tickets available soon, this Show will Sell Out, don't miss out!
Join us tomorrow afternoon for the first One Day International with the Black Caps taking on the inform Indians, kick off 3pm, Live on the BIG Screen, take advantage of the BEER BUCKET Specials, 6 ice cold beers only $30
Second One Dayer is Saturday 3pm
Lucky Number today hits $2100.00, you just gotta be here to claim the cash, raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Lucky Number, Raffles from 5.30 and Happy Hour 6 .30-8.30pm
LIVE Entertainment this Saturday with Sha-Low, 7.30pm start, get in early for the best seats.
First Big Show of the Year is "Jody Direen", Saturday 2nd March in the Sports Hall, tickets on sale soon
Remember the Severn Restaurant Friday lunch special, $16 mains specials on offer every Friday lunch
FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs Fri and Sat from 4pm, 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
Live Entertainment returns to the Oamaru Club from NEXT Saturday 19th January and then EVERY Saturday Night for 2019.
Flipside kick off the New Year next week and then, yes YOU asked for it "Karaoke" makes a return to the Club, first night Saturday 23rd February.
First big SHOW for the year is Jody Direen", Friday 1st March, more details soon.
Fantastic Friday Draw today at 6.15pm, register at the Bar to win $150 credit on your members card, MUST be won every Friday.
Severn Restaurant back to normal trading hours now, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Lunch and Dinner, remember our Friday Lunch Specials from $16 per main, also our recommendation to book your table in advance to avoid missing out.
T20 International Cricket tonight, Black Caps V Sri Lanka, LIVE and LOUD on the BIG screen from 7pm
FREE Courtesy Coach, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm, 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
Heads up members, Club Shout on today, YES its HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY.
Merry Christmas to you All
Club Shout and Rock n Roll Xmas Party, tomorrow Friday 21st December. Happy Hour ALL DAY to celebrate break up day, DEE MAY and the SAINTS for your listening and dancing pleasure in the Sports Hall, lock it in.
Tonight's Lucky Member Draw hits $1300.00, could be your Lucky Night, you must be here to claim the cash, Xmas Ham and meat raffles from 5.30pm.
Saturday Night Live Entertainment with "Sha-Low", kicking off from 7.30pm, first in gets the best seats.
New Years Eve, Live Entertainment with "C-Bay", later start of 8.30pm and playing well into the New Year, please make your Severn Restaurant bookings today to avoid disappointment, Club Courtesy Coach will be running from 4pm, 0800 999 011
Severn Restaurant is open for Lunch and Dinner every Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday, with additional opening days for Dinner only;
Wednesday 26th Dec, 5pm
Monday 31st Dec, 5pm ( Buffet )
Tuesday 1st Jan, 5pm
Wednesday 2nd Jan, 5pm
Merry Christmas to All
Applications are invited from Sons and Daughters of members of the Oamaru Club Inc.
Applications for financial assistance for 2018 school leavers who will be attending university , training college, or polytechnic as first year students in 2019.
These grants are to assist with books, fees etc
Application forms are available from the Oamaru Club
Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday 8th February, 2019.
Quick Fire Raffles tomorrow, Friday, lock it in.
Kids Xmas Party this Sunday 9th December, PLEASE NOTE, a change of venue, this function will now be held at the Oamaru Club, regardless of the weather, starting at 10am.
QUICK FIRE RAFFLES this Friday 7th December, get in early to secure your seat, will be a big night.
Members Lucky Number Draw tomorrow hits $900, nice lil amount to help out for Xmas, Raffles including Xmas hams from 5.30pm
Saturday Night Entertainment with C Bay, kicking off from 7pm this week, the 5 piece becomes a 6 piece this week with the addition of a new hot talent.
Severn Restaurant Xmas Special for the month of December, Sumptuous Ham and Turkey Christmas roasts and an awesome dessert for only $25, book your table well in advance as we are filling up.
Members Rock n Roll Christmas Party in the Sports Hall, Friday 21st December, DEE MAY and the SAINTS performing, a great night for you and your workmates to wrap up the year.
Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri + Sat 0800 999 011
Live Entertainment this Saturday night with Flip Side from 7.30pm, first in gets the best seats, those wishing to dine please reserve your table.
Thursday Lucky Members draw sits at $700 tonight, well done Richard on picking up the Grand Prize last week, remember you must be here to claim the prize.
HAPPY HOUR today 6.30-8.30pm, XMAS HAM raffles from 5.30pm.
DB Export Chilli Bin will be drawn tonight, get your cards stamped and into the entry box before 6.30pm tonight.
Don't leave it too late to book your festive season dinner at the Club, filling up fast, Sumptuous 2 course Xmas lunch or dinner Ham and Turkey during December only $25
Spud Dig Competition, pick up your spud and bucket by the end of the week, $4 per member to enter, great prizes to be won.
Kids Xmas Party, Fenwick school grounds, Sunday 9th December, 10am start, open to all MEMBERS kids, grandkids etc
Club Rock n Roll Xmas Party, Friday 21st December, $10 per ticket at the door.
Oamaru Club Annual Kids Xmas Party, Sunday 9th December 10am, Fenwick School grounds.
Open to all MEMBERS kids, grandkids etc
Activities include Pony rides, Bouncey castles, Face painting, Pippitty Pop Balloonologist, Noddy Train, Fire Engine, Lollies, Ice Creams and a visit from Santa
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night to be entertained by "Sha-Low", live and loud from 7.30pm, a reminder to book your table in the Severn Restaurant to avoid disappointment.
Xmas ham raffles tonight from 5.30pm, these will continue each and every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat up until the big day.
Lucky Members Draw hits $900 tonight, you must be here to claim the CASH.
Spud Dig Competition is open until the end of the month, $4 to enter at the Bar, great prizes including the Spud Cup, all proceeds go to local charities.
Dates to remember;
Kids Xmas Party, Fenwick school grounds, Sunday 9th December, 10am start, ALL MEMBERS kids, grandkids etc welcome to attend, fun for the whole family.
Xmas Rock n Roll Party, Friday 21st December in the Sports Hall, the best way for friends and workmates to wrap up the working year.
Massive DB Export Chilli Bin promo will be drawn next Thursday 29th November, get your cards stamped at the Bar with your purchase of all DB products
Raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Join us at the Club next Tuesday 13th November for the New Zealand Trotting Cup
Happy Hour 2-6pm
FREE nibbles and BBQ
Strawberries and Bubbles
Unlucky Ticket Draws
Courtesy Coach from 2pm 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club tonight, nice and dry and very warm, for your chance to pick up the Lucky Member Draw, tonight's total sits at $1400.00, Happy Hour (2 Hours) from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow and each and every Friday,$150 credit must go, register at the Bar.
Live Entertainment this Saturday and EVERY Saturday Night until the New Year, this week "Break Thru", a little bit Country and a little bit Rock'n'Roll, don't be late
Coming Attractions;
Ryan Neville and the Midnight Blues Band this Saturday
NZ Trotting Cup Tuesday 13th Nov, Happy Hour 2-6pm, FREE nibbles etc
Neil Diamond and Super Stars Tribute Show next Friday 16th November
Xmas Ham Raffles begin Saturday 17th November
Quick Fire Raffles Friday 23rd November
Rock n Roll Xmas Party Friday 21st December featuring Dee May and the Saints
A reminder to reserve your table in the Severn Restaurant, the silly season is just round the corner
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us at the earlier kick off time of 6.45pm this Saturday as the mighty All Blacks take on Japan from Ajinomoto Stadium, Tokyo, first in gets the best seats and FREE sausage sizzle prior to kick off.
After the Rugby "Flipside" kick into the entertainment, all the greatest hits this week from the 50's and 60's.
Tonight's Lucky Member Numbers hits $1200, ya gotta be here to claim the cash.
West Coast Whitebait specials continue in the Severn Restaurant, Whitebait fries and Salad for an amazing $16.00, please remember to reserve your table.
Tuesday 6th Nov, next week, Melbourne Cup Day, Courtesy Coach running from 2pm, Happy Hour 2pm thru until 6pm, FREE nibbles and BBQ, Prizes for the Best Dressed, its better than being there.
Quickfire Raffles are being held here on Friday 16th November, great prizes up for grabs, lock it in now.
Club Rock n Roll Xmas Party 21st Dec, details in the near future.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Its the Race that Stops Two Nations
Join us at the Club next Tuesday 6th November
Happy Hour 2pm - 6pm
FREE Nibbles and BBQ
Bubbles and Strawberries Specials
Unlucky Ticket Draws
Tell ya friends
Live and Loud this Saturday Night
Leagues fans rejoice, this Saturday from 3pm, Junior Kiwi's v Junior Kangaroos, followed at 5pm with the Kiwi Fern's v Jillaroos, then the Main Event at 7pm, Kiwi's v Kangaroos, Live on the Big Screen, get in early for the best seats.
Lucky Members Draw tonight retriggers to $600, well done to Tuesdays winner who picked up a cool $1400
Happy Hour Tonight from 6.30pm-8.30pm cheers
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register at the Bar to be in to win $150 credit on your membership card.
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night, "Sha-Low" performing from 7.30pm, bring your dancing shoes.
West Coast Whitebait Raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Lunch Specials with West Coast Whitebait including salad and fries only $16.00, for a limited time.
Get your team entered for the Super Sports Sunday 28th October, $20 per team of 4, great prizes and fun for all.
Reminder to book your table in the Severn Restaurant well in advance, not long till the festive season.
Lunch Special, West Coast Whitebait, salad and fries only $16.00
Sunday Motorsport action as we take in the Bathurst 1000 live from Mount Panorama, Race start around midday, coverage all day, a couple of sausage sizzles to keep you going, Live and LOUD on the Big Screen coz that's how we roll.......
Saturday Night Live Entertainment with "Flip Side", featuring the Rock n Roll Swing Fling, 7.30pm start for a great nights entertainment. Book your table now, limited Restaurant reservations.
Tonight's Members Lucky Number hits $1300.00, unlucky for some, you must be here to claim the cash.
Oamaru's longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm each and every Thursday.
This seasons West Coast Whitebait raffles now on, every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Get your Team (of 4) registered at the Bar for Super Sports Sunday 28th October from 2pm, its Super Sport but not as you know it.
Ryan Neville Blues Show, Smokin Hot Blues, Saturday 10th November, tickets available from the Bar now.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Get a Team of 4 together and register for "Super Sports Sunday"
Sunday 28th October, 2pm until 5pm approx.
Competition includes;
Pool, Darts, Snooker, Cards, Bowls, Table Tennis, Golf, Wine Tasting, Beer Tasting and a Super Quiz.
All activities held at the Oamaru Club, Great Priazes including the World Cup.
Only $20 per Team of 4, which must include one financial Club member, register at the Bar
Join us this Sunday morning 11am as the Puma's host the All Blacks in Buenos Aires, kicking off at 11.40am, arrive early to enjoys a bbq breakfast of sausages, onions, hash browns and fresh bread, Live and LOUD on the Big Screen.
Tonights Lucky Number hits $1100.00, you MUST be here to claim the prize, HAPPY HOUR (2 Hours) from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw each and every Friday, register before 6.15pm at the Bar, $150.00 credit up for grabs plus a Presidents Shout for the second and third draw.
Live Entertainment this Saturday and EVERY Saturday Night until the New Year, this week "Break Thru", a little bit Country and a little bit Rock'n'Roll, don't be late.
A reminder to book your table in the Severn Restaurant, open lunch and dinner every Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun.
Motorbike Madness Show, all types and ages of Motorbikes on display at the Club this Saturday and Sunday, 10am thru till 4pm, Adults $10 children FREE
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Ulysses Club North Otago and Whitestone Motorcycle Touring Club presents "The Motorbike Show", all types and ages of motorbikes.
Oamaru Club, Sat 29th and Sun 30th September, 10am-4pm.
Admission $10, accompanied children FREE
To display a Bike
Leigh 027 284 2265
Dave 027 533 1145
Join us at the Club this Saturday for a great night out with "Sha-Low" kicking off the show at 7.30pm, join us earlier for live Mitre 10 Cup action as Otago host Canterbury in Dunedin in the mainland derby, live and loud on the big screen, kick off 5.05pm, wear your colours.
Tonight Lucky Number hits $900 cash, you must be here to claim the prize, good luck to all.
Fantastic Friday draw tomorrow, one lucky member must win the $150 credit, register by 6.15pm.
NRL semi finals action, Friday the Storm take on the Sharks, while on Saturday its the Roosters tackling the Rabbitohs, both games kicking off at 9.40pm.
No All Black rugby this week but pencil in next Sunday 30th September as we travel to Argentina to take on the Puma's kicking off at the early time of 11.40am, FREE bbq sausage sizzle prior to the game.
Please make use of the FREE courtesy coach running every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 4pm 0800 999 011
See you at the Club.....
Oamaru Club is looking for an experienced Bar Manager to lead our team and manage the bar operation.
Minimum 3 years’ experience in a similar leadership role is preferred as is a current managers licence, gaming machine and TAB experience.
Duties include, but not limited to;
Assessing members satisfaction and preferences to ensure a high level of customer service is maintained.
Observing liquor, gaming, health and other laws and regulations.
Managing and rostering staff.
Stock purchases and control.
Please forward a current CV and cover letter to;
Methven Races this Sunday, Bus now leaving the Club at 8.00am, don't be late
North Otago host Horowhenua Kapiti at Whitestone Contracting Stadium this Saturday 15th September at 2.30pm. Following the game we are hosting the team and supporters club here at the Oamaru Club.
Join us and the North Otago team at the Club to cheer on the All Blacks v Sth Africans live and loud on the big screen, kicking off at 7.35pm from Wellington.
Tonight's Lucky Number Draw retriggers to $600, well done to last weeks winner who picked up a very cool $2500.00 cash.
Thursday Lucky Number, Raffles and Happy Hour.
Fantastic Friday rolls around with your chance to pick up the $150.00 credit, register before 6.15pm.
Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show, this Friday 14th kicking off at 8pm, doors open 7pm, tickets sales starting to speed up, don't leave it too late.
A reminder to book your table in the Severn restaurant early, unfortunately we are having to turn people away on these big occasions.
6 seats remain for the Methven Bus Trip to the Races, now leaving at 8am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tattooed and Proud Show
Saturday 8th September
Rego 12pm-1.30pm
Show to start 2.00pm
More info:
$10 door charge school age children free
No additional cost to enter tattoo competition
All Blacks v Argentina live from Nelson, Saturday 8th September kicking off at 7.35pm, join us to enjoy on the Big Screen, FREE Sausage Sizzle at kick off, thx to Chef Pete.
Wallabies v Sth Africa follows the All Black game kicking off at 10pm
NRL Finals action and its sudden death for the Warriors who travel to play the Panthers, history is out the window, a win see's either team progress to the next round.
Todays Lucky Number Draw rolls on to $2400.00 for one lucky member to claim, should they be here for the draw.
Thursday Lucky Number Draw, Raffles and Happy Hour.
A reminder to get your name down for the Methven Races Bus Trip this week, limited seats remaining, plz pay at the Bar
Fantastic Friday Draw, someone MUST with the $150 credit, Mitre 10 Rugby action Friday 5.45pm kick off as Otago host Northland in Dunedin
Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show, Friday 14th September, don't leave it too late to grab your tickets, just $20 at the bar
Attention all Races Fans
We are taking a bus to the Methven Races on Sunday 16th September 2018, 2 weeks away.
$50 per person, this includes;
Return bus trip, leaving the Club at 8.30am
Entry to the Races
Free race book
Bottled beer, bottled wine at the track all day
Continuous lunch, bbq, make your own burger
Punters competition
Spot prizes
Strictly limited seats available, first 50 PAID members.
Register and pay at the Bar from today.
If you love country racing this is the best day ever
Spoil Dad this Fathers Day Sunday 2nd September, Severn Restaurant open for Lunch and Dinner. All Dads ordering a main meal receive a FREE dessert and FREE pint of beer, book now to avoid missing out.
Members Lucky Number today sits at $2200.00, are you feeling Lucky ??
Thursday Lucky Number Draw plus Happy hour ( 2 Hours )
Fantastic Friday Draw, register before 6.15pm, one lucky Member MUST win $150.00 credit, may be redeemed in the Restaurant or the Bar.
NRL action as the Warriors host the Raiders from Mt Smart, Friday Night kick off 8pm, a home quarter final may be up for grabs.
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "C-Bay", kicking off from 7pm, no cover charge, reminder for those dining in the Severn Restaurant, please book your table.
Huge turnout last Saturday for the Queen + Eagles Tribute, fantastic feedback.
Next Tribute Show is Fleetwood Mac, Friday 14th September (Great Fathers Day Gift, just saying) tickets only $20 available at the Bar
Fathers Day is SUNDAY 2nd September
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night for game 2 of the Bledisloe live from a sell out Eden Park. Kicking off at 7.35pm get in early for the best seats, restaurant bookings essential.
Queen + Eagles Tribute Show, selling out quickly now, don't leave it until show day.
Todays Lucky number draw hits $2100.00, you gotta be here to claim the cash, Bluff Oyster and meat raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour from 6.30pm, FREE Courtesy Coach running from 4pm 0800 999 011
Fantastic Friday Draw, $150 must be won every Friday, register at the Bar prior to 6.15pm.
NRL Rugby League action with the Warriors hosting the Panthers at Mt Smart, kicking off at 8pm Friday with a top 8 position still not confirmed.
Heads up for Fathers Day next Saturday 2nd September, all Dads dining in the Severn Restaurant receive, with their Main meal, a FREE pint of beer and a FREE dessert, open for both Lunch and Dinner, bookings essential plz
Tell ya friends
Queen + Eagles tribute Show this Saturday 25th August at 8pm.
Tickets selling out, limited tickets remain and are available from the Bar.
Join us this Saturday for a Fantastic Fab 50's evening with Flip Side entertaining from 7pm. Dust off your dancing gears for a party like no other, a prize for the best dressed, first in gets the best seats, then;
All Blacks v Wallabies, Saturday, kicking off at 10.05pm, Live and Loud from ANZ Stadium Sydney, the first of the Rugby Championship, its Better on the Big Screen.
Tonight's Members Lucky Number hits $1800.00, meat and oyster raffles from 5.30pm, are you feeling Lucky??
Thirsty Thursday, Raffles, Lucky Number, Happy Hour, Severn Restaurant, that's Thursday covered.
Fantastic Friday Draw, One Lucky Member must win $150 credit each and every Friday, register at the bar.
Tribute to Queens and The Eagles, Saturday 25th August 8pm, limited tickets remain, available at the bar $20
Internationally acclaimed Jody Direen, performing at the Club early next year, details to follow.
Please take advantage of our free Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
Join us at the Club this Saturday to the funky sounds of the Drama Queens, those wishing to dine first please reserve your table today.
Thursday Lucky Number Draws hits $1700 tomorrow, you must be present to claim your cash, raffles from 5.30pm, The Longest Happy Hour in Town from 6.30pm
Friday Night NRL league action on the Big Screen with the Warriors hosting the Knights at Mt Smart from 8pm.
A reminder of the Rugby Championship kicking off next Saturday with the All Blacks crossing the ditch to take on the Wallabies in Sydney.
Severn Restaurant open Thursday thru till Sunday for Lunch and Dinner/ reservations highly recommended in the evenings please.
FREE courtesy coach available for all members Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm, 0800 999 011
Saturday Night from 7pm
Join us this Saturday Night with John McCabe performing all his classics from 7pm
Big Screen Sports action from 5pm as the Dragons host the Warriors, then the Super Rugby Final as the Mighty Crusaders take on the Lions in Christchurch
Tonight's Lucky Number hits $1400, all members are in the draw but must be here to claim the cash, Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday raffles from 5.30pm, Oamaru's longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm, Lucky Number drawn sometime between 5.30and 7.30pm
Check out the New 9 Ball Table in the pool room, open for use to all members.
Please make use of the Club Courtesy Coach running from 4pm Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Please note that this Sunday 5th August, the Club will be closing at 6pm for the Annual Executive/ Staff function. The Severn restaurant will be open for lunch on this day.
Results of the Oamaru Club Inc. election from over the weekend.
We welcome Adam Porter onto the Executive, we also welcome back Graham Meikle and Natalie Kinzett who were re-elected.
A big thank you to those who voted and also to those who attended the AGM yesterday.
A reminder all members, The Annual General Meeting 2018, this Sunday 29th July 10am in the Sports Hall
Business includes, discussion on a rule change in regards to Membership Applications and a presentation on a proposed redevelopment on the Sports Hall.
Following the AGM the President invites you to enjoy a Happy Hour and nibbles.
Voting for the Executive positions starts at 11am Saturday until 6pm and also Sunday 9am until 11am, make your vote count.
Available now to all financial members from the Club office or Bar
Join us at the Club this Saturday with Sha-Low entertaining from 7pm until late, a reminder to those wishing to dine in the Severn restaurant to please reserve your table well in advance.
Membership Lucky Number sits at $1200 today, members must be present to claim the prize, Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Night raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour from 6.30pm, Lucky Number Draw between 5.30 and 7.30pm.
Fantastic Friday Draw only $2 to register at the bar, one lucky member must win $150 credit on their card.
Oamaru Club AGM is this Sunday 29th July from 10am in the Sports Hall.
Elections for Executive this year has 5 members running for 3 positions, voting is from 11am until 6pm on Saturday 28th and from 9am until 11am on Sunday 29th July, details of the nominees are on the board in front of the trophy cabinet.
On the Big Screen this week, Super Rugby semi with the Crusaders V Hurricanes Saturday at 7.35pm and the Titans V Warriors Sunday at 4pm
See you there
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night to enjoy some great Entertainment with "Th' Art of Cheese", get here early for the best seats, reminder to book into the Restaurant to avoid delays.
Super Rugby Semi Finals, Saturday Night the Highlanders travel across the ditch to take on the Waratahs in sudden death, kick off at 10.05pm, the Crusaders tackle the Sharks at 7.35pm in the curtain raiser,
The Mighty Warriors host the Storm at Mt Smart on Sunday afternoon kicking off at 4pm, Live on the Big Screen.
Two Great Tribute Shows coming up, Queen and Eagles Show on Saturday 25th August followed by Fleetwood Mac on Friday 14th Sept, tickets available at the Bar
A reminder of the Elections taking place on Saturday 28th July, 11am-6pm, and Sunday 29th July 9am-11am, 5 candidates running for the 3 vacant positions, make your vote count.
AGM Sunday 29th July, business includes discussion on a possible membership rule change and a presentation on a development of the Sports Hall
Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show coming to the Oamaru Club.
Friday 14th September, tickets available soon
Leaving the Club at 1pm sharp, Saturday 14th July (tomorrow) still a couple of tickets available, don't delay, $50 per person, includes return bus, ticket to the rugby and some liquid refreshments, enquire at the Bar
Have a Happy Black Friday
A reminder that nominations for Executive (3 required) close on Sunday 15th July, forms available from the Club office and at the Bar.
Fantastic Friday Draw today at approx. 6.15pm, only $2 to register and one lucky member Must win $150.00 credit on their member card.
Super Rugby action this Saturday from 5.15pm as the Highlanders host the Rebels in Dunedin followed by the Crusaders who tackle the Blues kicking off at 7.35pm, both games live and loud on the BIG screen.
A reminder to book your table at the Restaurant to avoid delays, Bluff Oyster special on this week $28 for one dozen (12) oysters with salad and fries, while stocks last.
Sunday NRL action as the Warriors take on the Broncos across the ditch, kick off at 4pm.
Oamaru Club AGM is Sunday 29th July at 10am, business includes a membership rule change and a presentation on a proposed development for the Sports Hall.
Coming Attraction, Saturday 25th August, "A Tribute to Queen and The Eagles", tickets $20
Join us at the Club Friday Night 7.35pm kick off as the Crusaders host the Highlanders in Christchurch, huge game Live and Loud on the Big Screen
The Warriors travel to Penrith to tackle the Panthers this Friday also, kick off 9.55pm
Lucky Number resets this week, well done to last Thursdays winner of $2200.00, you must be here to claim the prize, tonight's total $700
Feelers 25th Anniversary Concert (Sold Out) doors open tomorrow night from 7pm.
Back by popular demand, "C-Bay" performing at the Club this Saturday Night from 7pm, be in early for the best seats and restaurant bookings are very advisable to avoid missing out. Ask about our Super Bluff Oyster specials this week when making your booking, while stocks last.
Nominations for Executive positions are now open and close on Sunday 15th July, nomination forms are available from the Club office.
Oamaru Club Annual General Meeting will be held at the Club on Sunday 29th July.
See you at the Club
Important Dates;
Nominations for Office (3 x Board Members required)
Nominations Open Monday 2nd July (forms available from the Office)
Nominations Close on Sunday 15th July
Elections (if required)
Saturday 28th July 11am-6pm
Sunday 29th July 9am-11am
Oamaru Club Annual General Meeting is Sunday 29th July at 10am
Join us at the Club this Saturday night as the "Sensational John McCabe" entertains from 8pm, no cover charge, tell ya friends.
Members Lucky Number Draw hits $2200.00 this Thursday, you must be here to claim the cash, BLUFF oyster raffles from 5.30pm, HAPPY HOUR from 6.30pm until 8.30pm every Thursday
Fantastic Friday Draw, register by 6.15pm, someone must win $150 credit, The Mighty Warriors host the Sharks at Mt Smart Stadium, kick off is 8pm.
Saturday Night Super Rugby action live from Suva, the Highlanders take on the Chiefs, kicking off at 7.35pm, live and loud on the BIG Screen
Friday 6th July "The Feelers" 25th Anniversary Tour, less than 50 tickets remaining, this concert will sell out, don't delay.
Severn Restaurant open for Lunch and Dinner Thursday thru till Sunday, reservations are recommended to avoid missing out.
Oamaru Club AGM is Sunday 29th July, election details etc out next week
See you at the Club
For a limited time only, one dozen (12) Bluff Oysters with salad and fries for only $28.00, treat yourself today.
Fantastic Friday draw today, register at the Bar prior to 6.15pm, one Lucky Member MUST win $150 credit on their card.
All Black rugby action live and loud on the big screen Saturday Night, kicking off from 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle before kick off, get the boys/ girls together and take advantage of the All Black Buckets of beer specials, $30 for a bucket of 6 Steinlagers, Heinekens or Corona's, you do the math.
6 seats remaining for the Bus trip to Dunedin for the Highlanders V Rebels on Saturday 14th July, $50 gets you there and back, tickets into the stadium and a few liquid refreshments,
Live entertainment kicks back in from next Saturday 30th June with the sensational John McCabe.
Keep Sunday 16th September free, we are taking a bus to the Methven Races, $50 gets you there and back, plus continuous beers and wine at the track and a sumptuous lunch
Join us at the Club this Saturday for an awesome day of sporting action
First up at 5pm, Manly Sea Eagles host the Mighty Warriors and AMI Stadium in Christchurch.
Live from Eden Park in Auckland the All Blacks take on France in the First Test of the Year, pre kick off bbq thanks to Chef Pete
Then to finish the night off, 9.50pm the Wallabies host Ireland from Brisbane.
Be in early for the best seats, all games Live and LOUD on the big screen, get a group together to take advantage of the Beer Bucket specials
Thursday Lucky number hits $1600.00 tomorrow, you must be here to claim the prize.
Fantastic Friday Draw, register at the bar prior to 6.15pm, one lucky member must win $150 credit on their membership card.
The Feelers 25th Anniversary Concert, here at the Club, Friday 6th July, tickets selling out, limited tickets at the Club or go to eventfinda.co.nz
Please take advantage of the Club's Free Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night and be entertained by "Sha-Low, starting at the earlier time of 7pm
Lucky number tonight hits $1200, you must be here to claim the prize.
Fantastic Friday draw tomorrow, one lucky Member MUST collect $150.00 credit on their card each and every Friday
Rugby League action this Saturday as the Mighty Warriors host South's from Mt Smart, kick off 7.30pm
Super Rugby Action as the Highlanders travel to Queensland to take on the Reds, kick off 9.45pm
Both Games Live on the BIG Screen
Bus Trip to the Highlanders V Rebels game on Saturday 14th July, only 50 tickets available, only $50, includes return bus to Dunedin, ticket into the Stadium (gold tickets) and some liquid refreshments, on sale now and going quickly.
Please utilise our FREE courtesy coach, every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm, 0800 999 011
Back by popular demand, C-Bay live at the Club from 7pm this Saturday, get in early, restaurant bookings essential to avoid disappointment.
Lucky Number hits $1000 tonight, you are all in the draw, just gotta be here to claim the prize. Bluff Oyster and meat raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour (2 Hours) from 6.30pm each and every Thursday.
"The Feelers", Live at the Club, Friday 6th July, tickets selling out, available at the Bar or go to eventfinda.co.nz
Friday Night NRL action as the Warriors take on the Eels in Sydney, kicking off at 8pm
Highlanders V Waratahs Saturday Night, kicking off at 9.45pm, live from Sydney
We welcome Deborah to our team in the Kitchen today, Deborah joins us after many years experience as both a Sous Chef and Head Chef from Timaru Restaurants. We look forward to her addition to the great styles and flavours Deidre has been creating in the Restaurant, new menu out soon.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Limited booking remain for Sunday, Mothers Day, treat mum out for lunch or dinner, All mums dining receive a FREE glass of bubbles and all mums ordering a main meal receive a FREE dessert, don't delay book today.
Live Entertainment this week, Friday 11th May, Bee Gee's/ Neil Diamond Tribute Show, selling out, get your tickets today.
Saturday Nights Entertainment with the Sensational John McCabe, no cover charge, get here early.
Super Sport Saturday, The Mighty Warriors host the Roosters from MT Smart, kicking off at 5pm, followed by the Highlanders who host the Lions and kicking off at 7.35pm
Bluff Oyster raffles this week, Tues Thurs Fri and Sat
Please check at the bar for your new membership cards, all printed and up to date, for those financial members.
Heads Up for the Steampunk Festival at the end of the month, we are hosting the Teapot Racing here at the Club on Saturday 2nd June, as well as the Steampunk Belly Dancing workshop, details on eventfinda
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night and be entertained by the Fabulous "Drama Queens", 7.30pm start thru until 11.30pm, get a group together for a great night out.
Thursday Lucky Number retriggers at $600 tonight, Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour running from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw tomorrow, register at the bar to in the draw.
Saturday Night NRL Rugby League action, Warriors host the Tigers at Mt Smart Stadium, looking to bounce back after the defeat on ANZAC Day, live on the Big Screen
Friday 11th May, Bee Gee's / Neil Diamond Tribute Show, limited tickets remain at the bar
Saturday 12th May, back by popular demand, "John McCabe", another great nights entertainment, get in early for the best seats.
Mothers Day, Sunday 13th May, book now to avoid disappointment, Lunch from 12 and Dinner from 5pm, ALL Mums get a glass of Bubbles, plus ALL Mums that order a main meal get a FREE dessert, filling up fast so don't delay.
Free Coach 0800 999 011
Heads up boys, Mothers Day is Sunday 13th May, closer than you think.
Take the pressure off cooking at home and book into the Severn Restaurant now.
FREE glass of bubbles for all mums, PLUS a FREE dessert for all mums who order a Main off the Lunch or Dinner menu.
Bookings essential to avoid disappointment on the day, don't delay, limited seats remaining.
Breaking News, "The Feelers" appearing Live and Loud at the Club on Friday 6th July. Tickets available from eventfinda.co.nz Don't delay, this show will sell out!!
Live entertainment this Saturday Night with "Little City Duo", no cover charge, first in best seats.
Bee Gee's/ Neil Diamond Show, Friday 11th May, limited tickets still available at the Bar.
Yes that's correct, $3000 must be won today, 10 x $300 draws will be held, based on those who have swiped their membership card today at the Bar.
The Draws will be held at;
6.15pm x 2
6.30pm x 2
6.45pm x 2
7.00pm x 2
7.15pm x 2
Members must be present to claim the prize, each member can only claim one prize.
Good Luck
To thank you all for your service, the Club will be open from 9am, so we may be of your service.
Not that you need a reason to call in today, but, you do have a chance of walking away with $2900 prize money, yes TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED, all financial members are in the draw, also remember the longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm
Friday Night Footy action see's the Highlanders travelling to Eden Park to take on the Blues in Auckland, kicking off at 7.35pm, also in Auckland at 8pm, the Might Warriors host the table topping Dragons at Mt Smart, both screening LIVE at the Club
Saturday Night Live Entertainment, back by popular demand, direct from Timaru, for your listening pleasure we present "C-Bay", performing from 7pm until late, first in gets the best seats, no cover charge.
Bluff Oyster Raffles back on this week Tonight, Friday and Saturday only $2 per ticket from 5.30pm
Bee Gee's/ Neil Diamond Tribute Show, Friday 11th May, tickets selling very well, ya snooze ya lose, tickets available at the bar.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
We have a position available for an experienced Chef/ Cook Thursday till Sunday with a mix of lunch and dinner shifts, around 20 hours per week.
Please email details to don@oamaruclub.co.nz
Join us at the Club this Saturday afternoon from 4.30pm as the Vodafone Warriors host the Broncos from Mt Smart Stadium, flying high the Mighty Warriors look to add another heavyweight scalp to the 5 victories on the run.
A fantastic curtain raiser for the Highlanders who host the Brumbies in Dunedin, kicking off at 7.35pm, both games Live and Loud on the Big Screen, FREE BBQ cook up thanks Super Chef Pete.
Tomorrows Lucky Number hits a high of the Year at $2700.00, YES TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED, members must be present and financial to claim the prize, followed by 2 TWO hours of Happy Hour.
Fantastic Friday Draw, enter at the bar to be in to win a $150 credit on your membership card, to be redeemed in the Restaurant or Bar.
Exciting new Restaurant menu out soon, Open for Lunch and Dinner, every Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun
No live bands this weekend BUT, next Saturday 21st April, back by Popular Demand, direct from Timaru, "C_Bay" Live at the Club from 7pm, no cover charge.
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night to enjoy Ryan Neville and the Midnight Blues Band, first time in Oamaru and the last show before they head to Australia and the USA. Don't miss out on an absolutely awesome show, tickets available at the bar.
Thursday Lucky Number draw this Thursday hits $2500.00, yes Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, you must be here to claim the prize.
Happy Hour Thursday 6.30pm till 8.30pm, each and every Thursday.
Fantastic Friday Draw, $150 credit to be won, simply register at the bar before 6.15pm
Warriors V Cowboys this Saturday, Live from Mt Smart Stadium, kicking off from 7.30pm
Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Bee Gees / Neil Diamond Tribute Show, Friday 11th May, tickets available at the Bar
See you at the Club
Good Friday
Bar Open from 11am, Restaurant Lunch and Dinner
Bar Open from 11am, Restaurant Lunch and Dinner
Easter Sunday
Bar Open from 9am Parker Joshua Fight, Free Sausage Sizzle Restaurant Open Lunch and Dinner
Easter Monday
Bar Open from 11am, Restaurant Closed
Join us at the Club this Sunday Morning for the Heavyweight Championship Fight of the Year.
Club open from 8am, FREE sausage sizzle breaky, Bar Open from 9am, LIVE and LOUD on ALL the screens.
Todays Lucky Number Draw hits a massive $2200 YES TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, you gotta be here to claim the CASH.
BLUFF OYSTER raffles Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Thursday Lucky Number Draw plus the longest happy hour from 6.30pm
GOOD FRIDAY, Club open from 11am, Restaurant Open for lunch from 12 noon and for dinner from 5pm.
Super Rugby Action, Chiefs host the Highlanders kicking off from 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle thanks to Chef Pete.
Saturday LIVE Entertainment with "The Groove", no cover charge, first in best seats, bring your dancing shoes.
Coming Attractions, Ryan Neville and the Midnight Blues Band Saturday 7th April and Bee Gees + Neil Diamond Show Friday 11th May, Tickets available at the bar now.
Courtesy Coach Tues Thurs Fri Sat 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club on Thursday to witness history in the making, New Zealand's first ever Day/ Night Cricket Test v England. Kicking off from 2pm, Live and Loud, Lucky Number draw at 6.30pm, Happy Hour from 6.30pm until 8.30pm, get the boys together for a bucket,
Todays Lucky Numbers hits $2000, yes TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, you must be here to claim the cash, Bluff Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday draw each and every Friday, $2 to register, $150 credit MUST go.
Super Sport Saturday, Raiders host the Warriors in Canberra, kicking off from 5pm
Super Rugby action as the Hurricanes host the Highlanders from the Cake Tin, kicking off from 7.35pm, first in best seats.
A reminder of the Parker V Joshua World Title Fight, Sunday 1st April, Club opens from 8am, FREE sausage sizzle, Bar opens from 9am, lock it in, tell ya friends.
Ryan Neville Blues Show Saturday 7th April
Bee Gees, Neil Diamond Tribute Show, Friday 11th May.
Tickets available at the bar now
Not long to go until Easter Bunny turns up.
Club hours through the Easter weekend are;
Thursday, Bar Open 11am, Restaurant Open 12-2, 5-late
Good Friday, Bar Open 11am, Restaurant Open 12-2, 5-late
Saturday Bar Open 11am, Restaurant Open 12-2, 5-late
Easter Sunday, Bar Open 9am Parker v Joshua Fight, Restaurant Open 12-2, 5-late
Pop Up Shop, Bringing the Dunedin Boutique to the Oamaru Club for One Day Only
Saturday 17th March 10am-4pm
Join us Saturday Night as the Highlanders host the Crusaders in Dunedin, kicking off at 7.35pm, live and LOUD on the big screen, first in best seats.
Curtain raiser for the Super Rugby this week is the Mighty Warriors who host the Titans at Mt Smart, kicking off at 5pm, get the team together and enjoy a bucket of beers.
Todays Lucky Number sits at $1800, just waiting for your name to appear on the screen, ya gotta be here to claim it.
Bluff Oyster raffles today and all week all going well with the boats, $2 per ticket 3 draws, best Oysters in town.
DB drinkers get your cards stamped for the Shimano fishing gear completion, rod, reel, gearbag and more to be won.
Coming Attractions, Saturday 7th April, Ryan Neville and the Midnight Blues Band, Friday 11th May , Bee Gees and Neil Diamond Tribute Show, tickets for both Shows available at the Bar. 2 fantastic shows appearing for the first time in Oamaru, get ya mates together for a great night out, limited tickets.
Attention all boxing fans, Sunday 1st April, Parker V Joshua, LIVE and LOUD on the BIG Screen. Club opens at 8am for undercard fights, FREE sausage sizzle at 8.30am, Bar open from 9am, tell ya friends.
Todays Lucky Number hits $1700, OYSTER raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hours from 6.30pm.
Fantastic Friday draw tomorrow at 6.15pm, $150 credit must go, Super Rugby, Highlanders host the Stormers, kicking off from 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle thanks to Chef Pete
Saturday Cricket action, Black Caps V England in the fifth and deciding ODI from Hagley Oval, kick off 11am.
Live Entertainment with "The Sensational John McCabe", performing at the Club for your listening pleasure from 8pm.
Subscriptions are now due and may be paid for at the bar during opening hours, cards will printed within a few days and may then be uplifted from the bar.
Ryan Neville Blues Band Show, Saturday 7th April, tickets now available from the bar, don't miss out.
Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night with John McCabe playing live from 8pm.
Join us at the Club Friday night as the Highlanders kick off their 2018 season hosting the Auckland Blues in Dunedin, kicking off at 7.35pm, live and LOUD on the BIG Screen, FREE sausage sizzle thanks to Pete. Remember the Fantastic Friday Draw each week, $150 credit MUST be won every Friday, register at the bar.
Tonight's Lucky Number hits Thirteen (unlucky for some) Hundred $1300, you must be here to claim the cash, meat raffles from 5.30, HAPPY Hour from 6.30-8.30pm
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "THE GROOVE", kicking off from 8pm, bring your dancing shoes, Restaurant booking advised to avoid disappointment.
"Ryan Neville and the Midnight Blues Band", for the first time in Oamaru, before heading on their tour of the United States and Australia, tickets only $23, go to Ryannevilleshowband.co.nz
Tickets available from the Club next week.
We are hosting the Clubs NZ South Island Darts Tournament here next week, 302 registered players, a warm welcome to all
Attention Cricket fans, T20 cricket action this week, Today Black Caps V England at 7pm, Friday Black Caps V Australia at 7pm and Sunday Black Caps V England again from 7pm, all games live and loud on the Big Screen
Todays Lucky Number hits $1000, get the crew down and make an evening of it with the T20 cricket and share a bucket or 2, $1000 get you more than enough buckets of beer.
Remember our awesome meat raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Thursday Lucky Number draw this week followed directly by Happy Hour, you gotta be here to claim the prize.
Fantastic Friday Draw where someone must win $150 credit, followed by the T20 cricket, v Aussie.
Super Rugby kicks off this weekend, unfortunately just in Sth Africa, so no games live at the Club. Our Super Rugby competition also kicks off Saturday, limited to 60 members, only $25 to enter, to be paid by April, 1st Prize $1000, 2nd $300 and 3rd $200, filling up fast, register at the bar.....
Super Rugby kicks off in 10 days, pretty exciting stuff indeed.
Members Competition starts today, limited to the first 60 members, only $25 to enter must be paid by April, all monies paid out in prize money, based on 60 members 1st $1000, 2nd $300, 3rd $200, weekly giveaways and more, get your name down today, enter at the bar.
Todays Lucky Number Draw hits $900, you gotta be here to claim it. Happy Hour from 6.30pm, the longest in town.
Fantastic Friday Draw must go each week, register at the bar before 6.15pm, one member MUST collect $150 credit.
Live Entertainment this week direct from Timaru for the first time "C-Bay" from 7pm, no cover charge, be ready to have a great night.
Sunday Super Spud Dig Day, ( say that 7 times fast ) , please have your buckets here from midday, FREE sausage sizzle for all, Beer Bucket Specials, great prizes to be won plus Slater Racing in the Hall.
Ryan Neville Blues Show plus Bee Gee's/ Neil Diamond Show coming soon............
Attention all Spud Dig competitors
Judging and prize giving id this Sunday 11th February
Please have buckets at the Club by 12 noon
Free Sausage sizzle for all and beer specials
Slater racing in the hall
Great prizes to be won
Live Entertainment this Saturday Night with "Little City Duo", kicking off at 8pm, get in early for the best seats.
Thursday Lucky Number, $700 up for grabs tonight, well done last weeks winner who walked away with a very cool $2200, just by being here at the Club.
Happy Hour today (2 HOURS) from 6.30pm, raffles from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday tomorrow, $150 credit must be won, register at the Bar before 6.15pm.
A reminder for all Spud Dig competitors, judging will take place on Sunday 11th February, get those last minute applications sorted.
Super Rugby kicking off in a couple of weeks, this years picks competition is a slightly different format to last year, details to follow soon.
Leave the car at home and take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach, 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
That's what I'm hearing from our members, the BEST ribeye in town, and only $25.00 with salad and fries. Our lunch special of West Coast whitebait continues, served with salad and fries only $16, bookings recommended to avoid disappointment.
Members Lucky Number this Thursday hits $2200, you gotta be here to claim the cash, its that easy.
Thursday Happy Hour, the longest in town, from 6.30pm, get the team together and share a bucket of beer(or 2) and watch the Black Caps v Pakistan T20 live from 7pm, first in best seats.
Fantastic Friday draw each and every Friday $150 credit must be won, register at the bar to be in the draw.
Sunday cricket action with the Black Caps V Pakistan T20 live from Tauranga, kick off 7pm, live and LOUD.
Remember the meat raffles every Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday from 5.30pm.
Please make use of the FREE courtesy coach for pick ups and drop off's from 4pm, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999011
See you at the Club
Summer heat and sun is hitting Oamaru, so in an effort to keep you hydrated we have released the "Beer Buckets"
6 stubbies in a bucket if ice only $30 for members, you do the maths and its the BEST price in town, ideal to share for the Black Caps matches.
Lucky Number this Thursday reaches $2000, yes TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, up for grabs, you MUST be here to claim the prize.
The longest Happy Hour in town kicks off at 6.30pm
Black Caps action this Friday at 11am live from the Basin Reserve, sneak off early to take advantage of the buckets
Severn Restaurant open for lunch and dinner every Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun, check out the delicious West Coast whitebait lunches from $16
A reminder to all Spud Dig competitors that the competition dig day is Sunday 11th Feb here at the Club, buckets to be brought to the Club prior to judging.
Please utilise the FREE courtesy coach every Tues Thurs Fri and Sat, 0800 999 011, for pick ups and drop offs
See you at the Club
Happy New Year to you all and trust you have had an awesome festive season so far.
Fantastic night here on New Years Eve, big thanks to all that attended.
Pretty much back to business as usual here at the Club, Sumptuous Westcoast Whitebait lunches continue Thursday thru Sunday, with dinner from 5pm.
Thursday Lucky Number this week hits a whopping $1800, you must be here to claim the prize, the towns longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm every Thursday.
Fantastic Friday continues, one lucky member must pick up $150 credit every Friday.
Live Cricket action this Saturday as the Black Caps take on Pakistan in a one dayer in Dunedin from 11am
Raffles on from 5.30pm every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800999011
Live Music kicks off again the first Saturday of February
Orange Door is here, download the app, choose your own music video's from a list of over 25000, you be the DJ
Lock in New Years Eve at the Oamaru Club, live band "Manjammin" kicks us off into the new year this Sunday.
Lucky Number tonight hits $1400, you must be here to claim the cash, Raffles as usual from 5.30pm and the towns longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Severn Restaurant open Thursday thru till Sunday for lunch and dinner, PLUS Restaurant open Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd from 5pm for Dinner, bookings advised.
Please take advantage of the Courtesy Coach this festive season, operating Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat PLUS New Years Eve Sunday from 4pm 0800 999 011
Best wishes to you all from the Club Executive, Management and Board
A Merry Christmas wish to all members from the Executive, Management and Staff
Club Hours over the festive season, Open every day from 11am except for being closed on Christmas Day.
Severn Restaurant is open from 5pm on Boxing Day and Wednesday 27th December. Then resumes normal hours for lunch and dinner Thursday thru Sunday.
Have a safe and happy Christmas
Merry Christmas Members
DB Ham promo drawn tonight, 5 Hams to be won, get your tickets stamped and in the entry box today.
Lucky Number Draw hits $1100, be here to claim the cash in time for Xmas, raffles from 5.30pm
Happy Hour Thursday, the longest in town, Lucky Number Draw at 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw each week $150 credit must be won by one Lucky member.
Live Entertainment on Saturday Night with "The Groove" for your listening pleasure, no cover charge, the best way to wrap up the week.
New Years Eve live entertainment with "Manjammin", the mainlands top funk R&B rock R&R band here in Oamaru for the first time after touring the North Island.
Please take advantage of the FREE courtesy coach this festive season, every Tues Thurs Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
This Sunday 17th December, The Oamaru Club Kids Xmas party, Fenwick school 10am. Horse rides, Noddie train, Candy Floss, Pippity Pop balloons, Ice creams, Bouncy castles, Lolly scrambles and a special visit from Santa himself. Please note, Open to all Members kids, grandkids etc
Club Shout this Friday 15th December, Happy Hour All Day, Quickfire raffles, Xmas Ham Raffles, Fantastic Friday Draw, one lucky member MUST win $150 Credit on their card.
Lucky member draw today hits $900, you must be here to claim the cash, Xmas ham raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour (2 Hours) from 6.30pm, Xmas ham raffles from 5.30pm, Lucky Number Draw 6.30pm
New Years Eve Party, Sunday 31st, see in the New Year at the Club with "ManJamin", fresh from their North Island Tour, first time in Oamaru, first in get the best seats for the night, book in now for dinner on this night, restaurant is filling up.
FREE Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night to dance the night away with Sha-Low, live and LOUD from 8pm, no cover charge.
Tuesday Lucky Member draw this week, $700 up for grabs, you must be here to claim the cash.
XMAS ham raffles every Tues, Thurs,, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm, you gotta be in to win.
Black Caps V West Indies 2nd Test kicks off Saturday, 11am live from Hamilton.
The Club Kids Christmas Party is Sunday 17th December, at Fenwick School from 10am, Horse rides, Noddie train, Bouncy castles, Pippity Pop and more including a visit from Santa himself, lock it in, open to all members kids, grandkids etc
Severn Restaurant open Thursday till Sunday for lunch and dinner, awesome $16 lunch specials including West Coast Whitebait.
Remember the FREE courtesy coach operating Tues, Thurs, Fri and sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Things are warming up at the Club as we head into the festive season, a reminder to keep hydrated during these warmer days.
Xmas ham raffles Tues, Thurs Fri and Sat from 5.30pm here at the Club, this Thursdays Lucky Number retriggers at $600, congratulations to last nights lucky member who walked away with a very cool $2500.00
Happy Hour tomorrow to help ease into the weekend from 6pm till 8pm.
Fantastic Fridays draw will see one Lucky Member receive $150 credit on their card, drawn around 6.15pm each week, you gotta be in to win.
The Black Caps summer of cricket kicks off Friday morning from 11am, as we take on the mighty West Indies in the first test, full coverage of the 5 day test match.
Saturday Night Live Entertainment with crowd favorites this week with Johnny and the Cashtones, Live and Loud, no cover charge from 8pm, bring ya dancing shoes.
Kids Christmas Party to be held on Sunday 17th December at Fenwick School from 10am, lock it in your diary.
Great day at the Club for the second Tuesday in a row, many thanks to all the members who supported the day, congratulations to Lazarus in picking up the Cup for the second time in a row, great to have an Oamaru connection with my cuzzie being a part owner. More racing action this Saturday with the New Zealand Galloping Cup.
Lucky Number Thursday hits $2200 this week, you must be here to claim the prize, its just that easy.
Happy Hour each and every Thursday from 6.30pm, xmas ham raffles from 5.30pm.
Fantastic Friday, the best way to wrap up the working week, one lucky members gets $150 credit every Friday, MUST be won.
World Cup Rugby League action this Saturday Night, Kiwi's v Fiji, 7.30pm kick off live and loud from Wellington
Live Entertainment this Saturday night with timeless music from "Break Thru", playing classic rock'n'roll and country, no cover charge.
Lock in New Years Eve, first time performance in Oamaru, we present "Manjamin"
Join us at the Club tomorrow for the NZ Trotting Cup
Happy Hour 2pm- 6pm
Bubbles and Strawberries
Free Nibbles
Free bbq after the Cup
Giveaways and more
Restaurant Open tomorrow for dinner from 5pm.
Awesome turnout and a great day yesterday for the Melbourne Cup, so lets do it all again next Tuesday 14th November for the New Zealand Trotting Cup, kicking off from midday, Happy Hour 2pm-6pm, FREE nibbles, Free bbq after the Cup, Bubbles and Strawberries.
Thursday Lucky Number tomorrow hits $2000, must be here to claim the cash. Whitebait and meat raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour 6.30-8.30pm.
Friday Lunch specials this week from $16.00 including west coast whitebait.
World Cup Rugby League action this Saturday with the Kiwi's taking on Tonga at 5pm live and LOUD on the big screen, free bbq at kick off thanks to super chef Pete Bell
Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
Join us the take in the big race
Happy Hour 2-6pm
FREE nibbles during the day
FREE sausage sizzle after the race
Punters Club
Unlucky Ticket Draws
Bubbles and Strawberries
Lock it in next Tuesday 7th November, join us for an awesome afternoon here at the Club
Happy Hour from 2pm-6pm, Free nibbles during and bbq straight after the race, Bubbles and strawberries $4.50, sweepstakes, unlucky ticket draws and more.
FREE Wifi back up and running here at the Club, log on to Orange Door and choose your own Music Video's, FREE to all patrons.
Whitebait lunch specials from $16 in the Severn Restaurant, open from midday Thursday till Sunday
Tonight's Lucky Number Draw hits $1700, you must be here to win
Whitebait and Meat Raffles every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm
Fantastic Friday Draw every week MUST give away $150 credit on your membership card.
Rugby League World Cup action this Saturday 5pm the mighty Kiwi's take on Scotland from AMI Stadium, Christchurch, Free bbq from kick off
V8 Supercars from Pukekohe this Sunday, 4pm race start, Live and LOUD on the Big Screen
Free Courtesy Coach 0800 999 011
Kicking off today, purchase your seed spud and bucket and register for the annual spud dig. Awesome prizes up for grabs including the mighty trophy, only $4 to enter, register at the bar.
Tuesday Lucky Number draw today sits at $1500, you must be here to claim the prize, whitebait and meat raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour this week 6.30-8.30pm, the longest in town, raffles from 5.30pm and the Lucky Number draw.
Friday Lunch Special this week including West Coast Whitebait mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Fantastic Friday Draw where $150 credit MUST be won each and every Friday, drawn before 6.30pm
DB Export Umbrella and camp seats to be drawn this Friday, great package for the summer, get your cards stamped and in the entry box before 6.30pm
World Cup Rugby League kicks off this week, see the Kiwi's in action against Samoa this Saturday from 8pm, live and LOUD on the Big Screen, FREE BBQ prior to kick off thanks to super chef Pete Bell
Have a great week
Tuesday 7th November, Melbourne Cup 2017
The Race that stops 2 Nations
Join us at the Club
Happy Hour 2pm-6pm
Free nibbles and BBQ - Cheers Pete
Bubbles and Strawberries Specials
Unlucky ticket draws
Punters Club
Lock it in and make a day of it at the Club
The countdown is on, only 9 days till kick off in the 2017 Rugby League World Cup, Kiwi pool games on the 28 Oct, 4 Nov and the 11 Nov, FREE bbq at kick off thanks to super chef Pete Bell, all Kiwi games live and LOUD on the BIG Screen
Thursday raffles, including West Coast whitebait, kicking off at 5.30pm tomorrow, Lucky number sits at $1400, and the longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm.
Fantastic Friday drawn around 6.15pm each week now, one LUCKY winner picks up $150 credit each and every Friday.
Get your card stamped with every DB product purchase, DB Export beach umbrella and chairs to be won, drawn 27th October.
Annual Spud Dig competition kicks off this week, only $4 to enter, great prizes to be won including the mighty trophy and bragging rights for the next year. Keep an eye out at the Club for details.
Saturday Night live entertainment with the Drama Queens, performing here from 8pm for your listening and dancing pleasure, no cover charge.
Tell ya friends
Mitre 10 Rugby action this Saturday from 5.05pm, Otago hosting the boys from down south at 5.05pm
Live Entertainment from 8pm with "Little City Duo" big turnout last time they played here, first in gets the best seats.
Tuesday Lucky number this weeks hits $1100, you must be here to claim the prize.
Thursday Lucky number, raffles from 5.30pm, and the longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday winds up the working week with $150 credit going on one Lucky members card, MUST be won each week.
Info out soon on the "Spud Dig" competition kicking off soon.
Melbourne Cup is not too far away, lock it in here at the Club Live and Loud.
Well done to all the Bathurst winners, Holden, Holden and then a Kiwi.
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat 0800999011
Bathurst 1000, the ultimate race that stops 2 nations for motor sport fans, Live and LOUD on the big screen this Sunday. Race starting approx. 1pm, first in gets the best seats, FREE bbq's during the race thx to super chef Pete.
Todays Lucky Number draw sits at $800, raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday raffles from 5.30pm, Happy Hour from 6.30pm and the Lucky Number, you must be here to claim the prize.
Fantastic Fridays wrap up the working week, $150 must be won by one Lucky Member each and every Friday, drawn earlier this week at 6.15pm.
Mitre 10 Rugby Otago V Bay of Plenty Saturday afternoon from 2.35pm
Join us for a night of Live Entertainment on Saturday with "The Groove" playing the best in boogie rock and blues, bring your dancing shoes.
Remember the FREE COURTESY COACH every TUES THURS FRI and SAT from 4pm 0800 999 011
Heads up boys and girls, get the chores done Saturday so you can enjoy Super Sunday with us at the Club.
All Blacks V Argentina Sunday morning kick off at 11.40am, FREE BBQ BREAKFAST thanks to Super Chef Pete. Then stick around for Otago V Wellington live from the windy city at 2.35pm, afternoon sorted!!
Todays Lucky Number draw sits at $700, raffles from 5.30pm
Wednesday Mitre 10 Cup Action Otago V Northland 7.35pm
Thursday Raffles and Lucky Number draw, Oamaru's longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm (2 Hours)
Fantastic Friday wraps up the working week with $150 to be won each and every Friday, one Lucky Member MUST win.
Saturday Live Entertainment with "Little City Duo", for your dancing pleasure from 8pm, NO cover charge.
Check out our Facebook page for your chance to WIN tickets to the Rugby this Saturday, corporate pass and complimentary refreshment.
Bathurst 1000 next Sunday 8th October, LOCK IT IN
0800 999 011
Elton was the first to notice my intentional error about the All Black Breakfast on Sunday 1st October
Kick off is in fact 11.40am, so kindly pointed out.
Complimentary drink for Elton on his next visit
LIVE Entertainment this Saturday Night from 8.30pm till late, no cover charge, bring your dancing shoes.
Tuesday Lucky Number hits $800 tonight, Raffles from 5.30pm, draw sometime after 6pm
Thursday Mitre 10 rugby action, Otago hosting the Aucklanders in Dunedin kicking off at 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle for all Otago supporters thanks to Pete.
Lucky Number draw sometime after 6pm and the longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm
NRL League semi final action, Friday night from 9.55pm the Storm take on the Broncos and Saturday night from 9.40pm the Roosters tackle the Cowboys
Fantastic Fridays celebrated again this week with one Lucky Member taking away $150 credit on their card, MUST be won this Friday
Friday Lunch Specials this week with new Chef Deidre preparing some sumptuous treats, NEW MENU soon to be released, watch this space.
Heads up for Sunday week being the 1st of October, All Blacks V Argentina kicking off at 11.40pm, FREE bbq Breaky on offer to all members
Attention all members, one lucky member MUST WIN $150 credit on their card today
Reminder of the Super Sport Saturday, Otago v Tasman 4.35pm followed by All Blacks V Sth Africa at 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle at kick off, bring ya friends.
Sandown 500 Sunday afternoon, race starts around 3pm, live and LOUD, prelude to Bathurst screening all day on Sunday 8th October, lock it in.
Have a SUPER weekend
Get the chores done early this Saturday, Rugby action kicking off first with Otago hosting Tasman kicking off at 4.35pm in the Mitre 10 Cup match of the day.
All Blacks V Sth Africa, Live and LOUD, from Nth Harbour. Kicking off at 7.35pm, FREE SAUSAGE SIZZLE thanks to super chef Pete
Todays Lucky Number draw retriggers at $600, congrats to last weeks winner who walked away with $1500, raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour (longest in town) from 6.30pm Raffles from 5.30pm, Lucky Number draw drawn sometime after 6pm
Attention Motorsport Fans, action from the V8 Supercars from Sandown this weekend, Sundays 161 lap enduro starting around 3pm, Live and LOUD on the big screen.
Bathurst Supercars Sunday not far away, Sunday 8th October, lock it in.
FREE COUTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800999011
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night as the mighty All Blacks host Argentina in Taranaki, kick off at 7.35pm, Live and LOUD on the big screen, FREE sausage sizzle at kick off for all All Black supporters.
Todays Lucky Number draw hits $1500, drawn at 6.30pm you must be here to claim the prize, raffles from 5.30, Oamaru's longest Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Fantastic Friday lucky members draw, one Lucky Member MUST win $150 credit on their card, each and every Friday.
Mitre 10 Rugby action this Sunday as Otago travel to Napier to tackle Hawkes Bay, kick off at 4.35pm
Members please note, this Sunday, the Club will be closing at the earlier time of 6pm (after the rugby)
Join us today to celebrate Fantastic Friday, $150 member credit MUST be won today at 6.30pm, only $2 to enter.
Tattoo Show tomorrow, registration from 12 noon, show starts 2pm, adults $10 kids free.
Johnny and the Cashtones entertaining from 8.30pm
Fathers Day buffet, lunch and dinner, only $25 for an awesome 3 course spread, filling up fast, book now!!
Have a great weekend
Heads up members, Sunday 3rd September is Fathers Day, surprise dad with a Special Buffet for lunch or dinner, only $25 for a sumptuous 3 course offering, limited seats remaining so please book now to avoid disappointment.
Tuesday lucky number sits at an impressive $1200 tonight, drawn around 6.30pm, you must be here to claim the cash, raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday raffles as usual from 5.30pm, the longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm (2 HOURS) and the lucky number draw.
Tattooed and Proud, 2017 Show, this Saturday, details to follow.
Mitre 10 Rugby action this Saturday, Otago host Manawatu kicking off at 2.35pm, Live and Loud on the big screen, FREE sausage sizzle for all Otago supporters.
Live Entertainment with Johnny and the Cashtones, Saturday Night from 8.30pm, bring your dancing shoes
FREE COURTESY COACH Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm
See you at the Club
Join us at the Club today to celebrate Fantastic Friday, each and every Friday one Lucky members wins $150 credit on their card to use in the Restaurant or Bar, just $2 to enter, drawn at 6.30pm.
Reminder to get your cards in for the Monteith Rugby Jersey giveaway, drawn before kick off tomorrow for the second Bledisloe Cup game at 7.35pm. 5 Jerseys to be won, get your card stamped with each purchase.
Fathers Day, Sunday 3rd September, Special buffet both lunch and dinner, $25 for a 2 course with all dads getting a free pint to wash it down :) Bookings highly recommended to avoid disappointment.
Free Courtesy Coach Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm 0800 999 011
Sunday Boxing Action McGregor V Mayweather, undercard fights from 1pm, we will be running the courtesy coach from 1pm fro those wanting to take advantage of this FREE service on the day, we will pick you up and safely deliver you home, FREE sausage sizzles during the afternoons action too
See you at the Club
Join us at the Club this Sunday for a day full of sporting action.
Mayweather V McGregor Live and Loud on the big screen, undercard fight starting from 1pm, an afternoon of top boxing action.
Ranfurly Shield challenge, Otago travel north to take on the shield holders, Canterbury at AMI Stadium, kicking off at 4.35pm.
Free sausage sizzles during the afternoons action.
Bledisloe Cup rugby game two in Dunedin, All Blacks V Wallabies this Saturday Night from 7.35pm, FREE sausage sizzle at kick off thanks to chef Pete :)
Thursday Lucky Number this week hits $1100, drawn around 6.30pm, you must be here to claim the prize, raffles from 5.30pm, HAPPY HOUR from 6.30pm
FREE COURTESY COACH from 4pm every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat
Lunch specials every Friday from 12 noon
See you at the Club
Join us at the Club this Saturday Night for the first Bledisloe Cup game of the year, Live and LOUD on the big screen, live from Sydney with a 10pm kick off, simply the best place in town to watch the game.
Mitre 10 Cup Rugby kicks of this week with Otago travelling to Nth Harbour on Thursday Night, 7.35pm kick off, get in early to get the best seats.
Tuesday Lucky Number tonight, drawn around 6.30pm, this weeks total climbs to $800, you must be here to claim the cash, raffles from 5.30pm
Thursday Happy Hour from 6.30pm, Lucky Number drawn around 6.30pm, Meat and Oyster raffles from 5.30pm
See you at the Club
Hot off their National Tour the Oamaru Club welcomes the Drama Queens to Town. Saturday Night Live Entertainment, kicking off from 8pm, NO Cover Charge, best in gets the best seats.
Tuesday Lucky Number retriggers this week at $600, well done to last weeks Lucky member who walked away with $1500 CASH, raffles from 5.30pm today
Thursday Happy Hour, the longest in town, from 6.30pm, raffles from 5.30pm with the Lucky number drawn around 6.30pm
Remember the FREE COURTESY COACH for both pick ups and drop offs from 4pm, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat.
TAB service back and fully operational for your punting requirements.
See you at the Club
Saturday Night Entertainment
Johnny and the Cashtones
Kicking off at 8pm, bring your dancing shoes
Its still cool out there but things are warming up at the Oamaru Club
Thursday Lucky Number tonight hits $1500, you must be here to claim the cash. The longest Happy Hour in town from 6.30pm with oyster and meat raffles from 5.30 each and every Thursday
Friday lunch specials in the Restaurant from midday
NRL Rugby League action this Saturday with the Warriors travelling across the ditch to tackle Newcastle, kicking off from 5pm, first in gets the best seats for the best big screen in town
Only 2 weeks till Mitre 10 Rugby kicks off with Otago facing Nth Harbour on the 17th Aug, then 2 days later the battle of the Bledisloe, stay tuned for more info on our new format for Rugby
The TAB pod will be up and running as usual today, we apologise for the technical issues we have been having
FREE COURTESY COACH every Tues, Thurs Fri and Sat 0800 999 011
See you at the Club
Don :)
Lock it in, Oamaru Club AGM this Sunday 30 July at 10am.
Elections will be taking place on Saturday 29 July from 11am until 6pm, and Sunday 30 July from 9am until 11am, make your vote count.
Lucky number draw today sits at $1200, you must be here to claim the cash, raffles from 5.30pm, meat and oysters.
Raffles from 5.30pm Thursday, Lucky number draw and Happy Hour from 6.30pm
Rugby League action this Friday night as the Warriors host the Sharks at Mt Smart Stadium kicking off at 8pm.
Super Rugby action this Saturday from 7.35pm, Canterbury host the Chiefs from AMI Stadium
See you at the Club
A very good afternoon members and welcome to the first of our weekly emails
Lucky number draw tonight is sitting at $1100 cash, remember you must be here to claim the prize, OYSTER and meat raffles from 5.30pm with our Thursday Happy Hour kicking off from 6.30pm for 2 hours
Saturday Super Rugby Action see's the Highlanders travelling to enemy territory to take on the Crusaders, its sudden death rugby, first in gets the best seats, live and LOUD on the big screen, kicking off at 7.35pm
Immediately after the Rugby, Live Entertainment with Little City Duo performing for your listening pleasure, bring your dancing shoes
Remember the FREE Courtesy Coach running from 4pm every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday just call 0800 999 011
See you at the Club