LUCKY NO: was not struck last night so it will jackpot to $2000.00 on Tuesday - remember be here to win.
1st FEBRUARY- John McCabe in the Lounge Bar 7.30pm
2nd FEBRUARY: The Club will be closing @ 6.00pm for a private function - sorry for the inconvenience
MEMBERSHIPS: These are due on or before 31st March, we are pleased to let you know we can take payments now for these. Renewals will be emailed out to those who have given their emails to us in the next couple of weeks. If you're out of town and wish to have these posted please let our staff know as there is an extra charge for postage, otherwise these need to be collected from the Bar.
Tai Chi: starts again February 4th - come along and have a go - no need to be a member for Tai Chi
GOLF Section - 9th Feb, 11am Tee off @ Ardleigh Golf Club - Palmerston, see you there.