Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru

Live Band Saturday

Join us at the Club this Saturday Night and be entertained by "Th Art of Cheese", back by popular demand, music from the 50's onwards, be prepared to be impressed. A reminder to reserve your table if wishing to dine in the Severn Restaurant on a Saturday Night.

Tonight's Members Lucky Number Draw hits $2400.00, WOW the best way to start the weekend, the only condition is that you MUST be here to claim the cash.

Black Caps v India, One Day Cricket today from 3pm, get the team together and take advantage of our BEER BUCKET specials, Heineken, Steinlager or Corona, 6 ICE Cold beers in a bucket of ice for only $30.

Meat and money raffles from 5.30pm today, Happy Hour for two hours from 6.30pm

Jody Direen Show, Saturday 2nd March, tickets on sale now, available from the bar for only $20, don't leave it too late, this show will sell out.

A reminder members, Bursary Grant Applications close on Friday 8th February, forms available from the office or the bar

Stay Hydrated

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz