Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru

Quick Fires Today

Quick Fire Raffles kick off this afternoon from 5.30pm, hundreds of prizes up for grabs, 100 tickets (per raffle) $1 per ticket, with 9 draws.

Happy Hour from 6.30pm, plus LUCKY number hits $2100.00, you must be here to claim the CASH

A reminder for those who have renewed their Club memberships online, your cards have been printed and are at the Bar for you to collect.

Live Entertainment Saturday with "Flipside", taking the stage from 7.30pm so first in best seats.

Totally 80's Show tickets still available, either at the Bar or online at cosmicticketing.co.nz Saturday 29th April, this is a tribute show not to be missed.

NRL Action this week with the Warriors hosting the Cowboys at Mt Smart, kick off at 5pm

Severn Restaurant open Thursday thru Sunday for both Lunch and Dinner

Please take advantage of the FREE Courtesy Coach every Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm for both pick ups and drop offs 0800999011

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz